Wannabe SkinnyMins

oh very good kerry thats brill

well today I had a raspberry mousse from marks and spencer- count on us range - 4.5 syns and it was so yummy well worth it

but also had a pkt of crisps - 3.5 syns so thats 8 syns in total already today :( going to try and not have anymore lol hopefully

Hannah how are u getting on today?
Argh. +3lbs today.:( Apart from the wedding I thought i had done really wekl this week. Even the wedding was planned + I allowed myself 50 syns for alcohol + food. I'm so annoyed. Maybe a completely green week doesnt work for me so its back to ee this week + I'm going tovwrite down every single thing that passes my lips. march has been awful + I have gained a total of 9lbs this month. I'm never going to hit target on time at this rate.

How did you get on hannah? Does your weekend look good sue? Hope so
Kerry dont worry its prob just water retention from drinking at the wedding, just try to stick to the plan 100% and u will be back in no time :) just try and stay positive, is there anything is ur way this week?

my weekend has been ok, yesterday was ok apart from the fact that I made a crusty white loaf and it was so delicious when just out of the oven that I nearly ate half of it lol god only knows how many syns :( but it was yummy

I also made cajun chicken soup (sw recipe) oh my its gorg, today has went good so far

Breakfast - apple, kiwi and grapes and cup of tea (part of hexa )
Lunch - cajun chicken soup
Dinner- am not sure yet maybe some fish and veg

am hoping that I even lose 1lb this week, that would mean that I am 10 stone 13.5lb woohoooo and also I will have lost 7.5lb this month :) I never lose this quick am so pleased at how quick it has started to move

Hannah how did u get on ?
I'm out to lunch on Saturday which i will try to plan for by looking to see if they have an on line menu. Other than that it is a normal week.

Just back from shopping and I bought lots of fruit and salad. Am also going to try some new recipies like the chicken pie and curried chicken and butternut squash soup. I had a look on the slimmingeats website and there were so many scrummy recipies. Putting all that on has made me determined to do well in April.

So far today I have had scrambled egg beans and 2 slices toast (10 syns as it was white bread:sigh:). Had coffee to drink with 1 tsp brown sugar, how many syns in level teaspoon sugar? Milk from allowance. About to have a pear and 2 plums. Dinner will be jacket potato with beans so I guess today is a green day. Might add some cheese to the jacket potato.

How is everyones day going?
am not sure how much syns is in sugar, :( hopefully not to many

I am now going out for dinner but am either goin to have chicken and salad or fish and salad :) so still yummy and hopefully will be on plan

I have just made lots of fruit scones, had one and oh my lol I dont no why I do it to myself lol but oh will eat them all lol I hope

I feel very up beat today lol must be the spring weather :)
glad to hear you are feeling up beat. Me too.

Sugar was only 1 syn so not bad at all. Just had a weetabix toffee bar (HEX b) which was so yummy and a hot chocolate (2 syns). That leaves 2 syns for the rest of the day, not great but not dreadful as dinner is free.

going to make a massive fruit salad, hope it fits in the fridge lol.

Hannah??? How is your day going?
dinner was jacket potato with cheese (HEXa) and beans followed by fruit salad (strawberries grapes pineapple melon plums kiwi banana & pear) with ff natural yogurt. It was amazing!

Just had another weetabix bar(HEX b no 2) chocolate this time. They are lovely but as they are the same size and have more fibre than alpen light I dont understand why im only allowed 1. Must be coz they are slightly higher syn value (3.5 instead of 3).

Been a good day today. I have put some pork in the fridge to marinate overnight and dinner tomorrow will be fajita pork pasta. it sounds so nice, cant wait to try it. Not sure what to have for lunch tomorrow. Have a salad for my 1/3 but dont know what to have with it, maybe a ham sandwich. Why is it when you go shopping and the fridge is full you never know what to eat? Or is that just me lol

kerry ur day look brill, I went for dinner and Had bbq style chicken and salad was gorg

also had another 2 scones lol they are only tiny so hopefully not to bad lol

tomorrow, I will be having fruit salad for breakfast, lunch is tuna sandwich and fruit and dinner will be cajun chicken soup its yummy

I hate when that happens kerry am like that lol i never know what to go for
Ooh, I could have a tuna mayo sandwich for lunch. Yum.

Sue, an average fruit scone is about 8 syns so if yours are small you could maybe have 2 for that? Your dinner sounds nice, well done.

Hannah. Where are you hiding?

