Dear people in my 'real' life,
Stop stressing me out

I am trying to organise the looming D-day as best I can, so throwing curved balls at me (why June? why not April? You do know that X won't turn up, infact, hardly any of your lot will - thanks dad. We (meaning me!) can just make the cake, then we can book a £200+ singer - thanks OH) isn't very fair. We've got AGES to go yet, and I have been pretty much left to book/organise everything (which is ok, I am a control freak after all!), so please don't become the "I told you so" brigade already. And I am trying my hardest to keep costs down, but there are certain things I will not compromise on, and cheapest doesn't always mean best, and if I can afford it, I will damn well book/buy it!
And mum, would it really be such a big deal to come to the wedding fayre with me next Sunday, at the venue I've booked? I understand it would eat into your carboot sale shopping time (even though its 11am-4pm), but its a bit of a kick in the balls if I'm honest. The same kick in the balls that I get when I call you for a chat, and the phone conversation is either hurried or non-existent due to you being 'really busy' with work, no matter the time of day. We're all feeling a little shoved out, but that's a different rant! The thing is, I think I am turning into you!
And OH. If I seem a little stressed, the best plan isn't to add to it. That's just mean, and yeah, it causes me to not really want to talk to you a lot. And stop being silly, of course I still love you, I just didn't *like* you that much last night
Yours, a confused, slightly stressed, me x