Gold Member
You can't be forced into having it if you dont want it. I'm sure a polite "no thank you" will do it.
juicygooseface said:maybe "im allergic to gluten/dairy/fat cakes"
Hen said:Hope you dodged the cakes. I had a terrible day and had a bit of all three that were in the office!!!
The only problem then is you have to maintain the lie..
The guys at one place I worked thought I was allergic to chilli and another place was coconut.. I think!!???
kingleds said:An currently sorting out the payment. The plus side ? The garage does nectar points & the bill is nearly £900! That's a fair number of points![]()
l0v3child said:Raaaaah!!! Ok friend. You want to lose weight to, fine, great! Youre buying into the eat, fast, live longer diet because you saw it on horizon and you want to lose a stone in 4 weeks, fine. But comments like 'well, youre happy with slow and steady and being abit deprived and paying a fiver a week then yeeah....but im gonna starve twice a week' are actually quite unthoughtful, incorrect, and smack yet again of jealousy and the fact you want to lose more weight than me quicker than me and then gloat!!....pffffffff. Rant o thon!!
l0v3child said:Ha! I love the gabby/kate thread! I shall feel smug...she also text lastnight to say she'd had a 2 egg omlette with green beans and felt deprived, as i was noshing on a lovely dinner and having a glass of wine![]()
Shirleen said:Dear Son aka the grumpy sod in the front bedroom,
I asked for help clearing the cloakroom of YOUR stuff! It is NOT my fault you lost the roll of binbags two minutes after putting them down, and NO they won't appear on the end of my nose so stop bloody looking at me! Then telling me 'it's only bin bags why are you getting stressy over them' is NOT going to improve my temper! Ive been decluttering the house for days and it's driving my hayfever mad!
I think tomorrow night when you need that lift to Rugby I may just lose my keys and stand looking at you!
You are an ungrateful, untidy, lazy PITA, and I really am fed up with your attitude! SO! Tonight I'm removing the fuses so you can't play your XBox until 4am!!!!
Your mother aka the sneezing wreck in the lounge.
sparty said:Dear bf,
[Friday - 3 days pre-hols]
Do NOT ignore me when I ask about your holiday clothes before we go when I have a) asked you repeatedly all week to sort out what you want cleaned and ironed, b) already put all the washes etc on for my clothes and c) cleaned out the car and the flat in preparation for our trip.
[Sunday - 1/2 day pre-hols]
Do NOT look at me with that 'pleeeeeease' face while I sit down with a cuppa and relax because all my holiday stuff is packed and ready to go and you have just found your suitcase under the bed with all your holiday stuff from last year creased and stale. I WILL NOT start again because YOU have left it til the last minute. YOU HAVE MADE YOUR BED - NOW LIE IN IT!!