Day 3 (again) - Getting into the Groove
Gosh, I'm totally pooped but I'm happy - what a busy few days!
At my last entry I was just about to go to my LL meeting. The good news is that I stayed the same from the previous week. That was good enough for me as I was really expecting a gain. Still 10 stone 7.8lb, but it should definately be a loss next week.
Friday was a busy "organising" day. Did some packing and tidying up. Still no date on moving though. We've had all the quotes through and phoned 1 company back. The guy was out of the office and away from the diary so we have yet to hear back from them when they are free to move us. We are looking for week commencing 18th September. Not long, but we're ready for it!
Did really well with SSing all day, although I did have 6 packs. I'm easing myself in gently!! Managed all my water easily too.
Met up with ex-workmates for a drink after they'd finished work. Decided I was going to go for the wow factor and wore my short grey skirt from Warehouse (the VFBC girls know the one I mean

). One of my friends is absolutely stunning - naturally skinny, long blonde hair and legs that go on for miles (if she wasn't so lovely, you could hate her!). She always wears short skirts and she was dead chuffed when I out-shorted her skirt. She kept on saying wow, how great I looked. Got lots of positive comments from friends. They've never seen me like that before!
Everyone was stunned at my willpower to drink water the whole night. They kept saying I didn't need to lose anymore weight, but when I explained about the wedding and the ex-boyf being there they all understood! Had an absolute ball, spent the whole night dancing. Went to a pub that had a DJ who played fantastic music. Barely had my bum on a chair all night! Me and skinny friend were causing a bit of a commotion - felt like the floor show. You know what? I was loving it! Never had that much attention before (except leprauchans in the toon!).
Had one awkward moment with an ex-workmate I had an "encounter" with on my leaving do a few weeks ago, when he seemed to be giving me the cold shoulder. He does have a girlfriend but when I asked him if he was OK with what happened and did he feel uncomfortable he said now he was fine and that I looked stunning in my skirt! Ego-boost!! I would never have had the courage to go up to him in my previous life, especially not sober! My new motto in life is no regrets! B*gger it, what have I got to lose!
I was having such a good time I missed the last bus home so I decided to stay longer and get a taxi. Even without alcohol I was the last woman standing. Totally hyper and not at all tired! Tried to persuade a few people to go dancing but no one was up for it except 1 other workmate. We headed to a late night pub, which has live music. It is sometimes great music, but sometimes it's hit and miss. Didn't realise that he didn't really want to go dancing! Went to the pub but ended up snogging him. He also has a girlfriend, which I reminded him of. He said something along the lines of he didn't have that sort of relationship with her. Aye right matey, I believe you, not! He kept on trying to persuade me to get a hotel room with him. Another attached workmate? Nah, I don't need that sort of complication, not when I want to come back and see my mates when I'm up in Edinburgh. Two awkward male ex-workmate relationships? Not on your nelly! Mind you he was very persistant. He kept saying how lovely I was and that he'd liked me for ages but what were going to do and why did I have to move. I told him he doesn't half pick his moments and maybe he should have told me this earlier. The beauty of it was he was quite tipsy and I was stone cold sober. He was very easy to wind up! Mind you I might have fallen for it if I wasn't such an old cynic.
This is a first for me. Karen, this is what I mean by following your example! I have never had male attention like this before! It's a novelty and I'm sure it will wear off soon (does it?). Not really for looking for the lid for my pot yet, when I get to Wales I will just go with the flow.
Eventually got home at 3am and had to sneak in the house like a teenager. Mum and dad had left the hall light on for me, LMTO!