What time do the 2 of you stop eating? I should go to bed but im sitting wondering what I can eat. I made jelly so could have some but its probably to late to eat. I get terrible late night munchies
to be honest I could prob eat three for that they are that tiny lol the recipe said they would make 6-8 but i think I made like 25 lol there is millions i didnt have a big enough cutter lol

but I will give each one 4 syns so that means I have prob had like 15 syns on scones and butter thank god I was good at dinner lol

I dont really have a certain time that I stop eating, I just eat until am full or else I wouldnt sleep properly

have some jelly thats not that bad and u will still be within ur 15 syns for the day

Yea Hannah were on earth are u? I wanna know how u got on ? lol come on tell all
Good day so far

B: fruit salad + yogurt
L: tuna may (5 syns) salad 2x bread (1 hex b +5 syns)
Snack: Apple slices

But annoyed with the syns for the mayo as I nirmally buy xtra light + someone must have put the light stuff in the wrong place
Urgh. I feel sick.

Dinner was fajita pork + pasta followed by fruit salad yogurt + jelly (1syn) . It was all gorgeous but im so full I had to put my jammies on coz my jeans were way too tight. At least it wasn't crap I ate.

Just found out im out for lunch on Friday + saturday. Problem is I really grudge paying £10 for a lousy salad. Maybe i should order soup. How bad could that be?

How has your days been? Hannah, come back to us
Hello! I STS which is ok, although probs put on weight since!

Sorry I haven't been on much, it's end of year return at the moment, so I am swamped at work and my boss is having an operation on thursday! Arrrghhhh! So food has been REAL bad! Hopefully I can sort it out later on in the week! But I will be back! My disappearing act is only temporary!

Keep on track girlies!!! :D
Hannah well done, thats not to bad, :)

thats good, am glad ur ok, was starting to get my worrying hat on there lol

well it my weigh in today and because I lost unexpectantly last week, I have no idea how I have gotten on this week,. I will be so annoyed if I have gained cause dont think I have done any thing to desrve a gain :(

ah well can only wait and see
STS is not too bad hannah. Try to have lots of fruit if your busy at work,

Today so far has been ok
B: porridge + milk (hex a+b) plums
L: curried chicken + butternut squash soup
Alpen light (3 syns).

No idea what dinner will be which is dangerous as tonight is my late night at work so more likely to eat junk food.

Hope it goes well tonight sue. Positive thinking!
How did it go last night sue? I ended up having sausage egg + chips for tea.

It's horrible dull grey day here and I want to comfort eat:sigh:
Kerry no how u feel, and I have tuna salad for lunch dont think it will cut it haha

well last night walked into class and everyone was in little huddles, then it all came out


well I was so nervous after that, cause I lost 1.5lb last week when I thought I should have gained 1lb,

so I stood on the scales and I gained 1.5lb, but ya no am ok with that, cause kinda means that I have sts and I have still lost 5lb for the month :)

will write more later :)
Sue that really sucks about the scales. Glad you're not too disappointed.

well i kicked myself up the bum and took the kids to the botanics for a walk where we met friends so I didnt give in to the cravings. had a really nice day out and got a wee walk at the same time:)

Today has been ok but im still hungry
B: yogurt fruit and 2 alpen light (hex b)
snack plum pear and diet coke
L: supernoodles pear plum and cup of tea
snack pear and banana
D: egg gammon and tomato loaf, potatoes cucumber and tomato salad
snack pear and weetabix cereal bar (3.5 syns).

The egg gammon loaf was from the new magazine and it was gorgeous. We ate the whole thing even though it was supposed to serve 4:eek:

I still have half a melon to eat if i can be bothered to chop it up. i am so sick of chopping fruit.

i feel really fat and bloated at the moment, not sure why. going to be really annoyed if I dont lose anything this week as i have eaten so much superfree its not funny: even cj tells me i smell:eek::p

how has it been for you today?

well yesterday was going ok

I had Breakfast - starwberries, melon and banana with porridage (hex b ) milk (hex a )
Lunch - salad and tuna and Diet coke, apple and 2 x oranges
Dinner - quorn sausgaes, mash, broccoli, cauliflower and sprouts

I then had a wispa have no idea of the syns :( and a cuppa

I am tryin to do success express this week, but I just feel so tired and crap I dont think I can stick to it :(

going to see my friends up in derry on sat night aswell so will be bad then, but I wanted to try and be 150% until then and then after again

Hannah how are u getting on? hope work is ok?

Kerry you will do great, april Is going to be ur month for losing millions, :) stay positive

am also writing everything down again this week, hopefully helps me a bit