Will 2023 be my Year! 🤞🤞

Hey hun

Motivation is the hardest thing isn't it. I've had a rubbish weekend foodwise. I really want to make it work this time so need to try harder.

Keep posting your food diary, I always find it good to look back at and even give me a bit of motivation.

You'll get there, stick with it :)
Thanks, yes I want to get there this time too and stay there🤞
I am definitely going to stick with my diary this time even on the bad food days ( hopefully they will become much less frequent!)
I think it’s a case of getting into a routine of sorts and building better ‘habits’
Monday again!
By the way I forgot to mention I think that I weighed myself Sunday morning and was down almost 2lb?!🤷‍♀️😊 think it was more a fluctuation as I can’t say I’d overly tried!

Easy day at work today , few local deliveries and collections and then down to Lymington & Poole , finished work at 17.45 😊

Food wise ….
Well it started off good! I took some snacks and got a meal deal from co-op AND I didn’t come out of there with lots of chocolate/cakes or pastries! I’d say that was a win😊….. for that anyway 😊

Have logged everything in MyFitnessPal ( as best I could except dinner…

When I got home from work hubby had made a spagbol ( one of the few other things he may cook to eat) had some leftover and said did I want some?
Well I was feeling hungry - and there was enough for me & my daughter- so we just needed to cook some spaghetti- we’ll linguine my daughter wanted..
Also my daughter had bought me on her way back from work a white creme egg ( omg they are lush 😍)
She also had bought garlic bread baguettes, so we had half of one of those with the spagbol too along with grated cheese…

And then she said oh I bought a couple of chocolate eclairs from the polish shop you can have one if you like!?

I mean it’s nice they’ve thought of me as such but it really doesn’t help my cause!😂

Anyhow, after dinner I took Lucian the neighbours husky for a 2 odd mile walk😊

Well over calories fro the day at a guess probably had double my calories almost 🤔

Tomorrow is another day and I’ve made a collage pic of what I’ve eaten as of now today

Also I started another MapMyFitness challenge
“You vs the Year 2023”
Basically walk or run 2023 km over the year
Did last year one but didn’t quite make it by about 80km ( I sort of lost motivation end of November 🤔 so plan on completing this years 🤞

Added pics of the challenge and also a pic of Lucian ( he’s such an adorable boy 🥰)


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Yay well done on losing 2lbs. It doesn't matter how you lost it, take it as a win :)

Don't you just hate kids who bring home goodies all the time. My son used to do thast when he lived at home. He'd often pick me up a bottle of wine on a Friday after work, yes it was lovely but come on kiddo I'm on a diet!!

I like the idea of the 2023 walk. I try to walk most days, even if just a mile but depending on weather and work I don't always manage it.

Hope you're having a good day.
Yay well done on losing 2lbs. It doesn't matter how you lost it, take it as a win :)

Don't you just hate kids who bring home goodies all the time. My son used to do thast when he lived at home. He'd often pick me up a bottle of wine on a Friday after work, yes it was lovely but come on kiddo I'm on a diet!!

I like the idea of the 2023 walk. I try to walk most days, even if just a mile but depending on weather and work I don't always manage it.

Hope you're having a good day.
Thanks will see my my weight is next Sunday !🤞😂My daughter quite often brings goodies back for me - think I’m going to have to have “words” if I’m going to lose this weight again 😂
Sometimes I get home from work and within 15 mins I’m off out on a walk - last year the weather didn’t overly bother me but now if it’s windy and or raining I just think … nah!😂
I do have a treadmill/ walking pad - should dust it off again for those days or do my kettlebells or another workout instead …

It’s not gone well again🙄
Definitely going to sort things out at the weekend!
Can’t keep going on like this!

Work…. Finished at 6pm
Been to Poole - delivered a pallet of flour to a bakery… there was some tasty looking cakes they had made in there !
Spotted a tray of ‘Florentines’ they looked SO good😍 … downside to delivering to a bakery- makes you think of food!😂
Went to Ferndown then a couple of places in Wimborne ( including another bakery 😂 but they were just doing bread by the looks of things..)
Then onto Bournemouth airport … Totton, and then local stuff…

Anyway just took snacks in my lunch bag to work, never a good thing me thinking I’ll buy a meal deal on my travels!😬

On the way to Poole id eaten 2 mini bags of chocolate rice cakes, bag of plain French fries and a bag of cheese & onion crisps!

