Trying to get back to goal 🤞💪

I’m still not weighing. Be amazing if I can last a month off the scales 😀 can’t see it happening but I’m hopeful. I’m just trusting that by being on plan and exercising that my body is going in the right direction x x
I hope hypnotherapy goes well! I wonder how you’ll feel afterwards, let us know. I’m finding it easier to be on plan with this lovely weather. I’m still not weighing either but will at some point this week. Best! I love my sleep just sets you up for a more positive day xx
I hope hypnotherapy goes well! I wonder how you’ll feel afterwards, let us know. I’m finding it easier to be on plan with this lovely weather. I’m still not weighing either but will at some point this week. Best! I love my sleep just sets you up for a more positive day xx

yeah I’ll update when I get home. First session is 90 mins.
I find it pretty easy when kids are at school as we’re in routine, when it’s half term and weekends are harder for me.
good luck for when you weigh 🤞 I’d love to be in the 11s when I next weigh so if I can hold off for a month I might be or very close hopefully. I can tell that I’m not back to lowest weigh from having those days off 🙄 tummy a bit bloated still, hopefully back there soon. Kind of regretting saying I’ll go out at the weekend as I feel so focused but guess if I choose some carb free food and only have a couple of cocktails might not be too bad x x
I had a sneaky couple of margaritas and champagnes this weekend/last week. I went shopping so it was a treat. This week I cannot face drinking at all so everything in moderation xx
I’m still not weighing. Be amazing if I can last a month off the scales 😀 can’t see it happening but I’m hopeful. I’m just trusting that by being on plan and exercising that my body is going in the right direction x x
I am attempting the same too. I get really worked up by the scales.
I think it's important to be able to go out.

I used to go out with my shakes and drink sparkling water. It's strange at first - but I got used to it - and actually started to enjoy going out sober. I also learnt how boring people are when they get pissed!
I think relaxed is good right? It means you’re not anxious so that must be brilliant. Go you! Well done for trying it xx
Another day on plan. I started feeling a bit hungry so came to bed lol. Need to make some jelly tomorrow as that’s a nice little snack for evenings if I’ve finished my packs.

Got the gym tomorrow 💪😀 I love going, obviously it’s great to work out but also lovely to get some time alone.

Im off to check the menu of the place I’m going at the weekend, maybe if I plan it might help me stick to good choices 🤞 x x
That’s great! I was hungry yesterday too. I am on mission feel better about myself. I’m off to do my steps. I think looking at the menu and setting yourself a drink limit is a great idea. Feeling hungover makes me want to eat everything! Have a great time at the gym, enjoy your me time xx
That’s great! I was hungry yesterday too. I am on mission feel better about myself. I’m off to do my steps. I think looking at the menu and setting yourself a drink limit is a great idea. Feeling hungover makes me want to eat everything! Have a great time at the gym, enjoy your me time xx
That’s great you’re on a mission, you can do it 💪 do you have a plan? I’m the same, alcohol makes me want to eat and when I’m hungover food always helps so hopefully I’ll be ok if I stick to my plan 🤞 my friend is planning on lots of alcohol but maybe if I drink slowly I’ll be ok, she can carry on drinking and I’ll order water 🤣
X x
Woke up today feeling great, I still feel a bit bloated and my tummy isn’t back to the flatness I had before last weeks off plan days, I thought I’d still be about 3 or 4lbs up from when I last weighed but wanted to know and felt that I could handle whatever the scales said, I’m happy to report I’m only 0.2lbs heavier than when I last weighed 😀 I’ll weigh on Friday before night out in the hope of 170s 🤞

I’m feeling so good 😀😀 x x
This is fantastic news! Well done! Just enjoy your night out as you feel you can. I am out next Tuesday but I’m allowing myself 2 skinny margaritas and will skip a pack. Not ideal but I’m handling it the best way I can then it’ll be sparkling water. My plan....spray tan when I can face it, lash lift, dermaplaning, brows, mani/pedi, teeth clean, hairdressers etc about as vacuous as it gets but I think after a year of roots, dry pale skin I’m ready to sort myself out. I realise the only thing that will help is weightloss. I know some say they’re not happy at goal but I am as I spent a long time slim and it was great. I’m still in shock that I’m much bigger but hey it’s coming off and everyday it’s going the right way. I will weigh myself this weekend. I suppose whatever it takes to feel better in myself.
Good choices will get you to where you want to be. Well done for getting & staying back on track
Im off to check the menu of the place I’m going at the weekend, maybe if I plan it might help me stick to good choices 🤞 x x

Pre-plannng is a great idea!
This is fantastic news! Well done! Just enjoy your night out as you feel you can. I am out next Tuesday but I’m allowing myself 2 skinny margaritas and will skip a pack. Not ideal but I’m handling it the best way I can then it’ll be sparkling water. My plan....spray tan when I can face it, lash lift, dermaplaning, brows, mani/pedi, teeth clean, hairdressers etc about as vacuous as it gets but I think after a year of roots, dry pale skin I’m ready to sort myself out. I realise the only thing that will help is weightloss. I know some say they’re not happy at goal but I am as I spent a long time slim and it was great. I’m still in shock that I’m much bigger but hey it’s coming off and everyday it’s going the right way. I will weigh myself this weekend. I suppose whatever it takes to feel better in myself.
Wow you’ll be looking fabulous 😍 I had my eyebrows and lash extensions the day the salon reopened 🤣 really missed them.
Good plan for when you go out, I’m going to plan on having 2 packs on Friday.
Good luck for next weigh in x x
Hey, another day down, totally on plan but water wasn’t great. I decided not to go the gym today and booked for tomorrow instead, I was so busy baking it didn’t make sense to go when I had loads to do. Tomorrow is another busy baking day, I have 3 birthday cakes to do. Setting my alarm for 5 so hopefully have a good 2 hours before kids get up. Gym session is 3.45 so need the cakes finished and delivered by 3 when I leave for school run 🤞🤞 I’m pretty confident I can do it. Taking Friday off.
I felt so good today, put a gym top on I haven’t worn since before I was pregnant with Skylar, it fit and I felt really confident in it 😀😍 hubby commented that my waist looked smaller and one of the moms at school said I looked really good and she could tell I’d lost weight 😀

My body is still aching from last gym session so probably best to leave it another day anyway.

I’m having a light hearted competition with my 8 year old, it’s the first one to get a 6pack 🤣 every time I go to the gym he says you won’t win lol I’ve got a strong core and can feel my muscles, there’s just a layer of fat on top. Now I’ve lost weight the middle line is visible just about. I can’t wait to have a nice toned tummy again 🤞😍

good night x x