Triage is at GOAAALLLLL!!!!

Afternoon all!!!

Well yes I did have have a lovely day, we went to my favourite new age town instead of the play caf at the request of my Daughter :) so I was a very happy bunny!

A new book bought on the art of psychic tarot from my fav esoteric bookshop so that is what I shall be reading tonight! My reiki course starts next weekend and I already have big plans for the basement that the kids don't seem to be using since we created a playroom for them down there! So quite exciting!

Apologies in advance for my absence over the next few days whilst I galivant off on the hen weekend!

No lunch today as was stuffed from brekkie, had a skinny latte whilst out and a piece of cooked bacon and a bratwurst when I got home though just had roast duck with leftover cauli cheese mash for dinner!

Have a good weekend all x

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oooo exciting times,psychic tarot sound interesting,i love that sort of thing.
Morning all, quick check in before I go!!

10.5 on the nose this morning! That's another 1/4 lb down.....

Mission this weekend is to sts or lose! Wish me luck x

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Hi there triage your doing so well x, I am thinking of moving over from exante for the last 10lbs. Would love any advice as you've taken the same rout for almost the same weight. Did you put anything back on switching over??
slaj said:
Good luck Jo, have a great weekend , behave yourself! :) Of course ;0p!

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Busybusy said:
Hi there triage your doing so well x, I am thinking of moving over from exante for the last 10lbs. Would love any advice as you've taken the same rout for almost the same weight. Did you put anything back on switching over??

It was the best thing I ever did, no gains at all and I lost 3lb my first week!

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Thanks all.....Right must dash!!! Chow x

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Have a fab weekend cowboy ;)
loving the tagged pics on fb!
Evening Jo, hope the time off going well:)
Afternoon all!........

I'm back, although still in recovery mode!

Was an extremely good weekend, loved every minute of it :)

Felt extremely bloated though on my return last night and wasn't going to weigh until next Monday but needed to know the damage....I drank lots of cocktails but stuck to Atkins friendly foods barring some apple, coleslaw and guacamole....oh n lots of nuts!

And I had a huge carvery last night including potato to soak up the hangover!

Sooooooo stood on said scales this morning and I'm only 3lb up at 10.7, more than happy with that as it'll be off in no time :)

Off to lay full length of the sofa now though!

J x

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Sounds like a fun time and you did great with food choices. Your right those few pesky pounds will be gone by end of week. Hope your somewhat recovered:)