Had tin ww tomato soup, 3x crisp breads, 2 light laughing cow cheese triangles divided between the three and 1 sliced tomato... Came in at 201kcals and was delicious! Still got 102kcals left!xxx <img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=113542"/>
That looks like a good meal actually. Surprising it's only 201 cals. I guess I need to be a bit more inventive.;-)
Fasting today again!xxx
Nothing else so far, but hubby hoping to persuade me to go out to lunch. Wobbling a bit...
Don't let the wobble get hold...or if you do go out for lunch, try to do your 500 cals then? I had a wobble yesterday and thought I wouldn't get through but just think how good you'll feel if you end your day bang on your 500 calsx