What are we eating today?

Flutter it took me 10 years to get back to proper running when I stopped - I am queen of excuses. At least yours are good ones!

And I never should have watched that obscene shakey weight video - can't get it out of my head now! Arrrrrgh!
love it on the shake weight. !!!
B - scrambled egg and cheese
L - tuna mayo salad and babybel
D - chiquitos and cocktails!
Liking the cocktails Vicky, would it be margaritas? FRIDAY:D

B- cheese & veg omlette
L- greek salad
D- vodka martini & "just the cheese" lc crisps- maybe crudites and dip
Afternoon All

Friday :D 15/10 - Maint

B - usual greek yog and flax
S - flaxmeal porridge
L - oopsies with cream (having a sweet tooth day today)
D - fish and chicken from the chippy - where the feck are my veggies today??????

W - only 2.5 litres plus coffees
E - hope to get a walk in with dogbert - also hoping to walk to pub and back as it is nearly 2 miles each way
A - it is Friday, is it not?
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ooh me too. or a kebab later on after the ill feeling has passed. and a hair of the dog works wonders ;)
LOL@Vicky - bad girl.

Mmm Bren you're right, my tum rumbled when I read your post.

Great night - but I'm already sure I'll have put on for Tuesday WI...

pssssst ladies - I have a cream cake in my coolbag - one of my colleagues is the big 50 today and one of the others makes cakes to die for - so I have got one, but to be honest I don't really want to blow my ketosis for a cake - think I will take it home for the missus (maybe have a little taste then) but it looks so scrummy :whistle: :angeldevil:
Oh gosh you are a good person!

I don't even like cakes that much but with one in my bag, not sure I could resist...is there a fire nearby so you can do like coffee did? LOL.

Suze x
mmm cake. well you are maintaining....but cake or wine...mmmmm
Ive decided that you can only have one or the other.

wine always wins for me.
Cake or Death? (aka Eddie Izzard) LOL

Red wine is my favourite drink but I just drank WAY too much of it (after 2 months of virtually none) but at least I can curl up on the couch and watch Murder She Wrote (between contracts so every day's a holiday lol).

Oh you lucky thing! still i finish in 20 - home to feed dogs and get little ones ready for vets, back home, throw my jeans and some more slap on and go out!
thans babe. have to sit through a film first ;)
Well done Bren. I did that a couple of weeks ago. Wrapped a big slice of chocolate cake in the foil that my Mim had been in, left it on my desk all day then brought it home for my OH. He said it was a bit sickly lol