Type 2 Diabetes - anyone 'nearly' diagnosed?

Well, i dont want to upset you further but if you leave medication til the very last option ... your more likely to end up on insulin injections ... the medication you would be on is called metformin ... it basically stimulates your pancreas to produce the insulin you need, as at the moment your body is still producing insulin but due to your weight, etc it isnt using it effectively enough .... hence the metformin just stimulates your pancreas to produce a little more to keep that sugar from damaging your blood vessels ........ so technically from using the metformin daily, you are keeping your pancreas alive n kicking ....... if you didnt then you would end up like me, insulin dependant and totally reliable upon injections upto 4 times a day depending on your lifestyle ... as i take up to 8/10 injections a day .................. like i said, you want to keep yourself healthy and i think although your probably in the denial stage, you would benefit greatly from taking the metformin ..... its usually a pill a day and thats you, you'll visit your gp/nurse maybe twice a year .... whereas insulin will mean quite a big change to your lifestyle, if you drive you will have to declare your illness to the DVLA ... you will have to carry a blood test machine, strips, sugar and injections with you and have to deal with hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia on a daily basis (its hard work i tell ya :rolleyes:) ..... i hope in telling you the truth, it hasnt upset you ... but i think, if it was me i would take the medication and keep my pancreas alive n kicking ... Dont let things get you down, your doing everything right and its all going to pay off in the end xxxxx
Why couldn't she explain it like that? I see, that makes a difference, so if you were me you would get on it asap? She did mention metaformin, so that must be the one.

Thanks Claire, I am not more upset, still a tad in denial but getting there, thanks to you. Hugs.
Doctors forget that patients arent medically qualified and talk a load of rubbish that most people are going to hear, mainly because they dont understand or they are upset ... A lot of people try to diet control their diabetes but unless your going to be able to eat the same all the time and dont snack, or want a life, it would be perfect but who could literally live like that?!! Diabetes is one of those illnesses that is self controlled by the person, so it is what you feel is best .. My mum was diagnosed as a type 2 about 3 years ago, shes been on metformin since and rarely has any problems with her diabetes ... she has her 6monthly fasting bloods and they have always been perfect ..... i think you would benefit greatly from metformin because a) its going to keep your pancreas alive b) if you diet controlled, you wouldnt be able to ever have a day off from being diabetic ........ I dont want to put words in your mouth so i have given you some ideas as to what you can do rather than tell you what to do .... i hope this is helping ... the denial part will go and soon you'll be feeling more you, its a big shock to the system ..... sending you lots of hugs xxxxxx
Thanks Claire, I will definitely reconsider the tablets. I just am feeling so down about it all. I was expecting a pat on the back for the changes i have made and that didn't happen. I know it's pathetic but I just feel so sorry for myself. I can't 'lift' myself as I normally can. I know it could all be so much worse, but the dr made me feel as though it couldn't.

She confused me with her attitude - on the one hand doom and gloom and get on the tablets immediately. On the other, no rush for more blood tests, see the diabetic nurse when you fell like it, 3 months, 6 months whatever! I feel muddled. I think I need a swim!

Keep at it barb, you're doing so well m'lovely. I'd change doctors, that one sounds like a plonker. They should be explaining these things if you are showing concern not just telling you to do what they say.

Maybe you should speak to the diabetic nurse and air your concerns? They will probably be more knowledgable... or perhaps more willing to give you constructive advice like Claire has xx

I find doctors can be very patronising (not all but most) and just like do as i say and don't question it, whereas nurses tend to be a lot more down to earth and willing to speak to you as a person and not a patient x
Maybe you should speak to the diabetic nurse and air your concerns? They will probably be more knowledgable... or perhaps more willing to give you constructive advice like Claire has xx

Deffo agree, can you not speak with a specialist diabetes nurse? she/he will be able to speak to you in a better manner and in a way that you understand xxxx
Thanks Claire, I will definitely reconsider the tablets. I just am feeling so down about it all. I was expecting a pat on the back for the changes i have made and that didn't happen. I know it's pathetic but I just feel so sorry for myself. I can't 'lift' myself as I normally can. I know it could all be so much worse, but the dr made me feel as though it couldn't.

