who is fasting today ????

That's great.

I am 461, ended up with 3 crappy fun size love hearts packets and one measly chicken dipper which nearly equalled my subway salad-oh how silly! Will keep for tomorrow.

Off to bed!

G x

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I'm fasting today... Looking forward to a clean day, too many Halloween sweets yesterday :( xxx
Anyone brave like me and fasting on a saturday ?

Fast day menu

lots of tea 150 ml
Tea in milk up to 150 ml skim 53 calories
Vegetable and ham soup 82 calories
meat less roast...258 cals carrot and swede mash
fry light roasted parsnip
thin gravy
leek and cabbage
baby carrots
mint sauce

393 calories
Fast day today for me and the plan is

Just black coffee and one mug of tea until 2 or 3 then

Subway salad and light hot choc 155
Tom and red pepper soup 74
Crispbread x 2 66
Dairylea light x2 50
Raspberries and ff natural yoghurt 100
Which just leaves me enough for a mug of tea or hot bovril tonight
Good down day for me too! Finished on 448 and tae bod twice! Day 29/30 tae bo challenge complete! Xxx
Fast day tomorrow and very hungry! Going to have a bowl of cereal as late supper in the hope it means I'll get through tomorrow . :)
Really hungry now. Going to have some porridge next. Got a dreadful headache - not sure if it's lack of food of I'm fighting some bug off. Need to keep going though as I've not been very good recently. Haven't dared step on the scales this week :-(