Unthoughtful people!

Louisep3 said:
I think this could be extended to "dear everyone in general"...

I know we all have our bad days, but that's the point ALL of us have bad days/weeks/months, and yes there are some arseholes out there but you need to just try and rise above it and not take everything so damn personally!


A girl after ny own heart! Love it

Mrs S - i applaud you x
Dear timewasters from Gumtree & netmums.

I wanted to say thank you soooooo much for allowing me to sit in my house for hours on end while waiting for you all to come and collect the stuff you said you were oh so desperate to buy from me. I really don't mind wasting my holidays sitting in the house on a sunny (YES SUNNY) day, my son doesnt need to play outside go to the park or enjoy his bike before we have to spend 3 months stuck indoors due to appaling weather. Im more than happy to wait for people who say they will come at a certain time then dont bother turning up. I dont consider it the height of ignorance if you dont bother to turn up, if you dont bother to let me know that you wont be turning up or if you turn up 7 hours late. It doesnt bother me that because you couldnt be arsed turning up or letting me know that you are no longer interested in buying the items I have for sale, that I have lost out on other potential sales.

Actually, i am extremely p'd off with all of you. Were you never taught basic courtesy or manners. I have wasted almost a whole week off work and am no further forward in de-cluttering my house. I am not a happy camper (and neither is my son). Please do not say you will be somewhere at a certain time then just not bother turning up without letting me know. Would you treat your family and friends like that???


Mrs Angry:mad:
vickidyers said:
dear mum,

thankyou for telling me earlier this year when I had the chance of a free and all paid for luxury wedding that I couldn't possibly do it as I was too fat.
Well thankfully my other half doesn't think I'm too fat as he has booked a wedding abroad next year for April 2012.

Ha - and we are going on our own mwhahahahahah!



PS I realise I am fat, but I would also like to take this opportunity to point out that you are 2 dress sizes bigger than me

She was probably more worried about how she'd look in her mother of the bride outfit...

Enjoy your special day, I'm sure you'll look stunning!

vickidyers said:
dear mum,

thankyou for telling me earlier this year when I had the chance of a free and all paid for luxury wedding that I couldn't possibly do it as I was too fat.
Well thankfully my other half doesn't think I'm too fat as he has booked a wedding abroad next year for April 2012.

Ha - and we are going on our own mwhahahahahah!



PS I realise I am fat, but I would also like to take this opportunity to point out that you are 2 dress sizes bigger than me

Nowt wrong with being an overweight bride hun. I was a size 22 when i got married (also got married abroad like you are) & believe me, some decent weather, a gorgeous dress (yes, they do exist in larger sizes) & a beautiful setting is all you need x
Dear able bodied people, the disabled till is designed for disabled people, it's also the only till with the Tloop system (shame on Asda), so why do you all insist on using it?
Ok my guy can walk and wasn't in his wheelchair today, but he got really agitated being in the smaller aisle, which was your fault!
So don't then look at him like he's a Martian because he was voicing his opinion in the one word he can say. He was upset at not being able to move around, because he's learning disabled and some tit had commandeered the disabled till!
Dear certain minis members,

Get a grip.

We're all adults on here and some people need to grow up. Not everybody in life is picking on you, nor are they trying to start an argument.

Stop taking offence because somebody said something you don't like. Boohoo.

That is all - had I best apologise now for any offence I may have caused........

I absolutely LOVE this!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear beckyboos boyfriend

I'll go out for nice dinners if becky isn't interested. My OH is rubbish at that stuff :)

Dear Husband
Beckyboos boyfriend takes her out for dinner all the time. Sort it out. Mama needs feeding.
Lots of love
Your starving even though she's eaten her lunch, wife.
kingleds said:
Dear beckyboos boyfriend

I'll go out for nice dinners if becky isn't interested. My OH is rubbish at that stuff :)

Dear Husband
Beckyboos boyfriend takes her out for dinner all the time. Sort it out. Mama needs feeding.
Lots of love
Your starving even though she's eaten her lunch, wife.

Lol, LOVE it :D
kingleds said:
Dear beckyboos boyfriend

I'll go out for nice dinners if becky isn't interested. My OH is rubbish at that stuff :)

Dear Husband
Beckyboos boyfriend takes her out for dinner all the time. Sort it out. Mama needs feeding.
Lots of love
Your starving even though she's eaten her lunch, wife.

Dear lazy ass colleague,
No I will not be swapping shifts so you get Christmas day off. Every week you leave stuff undone making all of us have to work harder to do YOUR work! If you weren't such a lazy do nothing I might have considered it as it does suck that you have worked the last two Christmasses!

Dear boss,
Don't backtrack when i point this out to you and make out that he asked about giving me a day off, you KNOW we have to do our contracted hours so I would be left with no choice but to work Christmas day!
I have also looked at next years rota and I am due to work a 33hr shift Christmas and boxing day, don't tell me you'll get cover because you and I know you won't!
I am not responsible for picking up all the crap here, I already go 90% of YOUR job! I have taken the SU on holiday TWICE and everyone else has barely taken him further than the local shop!!!!!
Get off my back or I'll start looking elsewhere and you will be in deep doo doo!
Dear eyes and brain,
PLEASE PLEASE let me see the reflection in the mirror that is true. Today I am wearing a lovely outfit of skinny jeans in a size 16 and a gorgeous tunic jumper in a 14. This time last year I was hiding away ina size 22-24.
Please let me see myself as I know I must look now and not see how I looked then I know I have changed so why won't you show me
Thanks x
Dear Mum,

