Wannabe SkinnyMins

Relax sue, a wispa bar is 11 syns. You didn't have any other syns so your fine.

After dinner I ended up eating another 2 cereal bars for 7 syns a yogurt + a hot chocolate fir 2 syns. Not good as I'm trying to aave somw syns for lunch out tomorrow + Saturday. Going to brewers fayre tomorrow any tips other than no chips oe pudding?

Had porridge with blueberries + banana for breakfast, having scrambled egg for lunch + planning caramalised onion filo tart for tea with curried butternur soup. None of. it excites me. I want chocolate:sigh: Cj got his 1st easter egg last week + it is in the cupboard calling to me. It is just a matter of time before I crack.

Hope your holding up under pressure Hannah? Not long to go now, be strong

Have a good. day ladies x
Kerry you dinner sounds amazing, am having cottage pie and veg lol

did u look the menu up online, see what they have, what about an omelette, of like a chicken salad, u can get some really tasty ones, :)

thats not to bad for the wispa I thought they would be much worse lol well thats my choc fix for the week lol am trying not to have anything after my dinner tonight lol hopefully it works even just one day haha
I got the recipies from the slimmingeats website. There are some amazing recipies on there you should check It out.

Had thw eggs for lunch followed by 2 slices toast with jam then a yogurt with bluberries + a handful of grapes.

Off to the library now so that I cant eat anything lol
lol go u kerry, u sound very motivated, :)

went on a driving lesson there and went awful, just feel so stressed now all I want to do is eat crap :(

are the recipes ok for slimming world or have u just adapted them to be ?

have fun in the lib

am trying to just get stuck into work and ignore it lol
Slimmingeats is a website. By britmum In Canada so all sw recipes. Highly reccommend It.

I hated driving lessons. Took me 4 attempts to pass my test as i was so nervous. 1st time I was in the loo throwing up when the examiner called me. 2nd time. I stalled the car as my legs were shaking so much. Have u had many lessons?
kinda I have had 9 lessons, it my clutch that am having trouble with I keep coming off it to quick and stalling the car lol

I had a tin of diet coke feel better now lol

Must look up that website later, get some ideas

how was the lib ?
Library was good. Got 4 new books so that will give me something to do over the weekend.

Made the onion tart for dinner, enough for tonight + tomorrow night bet we ate the whole thing. Bang goes 10 syns. Still got my soup to look forward to once cj Is in bed

10 lessons not too bad prob about half way there unless you get lots of practicw.

You really should check out slimming eats ut is truely amazing. I have tried so many yummy things from it + lots of allowable naughty things too.

Am so glad its thursday. Dont work fridays so looking forward to a nice day tomorrow. Lunch with friends which will take up the whole afternoon + a free morning while cj is at playgroup.
Hello! Lovely to see you are both doing so well! I am back! Going to be 100% from now on. Not going to say ahh ill wait until monday, starting now!

I'll definitely check out brit mums site!

You'll pass your test in no time sue! Have you got insurance on OH's car to practise as well?

I'm about to get really stressed out and don't want to put more weight on! So please help me stay on track, I'll visit you every day! We're getting kicked out of our rental flat and need to make the decision to buy or rent else where or separate and move back into or parents for abit...ahh really uncertain about the future and I don't like that!

Hope today went well for everyone! :) and sorry I disappeared!
god Hannah that sounds awful, hope everything goes ok?

my oh doesnt have a car either he is only learning at the min aswell lol we never had the money to do it before and now that am outta uni we have more money so just thought may aswell lol

well I was 100% yesterday and today I feel awful, feel really bloated and massive :( hate when this happens

todays menu -
Breakfast - blackberries, strawberries and yoghurt
snack - oranges, apples, banana and kiwi (all throughout the day)
Lunch - 2 x egg, ham (1 syn), lettuce, tomoato and cabbage
dinner - fish and veg

going into town later try and get some new clothes that fit me better and make me feel better as am going to visit friends on sat night and want to feel good :) hopefully I find something lol

Hannah dont worry if ur 100% over the next two days u never no u could get a sts or even better a loss, try and eat as many ss foods as u can, eat melon with everything lol
Lol, I had porridge for breakfast, and prepared salad (cucumber, cherry tomatoes and red pepper) for lunch, but forgot the tuna!!! So will go buy a tuna pasta salad thingy from boots! Got my diet coke to keep me going! About to eat an apple!

I am trying very hard! Been eating pasties and chocolate for the past couple of days, so a tuna pasta will be great! It's hard getting back into it though! Want to get back to the gym too (haven't been all week) but think that will have to wait until tomorrow morning, as I am babysitting tonight! Must take my coursework to get on with that (started my degree last month and haven't touched it as of yet!!!)

Not sure what dinner will be possibly jacket potato, but depends if they are dead! Maybe gammon? But what ever it is there will be mushrooms and veg!! Hmm...maybe JP with gammon, mushrooms and veg lol!

Bought this months magazine! And I am so pleased you said the Egg Gammon Loaf was nice! Will definately try it!

I reckon I've put on around 10lbs over the last week or so, which might seem extreme but I haven't just been off plan i've been awful! The week before has caught up on me (I was sooo surprised i'd STS!), so GOT to be 100% amazing all week!

