Gold Member
Starlight said:Slightly off topic here but a question for the carers/support workers Do you have any 'powers' when you're caring. We have a woman who calls 999 up to 20 times a day on a bad day. Her carers won't stop her. They also refuse to speak to us when we call back. She phones to say she 2 streets away from home in her nightie and the carers confirm yes she left the house.(assuming we can find a contact number for them and phone them) She also swallows batteries and glass. If she ends up in hospital they refuse to attend and sit with her and instead sit in an empty house When my officers query things with the carers they're told 'it's not their job' to stop her
That's a tricky one-it all depends on the service user and their history/background! Alot of our 'problem' clients have the careline buzzers, and will frequently ring them 20-30 times a day about anything and everything! If a client is deemed of 'sound mind' then there is very little you can do-only advise, and manage-ie remove potential hazards etc! Surely his particular one would need to be referred to some kind of crisis intervention team if it's that bad