Will 2023 be my Year! 🤞🤞

Not gonna lie here- I literally am salivating at these pics and your descriptions of what you ate! I'm such a weirdo..... when I'm not eating, i literally turn into a feeder!! Smelling foods so I feel like I've partaken in lovely, hot food! I'm sooo weird!!
Hope you've had a fab day today!
😂 thanks 👍
Maybe I should take up ‘smelling’ foods too, that will save on calories!😂
Today was “better” 😊
Chocolate weetabix with skimmed milk and chocolate protein powder for breakfast,
Lasagne for lunch( my daughter made it at the weekend) and it was tasty 😋
Various low cal snacks during the day.

Did a walk with Lucian the husky after work this evening and came back and made a cheese and tomato toastie 😋

Hopefully will improve a bit more tomorrow..😊


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Today was “better” 😊
Chocolate weetabix with skimmed milk and chocolate protein powder for breakfast,
Lasagne for lunch( my daughter made it at the weekend) and it was tasty 😋
Various low cal snacks during the day.

Did a walk with Lucian the husky after work this evening and came back and made a cheese and tomato toastie 😋

Hopefully will improve a bit more tomorrow..😊

Sounds like a good day :)
I love lasagne, my hubby makes chicken lasagne, he always makes an extra one and freezes it. The second one always tastes better because the flavours have had time to come out more. Yum yum.
Hope you have a good day today!
Sounds like a good day and quedos (can't spell this!) to you for taking Lucian out- it's so cold!! Have a great day!
Sorry about being missing in action!
Really need to keep my diary going no matter what 🙄
But despite all my meal prep I still haven’t stuck with things and went off the rails food wise again 😬
I think it’s habits with my job…
I know all the places I can stop , get food and coffees and I do even if I’ve took food into work !
I need work to put me back into an artic lorry instead of my 18 ton rigid again … I did a month in the artic a for 4 weeks before Xmas and because I didn’t know where I could park near shops in one of those coz they’re so bloody big 😂 I had to take my packed lunch and that was all I had until I got home ! And I’d lost approx 10 lbs in those 4 weeks!🤷‍♀️😂
In reality I think I just need to be disciplined which is proving to be really hard atm, I’m just so tempted by all the crap food and mindlessly buy it and eat it 🙄
Along with I keep stopping to buy cigarettes and come out with a ton of food as well 😏
I have some disposable e cigarettes which are nice but can’t seem to stick with those either 🙄

I need to as a a pack of 20 cigarettes are almost £11 !!
God, I could save some money there!😬

To put it bluntly, I am despairing with myself atm with my lack of self control 😔

But , I shall try again!
Something will “click” again at some point surely??

I will try and post daily again even if I have to do a post and edit it throughout the day as to how things are going….

I have another oddbox of fruit and veg too turned up Friday, don’t want to let that go to waste again!

🤞🤞 here we go again!
Just over a week since my last post🙄
Most of last week wasn’t good food wise 😬

The past 3 days have been good and I’ve stuck to my calories 😀🥳

Need to take some pics again…

But for work today …

B. Black Forest overnight oats (372)
L. Ham, egg, & cheese salad box (410)
D. Tuna pasta bake (439)
Snacks throughout the day ..

Wonky apple crisps (42)
Mango, coconut & chilli chicken (134) (leftover from weekend)
Packet Iced gems (92)
Lindt mini chocolate (55)
Mini charmallows 20g (67)
Plus coffees with skimmed milk (125)

Allowing 2100 cals for the day (TeamRH guide)

Still got 350 cals left but won’t be ‘eating’ them 😊

Haven’t done any walking today just work, but feeling pleased I’ve not binged!

On another note though my feet/toes have been hurting lately 🤷‍♀️🤔 not sure wether it’s my weight or a previous injury ( sprained ankle and torn ligament in foot a couple of years ago stepping down out of truck into a puddle filled pothole! - foot has never been the same since..)