Aww Sue, keep up your good work! It's horrible when you feel huuuge, makes you want to eat like you're huge, but youre not huge! Because you have lost sooo much!! Go buy lots of clothes in your smaller size! For real motivation you could pick up a piece of clothing you like in the size you are now and your size at your biggest and compare!!!!!! :) Enjoy shopping!! :D
Just had a boots shapers Chicken Fajita Pasta Salad, was 316 calories, 6.2g fat, 1.4g sat fat, 21g protein, 41g carbohydrates and 5.9g fibre, so it seems ok but no idea how many syns????
am not sure either, I think it works like 1 syn for 20 kcals but am not sure, I will try and check online for u in a while :)

was it nice, lol thats all that counts
Welcome back hannah. That sucks about the flat, hope things work out well.

Ok so lunch out was ok i think. I had roast chicken without the skin with jackwt spud coleslaw + salad. Was difficult as Cj had a cheese pizza that he refused to touch + everyone else had chips. I didn't touch any of it even though I was pd off at paying for a pizza that didnt get a single bite taken out of It. Everyone else ate his icecream between them + i didnt have si much so much as a lick. Just got to get thru tomorrow which won't be easy as having checked the menu I coudt find anything sw friendly. Will have to hope for the best.
good luck at lunch today kerry, well done for yesterday thats brill

well last night oh got burger king for his dinner and I made myself bacon, egg, mushrooms and tomatos and it was so tasty

but then after dinner I was very bad, had some toffee popcorn, some chocolate and some crisps, and alot of it lol while watching a dvd, I just dont feel motviated this week, just feel dead bloated and massive

couldnt get anything in town yesterday to wear away tonight, but got a new coat and a dress for easter lol

going up to derry tonight and I know its going to be bad :(

have made the mediterrian tray bake outta the new mag for dinner tomorrow so that i stay on plan and dont get a takeaway :)

good luck for tomorrow girls
Didnt go out to lunch after all as my friend cancelled. But I blew it at lunch time as I ate 8 slices of ww toast with cheese. yes, I said 8!!!! I have therefor made today a green day and had 4 slices as HEXb and the cheese as HEXa so I only used 12 syns on the bread Dinner was 2 packets of supernoodles.

All in all I feel quite pleased with this week. I used a lot more syns than im happy with but managed to just stay in my weekly allowance. Am hoping for a 2-3lb loss tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Hope you both are having a good weekend. Good luck tomorrow Hannah. Fingers crossed its not as bad as you think
WI: -4lbs:happy036::bliss:

Am extremely pleased with that, has given me the motivation I need for this coming week.

About to make a shopping list for this weeks meals. No soup this week as im sick of the sight of soup. Last batch is still in the fridge untouched since tuesday. May be time for some nice salads.

Have a good day everyone, remember to ne nice to your Mum;)
Woohoo well done kerry! +7lbs for me grr. But I'm sticking to it now! Going to have a jacket potato for lunch and make the gammon and egg loaf late. Going to make quiche for the week too! Hope it's a better week! Good luck girlies! :D
Just been out for a sunday roast but didnt enjoy it:sigh:
Had 2 thick slices of beef 2 dry roasted potatoes approx 2tblsp mash potato (3 syns for butter?) Carrots peas + 1 very heavy dry yorkshire pudding ( 5syns?) And gravy (3 syns?). So approximately 11 syns + I'm still hungry.

Onwards + downwards hannah, its a new week.

How was your night out sue?
hi girls

Kerry thats fab, go u :) really fantastic am so jealous lol

Hannah dont worry u will get that back off, and it was stress with work so not really ur fault :)

my night out was good, just home and am wrecked, was awful food wise tho, friend cooked dinner which was

starter - sticky ribs ( 2 ribs each)
Dinner - Lasagne (made with jar sauces and half fat cheese, and just normal mince) and some frozen spicy wedges so god only knows how many syns
Dessert was Ice cream but I stayed away lol thought I should be good for one course

then we had beer about 6 coors light not sure lol and one jack daniels and diet coke, small measure, I also ate a slice of chicogo town pizza, 1 chicken goujon and doritos with some dip lol I know alot of food

then today we got up and she made us bacon sandwiches but with normal white bread (2slices) and some melon and grapes

we then went to mc donalds i had a chicken legend meal :( am so annoyed at myself, I didnt want the mc d but everyone was going thought I would look like a real weirdo if I didnt

well anyway I stood on the scales about 5 mins ago and I have put on 4lb :( cant believe it in just one night :( am so annoyed

whats everyone plans for this week?
Sue, stop weighing yourself at home it just depresses you! If you arecsupwr good today + tomorrow then you will be fine.

My aim for this week is to not throttle any children. I have 4 children this week as the kids are on hols. Been at work 1 hour and already they are whining + fighting. Going to have to bring out the wicked witch of the west nanny to sort them out lol. Other than. that it is staying on track + hopefully 2lb off.

Taking the kids to a farm tomorrow for the day so need to sort out a picnic lunch for everyone. Not easy as they are all fussy eaters. Any ideas for me other than sandwiches?

Breakfast today was porridge fruit salad + yogurt. Dinner will be spag bol, lunch I have no idea yet.