She confused me with her attitude - on the one hand doom and gloom and get on the tablets immediately. On the other, no rush for more blood tests, see the diabetic nurse when you fell like it, 3 months, 6 months whatever! I feel muddled. I think I need a swim!

I have a strong feeling that the majority of people just dont understand diabetes, even the nurses i work with come to me for diabetes related advice for their patients, its bad i know and people should take the time out to teach themself about the condition seen as though its becoming more and more known .... therefore your doctor probably only knows their knowledge from a book, and so the way he/she are acting is probably due to their lack of knowledge.... from personal experience my gp/gp practice nurse ..... etc ... have been awful at helping me with my diabetes ... i see a diabetes specialist nurse & doctor who know the ins and outs of diabetes, sometimes they know my condition more than i do ......... is there anything close by you can ask for a referal to? ........ Diabetes is one of them conditions that people dont see as 'major' so us diabetics are pushed to the back, you gotta fight for your place in the que, as so to speak ........ dont let your doctor do this to you, make sure you fight for your condition to be heard Barb :) xxxxx

P.s despite what the doc says, i say your doing fab ..... they probably havent said anything because they dont realise what an impact loosing weight, etc has on diabetes ... whereas i do :cool:
Thanks Claire, I think I will try and book an earlier appoinment with the nurse, as you say they nearly always seem to have more up to date info than the drs and are better at delivering it too!

I'm feeling much better today, the weight's going down, the fitness is improving, there is everything to play for.
Im so glad that your feeling better ..... yes yes, get appt booked ... your nurse will be able to deliver details abouts courses, apparently theres one called DESMOND ... where you as a newly diagnosed diabetic can learn the ins and outs of diabetes so that you dont have to go through the whole depression, etc part of it and end up being really clued up about it all, and also make some new friends too :flirt2:
i had a hypo today.. Have felt like cack all day since it happened, and really struggled at the gym :(

Hope you are feeling better barb chick, keep yer chin up xx

Ive just had one Hannata :( rubbish aint they ...... i wouldnt mind, my blood sugar was a shocking 30.9mmols this morning for no reason whatsoever ... so todays been a rubbish day for me tooooo, i feel your pain xxxxx
Ive just had one Hannata :( rubbish aint they ...... i wouldnt mind, my blood sugar was a shocking 30.9mmols this morning for no reason whatsoever ... so todays been a rubbish day for me tooooo, i feel your pain xxxxx

I just cant seem to rid myself of this awful thing. I've had lots of diabetic tests and they are all negative. Got a sugar thing which i've tested myself on, its quite often in and around 3-5. I had a coffee with 2 sugars and 25 minutes later it was 3.8. This was a random test my workmate did on me, and she was pretty concerned at the time. I haven't been diagnosed with anything but I can't face going to the doctor again :( They just tell me i'm negative for diabetes and i'm just fat. URRRRRRRRRRGH.

What happens to you if your sugars get too high? x
I just cant seem to rid myself of this awful thing. I've had lots of diabetic tests and they are all negative. Got a sugar thing which i've tested myself on, its quite often in and around 3-5. I had a coffee with 2 sugars and 25 minutes later it was 3.8. This was a random test my workmate did on me, and she was pretty concerned at the time. I haven't been diagnosed with anything but I can't face going to the doctor again :( They just tell me i'm negative for diabetes and i'm just fat. URRRRRRRRRRGH.

What happens to you if your sugars get too high? x

Well with your blood sugars being so low all the time, your deffo not diabetic .... your body is obviously releasing more insulin than needed - another reason why you may be overweight, im here trying to loose weight because i was simply taking too much insulin, your body cannot cope with too much insulin and so it either makes you hungry to gain back that carbohydrate to correct the inbalance or stores it, your liver then reacts and releases glucose, this glucose will also be stored as fat .. your body obviously has some inbalance going on .. hence the continous hypos .... I can relate alot with the hypo's ... ive been havin them for 18years now and im still not use to them, i hate every one i have .... its a shame there is nothing to help you people with continous hypoglycaemia .. other than continously eating ..which is clearly not the way to go eh