And when I’ve been driving for a while and have to get out the cab, my feet hurt for a bit like they’ve got to loosen up or something? 🤔🤷‍♀️
Along with a burning sensation on the top of my toes🤷‍♀️

Anyway because of that I haven’t walked next doors husky for a few days…

But am also thinking I need to do some other exercise rather than just walking now - besides my neighbours are moving in a month or so and it will be inconvenient for me to walk him then as they will be a few miles away - even though they seem to think I still will and suggesting they can drop him off for me to walk him😳🤷‍♀️
Erm no, I don’t think so! I only started doing it coz I felt sorry for the dog and was doing a walking challenge and thought it’d be nice for me to take him along, I think they think I’m their personal dog Walker and dog sitter now - time to ease off.

Anyway 🤞 for another good day tomorrow
Nice to see you back posting :)

I'm so pleased to hear you are back on it again, fingers crossed you'll get some good results.

Ouch your foot sounds painful. You'll have to think of some exercised you can do without putting too much strain on it.

Ah I totally know what you mean about being taken advantage of. I used to do favours for people but no more, so many people just take the p*ss and then expect more. If you neighbour can get in the car to bring the dog to you, then surely they can take it for a walk!
Thanks , yes, my foot can be painful, and uncomfortable 😏 it eases off then comes back , the burning on top of my toes is annoying- I googled it ( as you do lol) and it can be nerve damage or neuropathy pain from diabetes 😬 —- I do have worn out discs in my back( an on and off painful issue over the years) and diabetes runs in the family— and also wouldn’t surprise me with the amount of sweet foods I’ve eaten or binged on over years!
Also got nerve damage from my knee replacement surgery I had just before the first lockdown 🤷‍♀️

But hey ho, have to deal with things as they come…

Today has been good again - similar food to yesterday 😊
Took a pic of my overnight oats and salad box I made too which was refreshing and filling😊 also a pic of my view where I was parked in Poole/ sandbanks area on my lunch break today.

Didn’t get home until around 8pm tonight though🙄


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I think my feet along with knees, back and joints is something I will just have to deal with and try and help myself with weight loss and various exercises at least if and until it gets too bad or unbearable…🤷‍♀️😏

Sandbanks and Dorset in general is a lovely place in fact I like all of the south coast and like living in Southampton- not too far from all of it 😀

Yesterday was another good day food wise- stuck within my calories.

Work was long my second from last delivery was to Kew electrical in Poole ( got there before it closed)and my last one I phoned to see what time they closed to the response- we don’t close!😬

Wytch farm site (oil fields/works in Corfe Castle area) by the time I finished there it was 6pm and then another hour and half drive back to the yard!
Hence by the time I got back and finished…
I got home at 8.30pm - a late one!😏
250km I did yesterday…

So by the time I had dinner and sat down I was nodding off and went to bed around 11

I hate late finishes!
No time to get much done when I get home 😏

Which is where meal prep does come in handy and I had my last tuna pasta bake for dinner.

Didn’t get round to sorting much for work today… so as I knew I was going to Lymington as one of my drops I picked up a meal deal and no bulk buying of junk food!🥳😀

Will post up later todays eats etc … but here’s yesterdays diary ..


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Well done you, sticking to your calories :)
I know what you mean about losing a bit of weight to help with painful feet, knees etc.... I lost 3 stone a few years ago and it made me so much more mobile. Now I've put some of it back on, I can really feel it, especially when I'm walking.
Hopefully you wont have such a late end to your day today.
Thanks @littlemissnaughty

Finished work at 7.30pm this evening 🙄
Hopefully Friday will be earlier 🤞🤞

Did Totton, Lymington, Fordingbridge, Gillingham, Shaftesbury & Salisbury today as well as before leaving yard had to change trucks get mine unloaded and into another one as my regular truck was needed on a contract job as it has the biggest tail lift and the contract truck was in for repair … all that knocked some time off the day to get jobs done🙄 and I honestly think the planners don’t realise how far and long it takes to get to some places … probably don’t look far on the map!🙄

Never mind!

