Good morning, feeling good this morning. Going to do my sit ups in a min, I haven’t been as strict with doing them everyday lately but I notice a difference in my tummy when I do them daily so want to make sure I still do them on non gym days.
I was planning on weighing later in the week but woke up wanted to weigh knowing the scales would be up and wasn’t bothered, I had a lovely evening so the gain was worth it, weighed and only 1lb up, still in 170s so really happy with that.
Hoping I’ll be lighter than Fridays weight next time I weigh

I had a sort out of my clothes yesterday, anything maternity instantly went in the charity bag. I came across a bag of clothes I ordered when I was pregnant with Skylar, they were in a sale, I ordered all size 12 thinking I’d use them as motivation to lose weight when sky was born but forgot about them

there’s jeans that I didn’t bother trying as I can’t quite get in size 12 jeans but there was also leggings and dresses that all fit

it was nice to get into the new clothes and feel good in them. It was great having a clear out. I know I’ll never be this big again in my life as no more pregnancies to use as excuses to eat and I’m going to be so careful and mindful. I hate how I feel about my body when I’m big. I’m so much happier when I’m a healthy weight. Sure I’d still be at my goal weight if I hadn’t got pregnant with Sky as I’d been maintaining for over a year.
I need to make my daughters vegan birthday cake today and a diabetic cake for a customer. Might go and get them done in a min so I just have to decorate them later.
Have a good day and remember the choices you make today will have an impact on tomorrow and next weigh in

x x