Wannabe SkinnyMins

god kerry that sounds like hard work lol good luck

well last night I was bad again, had med chicken and veg for dinner and then a slice of venanetta lol

but today I am planning on flushing myself out with fruit lol

Breakfast - starwberries and grapes and hot water
snack - orange and banana
Lunch - melon, grapes, blackberries and yoghurt
dinner - will be some more med chicken and veg - tomatoes, onions and some roasted potatoes

hopefully this will help me flush out and maybe even sts the mara, I would be over the moon :)

do u have any other suggestions of what I could do?
Fruit + loads of water (so long as you get rid of It iykwim lol). It doesnt sound like much to eat though so be careful you dont grab something naughty coz your siooo hungry.

Well i majorly overslept this morning. Was supposed to be in the car at 7.25 but cj + I were. both sound asleep when ewan got out the shower at 7.10. Cj came to work In his jammies and i didnt have time to organise lunch so decided to rely on work for food. I ended up eating 2 wholemeal rolls with ham + chicken then a ff yogurt. I then had one of the m+s mini choc rolls at 4syns then a mini flapjack at 3 syns. Was probably about 6 syns each for the rolls so that is 19syns. Add a digestive to that (no idea how many syns). I hate having older kids in the house as there is so. much crap to eat in the house:(. The lesson from that is to prepare lunch the night before. Oh well. Hopefully can be good the rest. of the day.
Aww Kerry that sucks!! Yes prepare the night before!! I learnt that lesson yesterday too! I will admit I have been awful Sun and Mon. But I made my quiche last night for lunch today, had porridge for breakfast and am armed with fruit! Need to drink more water! I'm going to force myself to the gym today, as I think that's the reason I can't get back on track!

Then I'll grab dinner - probs a pasta n sauce and go to babysitting with some grapes! Supersize v superskinny again tonight (watched last weeks last night) they are focusing on 3 people with eating disorders this series and one of them has a binge sub type of anorexia, was so interesting listening to what they ate, she could consume 35,000 calories in one sitting. I realised that I am just as bad to be honest, except I don't make myself sick. I consume ALOT of food within a short period of time and then feel guilty about it after. I can't figure out where my problems with food came from? Do you guys know where your problems started?

Sue I am sure that you will be fine! And like Kerry said stop standing on those scales!!!

At the end of May I will be moving back in with my parents :( I don't know how this is going to affect my weight loss but if anything I think it will positively affect it, as my mum is a target SW member. It's going to be so tough and I am not sure how long it will be for.

I have also realised that I eat more when I am alone and at the moment I am alone at work and OH is on late shifts so alone at home too...so I am going to make sure I don't go into town on lunch at work and that I go to the gym after work, so that I am not sat in front of the tv eating!

Sorry for the babble! Hows everyone elses day going?

Good luck tonight Sue!! :)
Ooh hannah your getting very philosophical. I think for me I eat because Im unhappy. Said this before but oh calls me names + is basically a pig about the way I look. Since my mid 20s I have always been at the top end of my bmi but it didnt become a real problem until I was pregnant + after cj was born. I was 11st 1lb the day I found out I was. Pregnant. 3 yrs later im still almostv2 st heavier than that. I eat when im tired i eat when oh + i fight (at least 3x per week). I'm extremely unhappy in my marriage at the moment and seriously doubt we will be together at xmas. I then feel guilty for feeling that way. I have pretty low self esteem about myself. I think im a fsiely confident person in most aspects of life. But when the one person who really shouldn't mind how you look consistently tells you you look fat ugly like a beached whale + comments on aspects of your physical appearance that you can't possibly change without surgery then youvstart to believe them + think there Isnt much point to trying to change the way you look.

Phew! You will be sorry you asked lol. Knowing why you eat doesnt make it any easier stop though.

Today I put the weebone In a backpack carrier + took the kids for a walk up a hill. It was amazing, you could see the whole of edinburgh lying at your feet. I felt great afterwards.

Breakfast today was fruit salad
Lunch was mac cheese + garlic bread (o so today hasnt been too good either oops).
Dinner is going to be a sausage chicken pie type thing with potatoes + peas
Aww Kerry! I can relate to that - My OH doesn't particularly know he's hurting me, but he eyes up other women ALL the time, comments on how good they look and how skinny they are. The thing that's getting to me at the moment is that my boobs have decreased in size dramatically, he suggested breast enlargements, which i'd go for, if I had a spare £4000!?!?!?
"+ comments on aspects of your physical appearance that you can't possibly change without surgery then youvstart to believe them + think there Isnt much point to trying to change the way you look. " this bit, is exactly how I am feeling! But you have to think of it as you can change the way you look, which will change the way you feel. You have to do this for yourself! It's your health, your body and your confidence that is affected!

I know it's easier to say than do!! But we're trying at least! (although it is getting damn hard recently!!)

