Triage is at GOAAALLLLL!!!!

Evening Jo !!

You're doing so well and totally in the zone!! Xxx
Morning peeps, well what an eventful 24hrs.... Ended up in hospital last night after a sudden onset of chest pains....!

A zillion pokes, prods and blood tests later thankfully everything has come back clear! Was the worst pain ever but they've put it down to an Eosophageal Spasm which is apparently more painful than a heart attack, with the exact symptoms!

Thankfully nothing more....and just waiting to be collected as you can see I didn't have to be told twice!

I've had not a thing to eat since 1pm yesterday so quite hungry now!! The fast has done me good though :)

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OMG - very scary. Glad to hear you are alright and look after yourself!
Yep absolutely fine but do have a nasty viral infection, the hallucinations today have been fab!!! Woke up about half hour ago with DD getting into my bed and saying she'd been sent home as she'd banged her head I was furious asking how they'd not called me and my dad was supposed to pick her up as I've been poorly etc....

Only then to wake up again and realise when I searched the house for her that I had in fact been dreaming! Madness......

On a positive note, went to visit eldest DD straight from hospital this morning as she was worried about me so OH said he'd bring me around on the way home for a quick coffee n cuddles.......half way through said coffee n cuddles she told me I was going to be a Nanna again!

Two grand bubbies at 34, I think I need to rebook my hospital bed :)

Dead chuffed for her though, her partner has just joined the army so I feel I'll have my work cut out for the next 8 months! She's due Christmas Day! x

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Oh hugs Jo!!! One for the scary hospital visit and one for the forthcoming addition !! What a lot you've packed in over the last couple of days!!! Blimey! Xxx
well you don't sit still for long lol
glad you're ok,and congrats on another bubba. :D
Morning all, thank you for all the congratulations :0)

Still feeling as rough as rats this morning but I have my Grandaughter for 4 hrs whilst DD is at work so have had to dose myself up.....going to take her out in the fresh air so she's not sat around me!

Scales are going well, back down to 10.5 this morning so only a pound away from lowest again :)

Yesterday brekkie was scrambled egg and salmon with coffee

Lunch - None, was too busy sleeping and hallucinating!

Dinner - Roast chicken, broccoli and green beans with gravy made with juices, veg water, knorr stock pot and xantham gum (bloody awesome) if I say so myself!!

More coffee!

This morning is just a coffee as really not hungry due to illness :(

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Wow Jo I turn my back for a couple of days and you scare the living crap out of everyone! ;) So glad it was a positive outcome and hope you get over your illness soon.
A new baby to look forward to how wonderful. Double trouble lol. Congrats to your daughter and her partner. She's going to have her work cut out with him going in the army too but she has fab support from you.

Take care xx
Hey sorry your not feeling to well. The weather has been pretty miserable rain is horrendous here in cambs and will continue for May too apparently. get well rested and congrats on the good news. I love babies (not having anymore myself though).
Evening Jo... Hope the hallucinations have stopped - they sound scary - congrats on the loss though! Xxx