Thanks guys

bless you Lea!! At least if you have a STS you'll know why and see a good loss the following week!
Munkypooh! Just wanted to say thanks (and my fiance has the same nickname as your username hehe)! But you have done so well, there's nothing for you to worry about now

I just need to get this blimmin weight off so I can get into a size wedding dress I'm happy with!
Catz hun - tell me about it! I sometimes ask myself when weeks like this happen, why I bother, but I know in the long run if I don't stick with it I will only see a gain and where's the good in that?? Better to STS for 3 weeks than gain for 1 I guess!
You know what Gemma, I actually feel like some of my clothes are tighter than they were (having said that, they were never loose and some of my previously loose clothes do seem looser now so maybe its just my imagination!)!!! Fiance reckons I'm slimming down but I don't see it, and normally I can. Maybe I shall take my measurements tomorrow just to see.
Thanks for reminding me about why I had a STS minime hun, I guess I just need to stay focussed and not think its something I'm doing wrong! I want to do the most I can to lose this week but I guess as long as I'm sticking with it there's not much more that I can realistically do!
Hey Cat (thanks for stopping by-how are you?!?) someone else mentioned salt earlier and your post reminded me. I think I have been probably taking in quite a lot of salt recently. Think I'm going to do a salt detox and low fat diet tomorrow and Monday (til WI) as I think I have been eating too much of both things. Especially as I have points to bank it might help me to stick with low salt, fat/sugary foods, and if it helps me lose more thats a bonus!
Thanks all for your help and advice today! Off to bed now
nighty night xxx