Anyway food was good again , and when I got home this evening found a Slimming World meal in the freezer 😊

Also decided to dust of my Bellicon rebounder ( a fitness trampoline with bungees not springs so it’s not noisy ) … haven’t used it in ages!
Only did about 10 mins of like a ‘healthy’ bounce as it’s called ( supposed to be good for your lymphatic drainage system) … but it was good 😊 plus I wanted to get a few extra steps to win a Fitbit get fit Bingo challenge ! It worked synced the Fitbit and completed it first !😀

Pics of todays food
Didn’t get round to eating breakfast today either - took a porridge pot in but never got round to it…


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Another late finish Friday 7.30pm😏
Been a long week!
Food was still on track and within calories though so I didn’t crumble 😀

Got another oddbox of fruit and veg last night - need to think what to do with it all🤔
May downgrade to medium one next time rather than a large.

So glad it’s the weekend , got up at 9am half hour ago, and although had more sleep than usual I still feel tired….. but I was having a weird scary dream 💭 I dreamt that I was in a house with a devil and poltergeist trying to get me then a mafia boss trying to kill me!🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😳😂😂
Where the hell did that come from??!🤷‍♀️😂
But I couldn’t sleep no more!

On another note - weighed myself this morning and I’m 5 lbs down! 😀 last Friday morning I was 15st 10 but this morning 15st 5 - result!😀
Am thinking as well , because I need my hair/roots doing , when I get to the 14st bracket I will book an appointment.. a little something to aim for?

Just need to keep going and logging.

Not up to a lot this weekend really, just catching up with washing, housework, and sorting my diet out.
May get the bucket and house out and wash my car by hand as it’s filthy! And I’m not paying the Polish hand car wash prices they want £20+ 😳

Pics of yesterday’s logging..


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Thanks I’m pleased with that result!
Yes logging is the way to continue I think😊

Yesterday only had dinner and snacks but was still within calories

Washed my car by hand , took over an hour it was filthy ! But nice and shiny now 😀

Didn’t do much else other than washing etc

Watched clarksons farm 2 last night that was good 😊

Today , got up at 10.30 - ( didn’t get to bed last night until 2 am 🙄😊)

Still thinking what to do with all my fruit and veg etc🤔

Will just wing it I think , my attention span atm isn’t very long😂

Still feeling motivated though diet wise so that’s a plus!

Ps I’m sure jelly tots used to be flattish and not rounded as they are now 🤔


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Had another good day even though I only had dinner and a pudding.

Have been shopping, got a few bits, not a lot but it still come to £115 !😳🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Honestly the price of some things have literally doubled!😠

Made an apple crumble this afternoon too , tasty 😋, but guessed the calories..

Got all my food sorted and logged for tomorrow too🙂
Been in the kitchen ages this evening- had the radio on listening to late 70’s early 80’s music having a bit of a singalong 😂 was good 😊

Made up some fruit jars at around 130 cals, made them before and they’re good and last well in the fridge.

Picked my daughter up from work, she now has a week off work (lucky thing!) and is off to Brighton tomorrow for 3 days with her boyfriend, then next Saturday she is coming with me to the Isle of Wight to visit my dad with me (he’s 88)
I usually go over every few weeks go Saturday morning and come back Sunday evening, I take him out and do things for him like his washing and cleaning and also usually cut his hair, give him a shower ( he has carers that do his feet for him as he can’t bend down to wash them or put his shoes and socks on etc - but he won’t let them give him a shower!)

It will be good to have my daughter with me as she can help keep me on track as my dad does like to tempt me with lots of bad foods and I usually give in🙄😂


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Well done hun
You're doing great! Sounds like you had a fab weekend.
I've not had jelly tots for years, I didn't realise you could still get them.
I totally agree with you about food prices. I've noticed most things have almost doubled, some have even more than doubled. I think it's because before there was more choice for the same product, now there's very little choice, so only the more expensive brands.