After my delivery to the bakery, there’s a Greggs on the industrial estate… so I stopped off and came out with a large latte, sausage roll, Belgian bun, cupcake and a tuna & red onion baguette!

After the airport I stopped and had my break in Christchurch near a local ‘Nisa’
Went in there and came out with a wispa gold duo, creme egg, another latte plus and iced coffee, and an onion bhaji! ( they sell those along with samosas behind the counter - Indians run the shop)

Back at the yard on finishing went in the drivers canteen as such and got a cappuccino from the vending machine and a kitkat chunky /biscoff one🙄

Got home never went for a walk as it’s been windy and raining most of the day…

Daughter gave me a salted caramel cookie!
And I’ve just had tassimo coffees all evening and a jammy dodger out the biscuit barrel…

And just sat and watched tv with hubby and browsed the net…

So that was all my food for the day😬😳!
Don’t know how many calories????

One of the downsides to my job …. Over the years and all the places I’ve been I know most of the shops cafes etc where I can stop/park near in the truck 😬

Not a good thing in a sense when your worst habit is binge eating!
Or mindless eating through moods, boredom etc….😏

Another reason why I should make sure I’ve got all I need foodwise to take to work!

I have had hypnotherapy twice over the years which was weird and worked while I kept it up just didn’t keep it up until the end of all the sessions 🙄

Wednesday tomorrow, hope it’s a better day🤞🤞
Oh dear, not such a great day for you then! Never mind, draw a big fat line under it and start again :)

Could you take lots of extra healthy snacks with you to work which will help you not buy the naughty goodies? I know it's really hard. Luckily I don't have too many temptations at work.

Hopefully today will be a much better day for you 🤞
Oh dear, not such a great day for you then! Never mind, draw a big fat line under it and start again :)

Could you take lots of extra healthy snacks with you to work which will help you not buy the naughty goodies? I know it's really hard. Luckily I don't have too many temptations at work.

Hopefully today will be a much better day for you 🤞
My intention is going to be to take healthy and low cal snacks to work👍😊
My work is just me and my truck so my only temptation is me and my mojo 🙄😂
Well the past 3 days at work have been dreadful really! Only took a few snacks and just bought food/lunch out and about made a note of one of the days and the calories - shocking when you write it all down and work it out !😳😳

“”2 snack packs mini rice cakes (264)
Grenade bar (232)
Coffee mongers 4 shot latte (100?)
Mini green & blacks chocolate (80)
2 Tesco cream slices (pack of 2)(474)
All butter croissant (282)
Chicken Caesar wrap(444)
Lindt chocolate bar(240)
Large Emmi latte (126)
Jumbo battered sausage (356)
Mayonnaise sachet(70)
2 packets roast chicken crisps (256)
Mini flake (44)
Skimmed milk in coffees (120)

Total cals 3088 approx 😳””

The other 2 days weren’t much better 😏

Had my “Oddbox” delivered this evening- lots of fruit and veg to use 😊
Just need a couple of other bits of shopping this weekend and then i plan on doing some meal preps.

I have ordered myself another food warmer to take in the truck - my other one wasn’t a 24v one and the wire used to get a bit hot…it should be here tomorrow 🤞

So I plan on taking a cooked hot meal to work 😊
It seems that most of the time I get home from work of an evening and can’t be bothered to make anything to eat and usually snack on rubbish then as well or have something light..
At least I would have a choice if I prep something wether to have it lunchtime or evening.

Now I just need to think what I’m going to make 🤔

Also I am off out drinking with hubby and his work colleagues Saturday night, so won’t be on any plan then!