At least you had a fruit salad for breakfast, may count as your 1/3rd?? lol

I think I may chicken out of the gym tonight, as I am really tired and my house needs cleaning and I need to do coursework and I've got babysitting tonight! Ahh I know I should go, but I can hardly keep my eyes open, let alone go on a crosstrainer!!
Sue, how did it go?

Hannah I sympathise with the tiredness. Its hard to motivate yourself when you feel exhausted.

I know that im doing this for me its just sometimes you get sucked in by the things people say to you and it brings you down.

Tomorrow is another day and it can only get better
hi guys,

just reading the last few posts, dont let anyone tell you ur not good enough and try not to let them make u feel infirior to them, I cant sympatise with the other half thing, gary my bf is really supportive but thats not to say sometimes he can say the wrong thing and make me feel like crap...

its up to us girls to ignore them stick together and get through this :)

well last night I put on 0.5lb, could have been worse but am still disappointed in myself so back on track today

my sister is home from glasgow with the kids so will be eating in my mums alot will not be completey sw friendly but they like alot of sunday roasts like last night was mash, veg and pork but then I had half a wee pancake lol

breakfast - beans and 1 x toast
snack - raspverries, strawberries, blackberries, 2 x oranges and yoghurt (throughout the day)
lunch - salad or maybe eggs
dinner - whatever mum makes lol

I would love to get 3lb to get me in 10 stone range :)

woohooo lets go
So didn't go to the gym, but am definately going tonight! Didn't even clean last night, just sat down with the tv, and had dinner of Gammon (alot!), Jacket Potato and Carrots. Distracted myself with cups of tea and a ww yogurt! It worked! :) I didn't eat any rubbish!

Todays plan is: B-Porridge L-Quiche D-Quorn sausages, JP, veg(or maybe baked beans...)S-Apple, 2xkiwi, ww yogurt

Was supposed to have cucumber and cherry tomatoes with the quiche but they have both gone mouldy lol
Hannah sometimes I think you need a night like that tho, feels like a break and might motivate you to do more today :)

went out for lunch and think I done ok I had a chicken salad - loads of lettuce, tomato, onion, pepper, coleslaw (3syns), 2 x slices of wheaten (6 syns) - 9 syns

god actually when I write it down prob not that good lol 9 syns for a salad, I must try and not have anymore today :( going to have a w.w yoghurt now

how is everyone else doing ?
Got to be honest, don't see myself going to the gym today either! Just so tired! Want to fall asleep at my desk! :( I don't know what to do! It's because I had 3 late nights over the weekend, and haven't recovered yet! So long as I eat right I think the exercise may have to take a back seat again this week, start again Monday after I've slept!? Also today's the last day of my period so I expect that has something to do with my lack of energy too. What do you guys advise??

I've stuck to plan 100% had no syns so far, saving them for ketchup!! And what ever else may poke its evil head! Hmmm...I might have my quark and options hot choc mixture!!!

9 syns isn't bad Sue! Make sure you don't make yourself feel guilty for using syns, they are part of the plan!! :)

What exactly is wheaten??? :)
Sue. 0.5lb not bad if you had a really bad weekend, you will get that off no problem (unless you keep eating wheaten lol).Could you count any of it as a hex b?Hannah. YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW ABOUT WHEATEN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol, it's bread and it is gorgeous i could eat whole batches of it just dry.

If you are being 100% with your food I wouldnt worry about the exercise too much. If you get to Sunday and have been 100% but dont get a decent loss (you will though if you stick at it) then you will have to get back to the gym next week. Sometimes im glad that im a lazy cow who sits on her bum most of the time. Stopping exercise doesnt affect my weight loss coz i never exercise. You are your own worst enemy lol.

Right now there is a small boy sound asleep on the sofa next to me snoring his head off ( and i do mean SNORING!). I am so tempted to just curl up beside him for an hour or so.

I love days like today. So far ive had
B: fruitsalad & yogurt
L: 2 wholemeal rolls with ham cheese and tomato (1 hex a 1 hex b and 6 syns),pear
D: will be fajita pork with rice onion peppers and tomatoes then a yogurt if I need it.
All of that not bad and I have been so busy I have barely given a thought to food. I also gave CJ the last of the heinz tomato soup the kids wanted for lunch, didnt keep it to dip my roll in. I am a thoughtful generous mother :p.

Booked a wee holiday for 4 nights in may with a friend and her wee one. Just to a Haven holiday park about an hours drive from here but the kids will love it and im desperate for a few days away from home. I havent had a holiday since I was pregnant and that was spent feeling lousy and trying not to complain about it as OH had moaned about me going away so far when I was feeling so sick all the time. That was nearly 4 years ago to New York. will be a long time before I can go back there. I absolutely adore New York would move there in the blink of an eye if I could. Oh well, Haggerston Castle is better than Edinburgh fore a few days:).

