Just over a week since my last post

Most of last week wasn’t good food wise
The past 3 days have been good and I’ve stuck to my calories

Need to take some pics again…
But for work today …
B. Black Forest overnight oats (372)
L. Ham, egg, & cheese salad box (410)
D. Tuna pasta bake (439)
Snacks throughout the day ..
Wonky apple crisps (42)
Mango, coconut & chilli chicken (134) (leftover from weekend)
Packet Iced gems (92)
Lindt mini chocolate (55)
Mini charmallows 20g (67)
Plus coffees with skimmed milk (125)
Allowing 2100 cals for the day (TeamRH guide)
Still got 350 cals left but won’t be ‘eating’ them
Haven’t done any walking today just work, but feeling pleased I’ve not binged!
On another note though my feet/toes have been hurting lately

not sure wether it’s my weight or a previous injury ( sprained ankle and torn ligament in foot a couple of years ago stepping down out of truck into a puddle filled pothole! - foot has never been the same since..)
And when I’ve been driving for a while and have to get out the cab, my feet hurt for a bit like they’ve got to loosen up or something?

Along with a burning sensation on the top of my toes
Anyway because of that I haven’t walked next doors husky for a few days…
But am also thinking I need to do some other exercise rather than just walking now - besides my neighbours are moving in a month or so and it will be inconvenient for me to walk him then as they will be a few miles away - even though they seem to think I still will and suggesting they can drop him off for me to walk him

Erm no, I don’t think so! I only started doing it coz I felt sorry for the dog and was doing a walking challenge and thought it’d be nice for me to take him along, I think they think I’m their personal dog Walker and dog sitter now - time to ease off.

for another good day tomorrow