Dear husband & daughter
I am sorry you do not understand my wish to go to SW to waste money each week which I could give to you to tell me if I have lost/gained, I am sorry that both of you are border line underweight for age/height whereas I am definately under height for my weight!!! Stop telling me it's more important to exercise than following SW advice - I know why I am obese, I know what I have previously sneaked in to eat when no one around/looking I know a combination of both would be very beneficial, but I am getting my head around this healthy eating plan I can't do it all at once but I will re introduce the exercise when I feel more knowledgeable about daily eating. Perhaps if you both did more at home even just tidy up after yourselves I might have the energy to get exercise into my day as well as working full time ......... Love your wife & mum xxxxx
I am sorry you do not understand my wish to go to SW to waste money each week which I could give to you to tell me if I have lost/gained, I am sorry that both of you are border line underweight for age/height whereas I am definately under height for my weight!!! Stop telling me it's more important to exercise than following SW advice - I know why I am obese, I know what I have previously sneaked in to eat when no one around/looking I know a combination of both would be very beneficial, but I am getting my head around this healthy eating plan I can't do it all at once but I will re introduce the exercise when I feel more knowledgeable about daily eating. Perhaps if you both did more at home even just tidy up after yourselves I might have the energy to get exercise into my day as well as working full time ......... Love your wife & mum xxxxx