I went to get measured for a new bra and was really annoyed. I have gone up a size in the back so down a size in the cup. Big bloody deal. I so long to have smaller boobs. Hannah, having big ones aint that great. I have to hold onto them if i run upstairs for gods sake. When i was pregnant they were so big my friend gave me the phone number of the local stables. When I asked what it was for she said so i could donate my bras for them to use as feed bags:eek:. i hope hers explode when she is pregnant so I can laugh at her.

As you can tell from the length of this babbling nonsense im home alone witha sleeping child. Better go wake him or it will be 10pm before he goes to sleep tonight:(
Think I'll steer clear of the wheaten then hot cross buns and bread are bad enough!

I will definitely be 100% until weigh in! So hopefully I won't suffer too much!

Your day sounds very healthy and on track so well done!

Congrats on booking a holiday, even if it is only for a few days will be good to get away!

Today has gone well, although I am still hungry (serves me right for buying taste the difference jacket potatoes when the only conference difference is that they are tiny!) So going to bed! Hope you've both had a good night too!!! :)

ohh kerry how exciting, that will be lovely, hopefully weather stays good :)

Hannah dont worry about the exercise, this might sound crazy but sometimes when I do no exercise and I mean none lol I have a really good weight loss :) so try not to worry :)

the weather has been so nice lately I just want to sit and read a book lol

my dinner last night was fruit salad to start cause we were shopping and I didnt want to get a bun or anything when we went for tea so I had a gorg fruit salad, the for dinner I had a chicken and veg stir fry with noodles and a pitta (2nd hex b ) am doing the success express, think I got a 2/3rd super free in lol hope so anyway

I then had 2 crackers (3 syns) and a cuppa, so in total yesterday 11 syns which am quite pleased with when I thought about it cause could have been much worse :)

oh god Hannah kerry is right, try not to find out about wheathen oh my its yummy espec when toasted with cheese lol

today my days look ok so far

Breakfast - 1 x nibble, beans, pear, plum and 2 x oranges
snack - yoghurt
Lunch - chicken and salad
dinner - whatever my mum makes lol but will ask her to give me loads of veg and then should be ok

whats everyone plans for today?

Kerry you day yesterday looks brill well done :)
Argh. Help me. Im going out for dinner to a gorgeous Chinese resta
urant. I'm thinking chow mein or plain rice with maybe ginger/garlic prawns. What would you 2 recommend? Nothing with mushrooms though. Yuk! I want to enjoy my night out but dont want to blow it. Am willing to flexisyn my day up to maybe 35/40 syns.

B.porridge banana pear
L. Pasta n sauce 1 syn yogurt + pear.

So I have wiggle room if i need it.

Ok got kids to throttle lol. Catch you later
I think chow mein would be the best idea, you could get a special chow mein and boiled rice for 9 syns I think, and thats so tasty as well

or they might do like beef strips or something, with chilli, that shouldnt be to bad either, just try and stay away from all the sauces abd prawn crackers yum yum but they are so nice

or you could have like a fruit salad or somehting before you go then u might be as tempted by all the bad foods :)

good luck, let us know how u get on x
Yeah i'd say chow mein too! You can always have some egg fried rice!

I've been a good girl today! Had my porridge and quiche! About to have a diet coke. Cooking spaghetti bolognese for dinner and I cant wait! going to make it now, eat a little bit then save the rest for later! Starving!
Ok. Chicken wings to start (sorry couldn't resist) then had prawns with ginger + spring onion (didn't eat the sauce) + chow mein noodles. Also had 2 small glassesnof white wine. So how much damage do you think ive done to my week? It was really scrummy anyway.
hi ya

Kerry I dont think you have done to bad, I will be suprised if it even affects your week cause i dont think you have went over syns to much, and you have been 100% all week, maybe just stick to 10 syns for the rest of the week just incase lol

Last night I had a s.w burger and salad was yummy

am goin out for lunch with family today, but am going to try and get a salad cause weather is so nice lol hopefully were we go does them :)

good luck today everyone x
Yeah that's not too bad Kerry! I'd just keep on at 100%!!! Well done! Keep up the good work!! :D
Waiting for dinner + I'm starving. Not really had much to eat today at all which is silly. Breakfast was a banana no lunch then a snack of 2 yogurts banana pear + orange. Now I'm in danger if shoving anything down my throat. Dinner is egg+ gammon loaf potatoes + coleslaw. Yum.

Made lovely chicken curry last night. Just chicken onion water + various spices + it was gorgeous, nicer than Chinese takeaway curry.
Feeling positive about WI tomorrow. Without realising it I have had loads of exercise. We have access to a huge back garden at home, about the size of a football pitch. Had Cj out there the last 2 nights playing football + running.g races then a huge walk uphill with the kids at work.

How has the weekend been for the 2 of you? Hope you have a good loss tomorrow Hannah