Up calories down pounds plan ;)

Hope you're ok and have a lovely day today!!

Thank you girls :) ok so I'm a few lbs down, can't reveal yet cos today was so not according to the plan lol. Took the kids to London. Did eat a lot but that's life, it's half term and I'm not gonna beat myself up over it cos we had a lovely time and it's half term! But SnS bar tonight and dd tomorrow :) hope everyone had a good day!

Have yourself a lovely time as long as you know this diet is doable. It takes away half the stress of losing weight.

Linda x
Er you know me so well lmao. Well this week has been an UP half term week, so UP it will make you sick so we yup complete write off week. Next week will be a DD week ;) :D
Half term can be so hard, don't worry enjoy your weekend then a proper DD mon , I will be watching you closely next week in case you want a bit of support :hug99: or encouragement :asskick: ha ha
Seriously when you get into a proper rhythm you will be fine just think of it as starting your diet Mon giving up Tues Starting again weds, Giving up thurs and so on because thats really what its like , you can do this ;)
Pingu6 said:
Er you know me so well lmao. Well this week has been an UP half term week, so UP it will make you sick so we yup complete write off week. Next week will be a DD week ;) :D

Half term is a bit of a funny time! I'm sure you'll do great next week :)

Hope you're ok!

Thank you Ruth and Jo :( I feel as though I have let you girls down, especially with all the support you've given me. I have just continued to binge...badly. I dunno, head not in the right place? Anyway I have two choices as I'm not at my heaviest ever, 107kg which is 237lbs. I can either continue with JUDDD tomorrow with a DD or use up my SnS and exante stuff to do vlcd and get a chunk off cos I feel and look absolutely the pits. Any advice please? :(
If you think you can do a vlcd then you can easily do Juddd because with Juddd you start a vlcd more or less then give up on day 2 and so on thats what Juddd is, but you have to do what you feel is right for you, can I just add though like all diets you should have a big loss week 1, Juddd is no different, my 1st week I lost 7lbs, my restart week 1 going straight from a vlcd so should have gained was a -2lbs , Ruth lost 6lbs week 1 , 3lbs week 2 they are vlcd losses , others have lost really good amounts too, something to mull over x
Pingu6 said:
Thank you Ruth and Jo :( I feel as though I have let you girls down, especially with all the support you've given me. I have just continued to binge...badly. I dunno, head not in the right place? Anyway I have two choices as I'm not at my heaviest ever, 107kg which is 237lbs. I can either continue with JUDDD tomorrow with a DD or use up my SnS and exante stuff to do vlcd and get a chunk off cos I feel and look absolutely the pits. Any advice please? :(

You haven't let us down so please don't worry about anything like that!
I think you need to do what you feel most comfortable with- I struggle massively with vlcds but I love JUDDD, I think that if you feel as if you would succeed better with losing a chunk of weight and then moving back to JUDDD then go with it! It's what suits you! :)

I just want you to be happy with The plan that you're choosing :)

*Shanny* said:
yep do JUDDD cause if im honest (sorry)... you won't stick at VLCD's will you???

Lol you're right. :)

bajoleth said:
If you think you can do a vlcd then you can easily do Juddd because with Juddd you start a vlcd more or less then give up on day 2 and so on thats what Juddd is, but you have to do what you feel is right for you, can I just add though like all diets you should have a big loss week 1, Juddd is no different, my 1st week I lost 7lbs, my restart week 1 going straight from a vlcd so should have gained was a -2lbs , Ruth lost 6lbs week 1 , 3lbs week 2 they are vlcd losses , others have lost really good amounts too, something to mull over x

Again you're right hun, thank you for helping me decide JUDDD it is! DD tomorrow fingers crossed, will catch up on diaries too x
Trefoil said:
You haven't let us down so please don't worry about anything like that!
I think you need to do what you feel most comfortable with- I struggle massively with vlcds but I love JUDDD, I think that if you feel as if you would succeed better with losing a chunk of weight and then moving back to JUDDD then go with it! It's what suits you! :)

I just want you to be happy with The plan that you're choosing :)


You posted at the same time I did Ruth awwww thank you :( that's really sweet and good advice, see you on here tomorrow, knackered, still not used to the early school runs!
This might sound odd - but I reckon you should start (restart :)) your JUDDD attempt with an UD, not a DD (unless you made great choices with your food intake today). You kind of need to be well-fuelled for a DD. It might be an idea to challenge yourself to keep to your UD calories tomorrow - and enjoy them. The chances are you haven't enjoyed your calories today and therefore your head (and your blood sugar levels) might not be in quite the right place to tackle a DD tomorrow.

Don't have to - it's really just a thought. I reckon all attempts at JUDDDing should start with UDs. :)
Lily said:
This might sound odd - but I reckon you should start (restart :)) your JUDDD attempt with an UD, not a DD (unless you made great choices with your food intake today). You kind of need to be well-fuelled for a DD. It might be an idea to challenge yourself to keep to your UD calories tomorrow - and enjoy them. The chances are you haven't enjoyed your calories today and therefore your head (and your blood sugar levels) might not be in quite the right place to tackle a DD tomorrow.

Don't have to - it's really just a thought. I reckon all attempts at JUDDDing should start with UDs. :)

That's a good idea Lily!!!

I started with a DD to see if I could handle it but if I do it again (if I have to!) I will start with an UP!

Thank you Lily, think you made a really good point, I probably will find a DD today quite hard and have done for a while hence never jumping back on the wagon.
I also started totm this morning which has been a week late and made me really bloated, anyway dropped 2lbs cos of it so need to be careful now. Will have an ID today, just def not a binge day.
Thanks girls :)
Have a good day x
Hope you feel better and a bit more positive today :)

Have a lovely day!

bajoleth said:
Have a good day x

Trefoil said:
Hope you feel better and a bit more positive today :)

Have a lovely day!


Thanks girls, aside from the cramps and mood swings I think I'm doing pretty well, I've had my lunch which was a sandwich and soup and not felt the need for anything else, maybe a light dinner I think. It's so far better than my really crappy days all last week. I've been badly bingeing daily.
Although evenings are the worst after the kids go bed so need to stay aware. AWARE is my fav word this week! X