Dear Highways agency
1) Had it ever occured to you that there is in fact a queue ahead because you changed the variable sped limit on a motorway designed for cars to drive at 70 mph to 40mph, thereby resulting in more cars being in the same place at the same time, and thus causign a queue?
2) Make up your minds. Either there is a queue ahead, or there is debris on the road. Granted the queue may result from the debris, but having seen signs saying 'Queue ahead' for 2 juctions of the M25, it is most confusing to then see signed say 'Debris in road'
3) Sort out you App please. It is most inconvenient when I check the App to see if there are any incidents or delays on my route home, find there are none, start to make my journey home, only to find 10 minutes later that I am stuck in 6 miles of traffic on a motorway due to an accident 2 hours ago, in a car with a dodgy fan, in 25 degrees heat, every window open and the sunroof, and the heater on full blast to stop the poxy thing from over heating.
Highways agency, you are rubbish. I want my money back.