Some pics of what was in my oddbox
Which was
Spring greens
Chestnut Mushrooms
Sweet potatoes
Permison/Sharon fruit
Passion Fruit
I think that’s it …🤔

Well let’s see if it all goes to plan 🤞


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All the best plans and all that…. Not long got up - 2pm! 🙄😂
Think I needed the sleep though!
My mind definitely did but my back feels all stiff and achy 😏
Never mind!
Need to get showered and dressed as due to go out this evening and hubby wants to go out for something to eat other than Wetherspoons before we meet up with the others…

Will update later
Went out at 5pm ish into Southampton , were meeting up with friends around 6.
Went and had a freshly made pizza a cheesy one , lovely it was 😊 ( said on the board it was approx 985 cals)
Then over to a Wetherspoons for our meet up , had Malibu(double) & Pepsi max - rather a lot of them! And we also had sambuca shots! Had a good chats and laughs this evening 😊
And also one of my drinks we had turn up “randomly” Exploded!😳
We wondered what happened! But apparently it was a hot glass out the glass wash with cold drink/ice which very occasionally happens 🤷‍♀️
Thought someone had shot my glass!😂

Good night out though😊

Other food I’ve had is a few biscuits, 2 mini flakes ( at home)
A few cheesy chips, a few pork scratching, and a small bag of salted peanuts ( to soak up the alcohol!😊)

My heated lunchbox has turned up as well while I was out 😊

A few pics


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I’m awake! 10.25 am - no hangover 🤷‍♀️😊 surprisingly!
Going to go into town in a bit and get a few bits and start sorting out my plan for next week🤞😊

One other thing … one of hubby’s work mates has invited round his and his wife’s next Saturday for pizza/curry and to watch the Chris Eubanks fight… we were thinking of trying to get out of it lol , but he’s offered to pick us up and we’ll just get a taxi back… so I’ll guess we’re going then!
Will try and plan that in somehow 🤔🤔

There seems to always be something to scupper my plans!🙄
Been doing a bit of meal prep this evening!
Made some tuna pasta bakes, cottage pies, and chicken jambalaya, just got some breakfast to sort out for work tomorrow and iron uniforms then I’m done 😊
So let’s see how the week goes!🤞🤞


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Good afternoon.

Wow you're so good doing batch cooking. I can usually do enough in one meal to last the next lunch but that's about as good as I get, lol! I wish I could do more batch cooking though.

I love malibu and pepsi max, it's one of my go to drinks especially when I'm on a diet but its really low calorie.

Good luck this week :)
Hey hun,

Just thought I'd check in and see how you're doing? Hopefully you've been sticking with it this week and just not had time to post :)
Unfortunately even though I’d done all that meal prepping, I still needed up after 2 days falling back into bad habits 🤬
I really am my own worst enemy!🙄
Anyway , if at first you don’t succeed and all that!
I will persevere!
And try again from today!
Last night I went with hubby round to his work colleague and wife’s house to have dinner and watch the Chris Eubanks jr fight , it was a nice evening and she made a homemade pizza which was lovely served with garlic ciabatta bread homemade coleslaw and cubed air fried potatoes with cheese and bacon 😋
They also have a black cockapoo dog which wouldn’t leave us alone😂 but he was fun and so cuddly 🥰
I did do a couple of walks yesterday with next door husky and we also looked after him for a few hours( he’s SO adorable 🥰 and it saved him being left on his own all day next door 😏)
Did a 3 mile walk with him Friday evening too, which felt hard as I hadn’t been walking or with him for nearly 2 weeks😬

Need to get back into a routine of sorts again, but it didn’t help getting home from work at gone 8pm Monday to Thursday!

Ready to try again!🤞🤞
Just done tidying up and washing /ironing this afternoon, and also had a truck satnav I ordered turn up, so have also been setting that up and looking through the different settings etc ( got a garmin dezl lgv700 - hopefully it will be better than the TomTom one I had which kept ‘freezing’ PITA that one was!)
Hubby went and got some bits to make us a brunch - bloody nice it was too! Bacon, eggs, sausages, fried bread, mushrooms etc 😋
Apart from that just snacked on a few sweet foods🙄 and had lots of coffee ☕

Hope to be good food wise this week!🤞
Pic of my ‘brunch’ earlier


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Not gonna lie here- I literally am salivating at these pics and your descriptions of what you ate! I'm such a weirdo..... when I'm not eating, i literally turn into a feeder!! Smelling foods so I feel like I've partaken in lovely, hot food! I'm sooo weird!!
Hope you've had a fab day today!
Nice to see you back posting :)

Glad to see you're back on it. OMG your brunch looks lush. I did a fried dinner one night last week. Can't beat a good fry up can you.

Good luck staying on track this week :)
Thanks, and that brunch WAS lush 😂 def can’t beat a fry up!