If my sugars go too high, first step is feeling lethargic n sick ... if not treated it leads to an acid inbalance and you end up in hospital on a drip ... if thats not treated it can lead to kidney failure, brain damage then death .. pretty grim eh :sigh:xxxx
Well with your blood sugars being so low all the time, your deffo not diabetic .... your body is obviously releasing more insulin than needed - another reason why you may be overweight, im here trying to loose weight because i was simply taking too much insulin, your body cannot cope with too much insulin and so it either makes you hungry to gain back that carbohydrate to correct the inbalance or stores it, your liver then reacts and releases glucose, this glucose will also be stored as fat .. your body obviously has some inbalance going on .. hence the continous hypos .... I can relate alot with the hypo's ... ive been havin them for 18years now and im still not use to them, i hate every one i have .... its a shame there is nothing to help you people with continous hypoglycaemia .. other than continously eating ..which is clearly not the way to go eh

If my sugars go too high, first step is feeling lethargic n sick ... if not treated it leads to an acid inbalance and you end up in hospital on a drip ... if thats not treated it can lead to kidney failure, brain damage then death .. pretty grim eh :sigh:xxxx

Yeah... I've done a bit of reading about it and it seems like overproduction is one step away from diabetes...

Genuinely the last thing I need. I've got severe psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, ibs, agressive migraines and quite a few problems with my eyesight... all at the grand old age of 24. :p

I'm starting to wonder if Etanercept is causing the attacks, I had a really bad episode of them when I first went on it... my doctor said it would be hard to lose weight on it but never mentioned hypos or anything specific..

The hypers sound horrific... :( I really do not know how type 1's cope day to day.. i'm generally alright if i keep my sugar levels up as much as i can throughout the day, but I imagine it would be an awful balancing act between the two x
Ah bless ya, yeah u deffo dont need diabetes to add to your list of illness's .. well if it makes you feel any better im only 25 .. and have good old diabetes, hypertension, damaged blood vessels in my eyes & kidneys, ibs ... and probably other things lurkin ... were prob as bad as one another ..... :rolleyes: .. hehe .... yeah its hard to balance my diabetes along with life ..... some days i wanna curl up in bed and hide all day and others i just wanna be out there bein normal ...... life is fun eh ... heheee ... i hope u manage to sort out your hypoglycaemia, my friend use to have it but randomly grew out of it, she would collapse every now n then wen she hadnt eaten, doctor just said she needed to eat regularly, bit rubbish that there is no explanation for it tho :sigh:xxxx
aww we've been through the wars eh :p

my doctor said i'll be on the dmards for life as far as shes concerned (because a relapse in my psoriasis would be life threatening) and its REALLY annoying that its detrimental to weight loss. Typical eh.

I was great with the hypos for a long time but I think its my body telling me i need to not practically starve myself for the day to eat a big meal at night. I've been doing more regular eating and I do feel better :)
We truly have eh ... hehe, but i like to think its made us the people we are today :flirt2:

Im glad your feelin better :cool: .... its typical that medication can help one thing but worsen another .... i was on ramipril for my hypertention and lost all my hair last year ..... its crazy what meds can bloody do eh xxxxxxx
We truly have eh ... hehe, but i like to think its made us the people we are today :flirt2:

Im glad your feelin better :cool: .... its typical that medication can help one thing but worsen another .... i was on ramipril for my hypertention and lost all my hair last year ..... its crazy what meds can bloody do eh xxxxxxx

yeah its a bummer. Hope you are keeping well :D

I had a sunbed there a couple of days ago and its brightened my spirit a little (I have one every month or so just to top up the vitamin D supply, got SAD)

I did feel a bit iffy this morning, but kept the well managed food in me. I can tell when its coming better and I'm able to fight it off quicker. It seems to just wear me out completely if it gets to the nauseous/dizzy stages!

I'm really on the peak now... hitting to a quarter of the way through my weightloss. Just over 5.5 stone to go which seems miles closer than when I started with about 8 to shift!!

Hope all is well with you and you are looking after yourself! xx
WOW, your doing very well :D You should be sooo proud of yourself with your weight loss :) ... That is simply amazing ... I keep as well as can be ... some days good, some days bad but who doesnt have them eh ... :rolleyes: today, i feel a cold coming on, i have that feeling you get behind your eyes .. so thats guna be fun ... its just typical for me hehe xxxxx