well yesterday was going ok
I had Breakfast - starwberries, melon and banana with porridage (hex b ) milk (hex a )
Lunch - salad and tuna and Diet coke, apple and 2 x oranges
Dinner - quorn sausgaes, mash, broccoli, cauliflower and sprouts
I then had a wispa have no idea of the syns

and a cuppa
I am tryin to do success express this week, but I just feel so tired and crap I dont think I can stick to it
going to see my friends up in derry on sat night aswell so will be bad then, but I wanted to try and be 150% until then and then after again
Hannah how are u getting on? hope work is ok?
Kerry you will do great, april Is going to be ur month for losing millions,

stay positive
am also writing everything down again this week, hopefully helps me a bit