First of all I know damn well you didn't want me to move back, but I hardly had a choice and I didn't want to in the slightest either! Still I have and you were the one who told me to come back home in the first place when Chris "dropped the bomb". We never have got on very well, then when I moved away things between us improved so much I thought you'd finally accepted that I am now an adult and I need to live my own life. It's just been us two for as long as I can remember, so I know damn well that it must have broken your heart when I moved away, but I had to, I was verging on suicidal living down here with everything that had happened and I just had to get away, I thought it would be my magical solution and it was for a while. You really have no idea how much I'm hurting from what's happened with Chris. I feel like my world has ended and at the moment I'm pretty much living because I need to take care of Misty. I know its sad to say it but it's true, she is my reason for living at the moment. I'm trying my best to pretend the depression has gone away or that it isn't affecting me, every day I have to put all my effort and strength into just getting through the day without breaking down! It would be so easy to just end it all and sometimes I wish I could.
So what if I asked you to take me to the job centre as you're off work? You could have said no.
And so what if I suggested we get the shopping from asda while we were there to get petrol anyway? Seriously?!
Also please, please, please PLEASE stop making your snide remarks about money. I am trying SO hard to get a job and you know this! You even complain about the amount of interviews you take me to/I have to pay train fare to get to. You make out as if I'm demanding you spend money on me, when actually I'm just trying to make sure we have food in so I can cook for you...
I've had enough heart ache recently with mine and Chris's 7 year relationship going down the drain, I really really can't handle you having a go at me now over the most stupid things.
You asked me to put my rubbish in the bin, fair enough I should have done it quicker, but when I moved in I had to clean to make the place functional...

Your heart broken daughter, trying to heal herself but currently failing miserably...
elb4160 said:
Dear Mum,

First of all I know damn well you didn't want me to move back, but I hardly had a choice and I didn't want to in the slightest either! Still I have and you were the one who told me to come back home in the first place when Chris "dropped the bomb". We never have got on very well, then when I moved away things between us improved so much I thought you'd finally accepted that I am now an adult and I need to live my own life. It's just been us two for as long as I can remember, so I know damn well that it must have broken your heart when I moved away, but I had to, I was verging on suicidal living down here with everything that had happened and I just had to get away, I thought it would be my magical solution and it was for a while. You really have no idea how much I'm hurting from what's happened with Chris. I feel like my world has ended and at the moment I'm pretty much living because I need to take care of Misty. I know its sad to say it but it's true, she is my reason for living at the moment. I'm trying my best to pretend the depression has gone away or that it isn't affecting me, every day I have to put all my effort and strength into just getting through the day without breaking down! It would be so easy to just end it all and sometimes I wish I could.
So what if I asked you to take me to the job centre as you're off work? You could have said no.
And so what if I suggested we get the shopping from asda while we were there to get petrol anyway? Seriously?!
Also please, please, please PLEASE stop making your snide remarks about money. I am trying SO hard to get a job and you know this! You even complain about the amount of interviews you take me to/I have to pay train fare to get to. You make out as if I'm demanding you spend money on me, when actually I'm just trying to make sure we have food in so I can cook for you...
I've had enough heart ache recently with mine and Chris's 7 year relationship going down the drain, I really really can't handle you having a go at me now over the most stupid things.
You asked me to put my rubbish in the bin, fair enough I should have done it quicker, but when I moved in I had to clean to make the place functional...

Your heart broken daughter, trying to heal herself but currently failing miserably...

Aww god hunny :,(

Maybe this does need to be written to your mum in an actual letter? Hugs xxx
Firstly I do hope you are recording treatment for your depression? If not get an emergency appointment tomorrow morning!!! No buts!!!!

Being a mum in the same situation, it may help if you keep a written account of money she lends you, and petrol used perhaps 25p a mile? She may not feel put upon, I know my Dort expects ne to run about for her on my days off and I find it a cheek tbh, not saying you're taking advantage but just giving the other view.

Also both of you ate women who are used to being in charge of your own house, but you need to remember this is your mums house and you need to defer to her, if she'd rather not shop at Asda then so be it.
It's hard I know for both of you.
Best friend thanks for going into Mc Donalds and leaving me standing outside freezing and starving, then eating your food in front of me on the 5 min ride home :(
Dear Son,
You are a lovely boy, and I love you madly, but why oh why oh why are you so maddeningly annoying when I am tired? I don't ant to play shove with you to get into the kitchen, I don't want to playfight over the teabags in the kitchen.
I am tired I was at work for 57hours this week, perhaps you need attention, but you are almost 15! I need you to be a bot more adult.

Your loving exhausted Mum xxx
Dear Son,
You are a lovely boy, and I love you madly, but why oh why oh why are you so maddeningly annoying when I am tired? I don't ant to play shove with you to get into the kitchen, I don't want to playfight over the teabags in the kitchen.
I am tired I was at work for 57hours this week, perhaps you need attention, but you are almost 15! I need you to be a bot more adult.

Your loving exhausted Mum xxx

Bless - hope you've had a good sleep since then x
My beautiful darling Charlie chopstick,

I know yesterday you were a little bit poorly and just wanted to sleep, this did not however mean you had to wake up quarter to one this morning! In future if I let you into bed with me take this opportunity to sleep not bounce on my head! Then if I take you downstairs to watch jungle junction with a hot milk, have the good grace to sleep afterwards like a good little boy! I did not enjoy our hour long drive at 2:30 this morning though seemingly you did as you kept yabbaing away in the back preventing the driving motions lulling you into SLEEP!!! finally when I snuck out of your toddler bed at 5am this was because my back does not like being bent in that position, NOT because I wanted to play :(

Love always,
Your Mummy (the lady with suitcases under her eyes eating coffee granules in the kitchen) xxx