Lol morning all. No just dont fancy wine. TBH i went out to the neighbours on sat night and i didnt feel myself, felt unconfident, insecure and out of place. Just told my friend to get me drunk! am trying to pull myself round today. being ill completely floored me and i dont think ive had a day since when i havent cried, am terribly tired and forgetful too. so am busy trying to organise myself today.
B - 2 slices wholemeal toast and butter (b*llocks to marg)
L - smoked salmon, lettuce, cucumber, low fat coleslaw, tomato, onion crispies and honey and mustard dressing
D - salmon cooked with lf phil and mushrooms with sugar snap peas
s - skips (or rather the aldi version)
w - yes lots although im constantly on the loo anyway
A - nope
ex - hoping for another dog walk for 30 mins if weather clears up x