Willpower.... where do I find that?!?!?

What's everyones plans?

I'm going for food with my parents and brother at 12 (not diet food!) and up my uncles and maybe some shopping. Undecided if I'm going to call up the girls house at 6 like I'm meant to. I won't be drinking either way but I just feel really anxious to go and I don't know why, part of me thinks just go and face it and if I have done something wrong I'll know and part of me want to hide away!!

Wish I had a magic button to fix me!!
Have u asked them babes or are they summoning u to go there???

I'm doing housework then off out for a birthday with this dress why do u think? Looks better on I hope x


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I like them dresses they dont suit me tho cos I have big legs!

They don't know anything, think I'm gonna go, have food and watch the valleys but come home then - no drink! Might say something will see how I feel, at least I'll have faced it? Ridiculous that I feel like this for no reason!
Hey guys.

Legs seriously hun please stop beating yourself up about how u feel. It isn't ur fault, it happens to so many people. Go see ur pals, go with the flow and have a nice time. If it feels right then tell them and if not then tell us stuff :) See if ufanxy a drink or not but don't be scared too. Having said that i would probs just bear in mind that alcohol is a depressant so don't go wild, just a glass or two.

Missie i love that dress but cant wear them either as with my massive norks i look like a fat girl in a tent!!

Babe I think ur imagining things and they will understand defo go. If they are mean then they are not real mates xxx

Yh had my chips and weighed in this morning and I'm down a pound not much but still no up!!!!
lil_legs said:
I'm a pound down too :)

In my grans reading the paper - look at Scorpio :eek:

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=65045"/>

Think I will just try and go with the flow (as much as I can!) thanks girls youre amazing! x

Jeez that's spooky lol x see it's not u xxx
lil_legs said:
I've mentioned it in passing to my mam and she's gonna pick up some stuff in boots - haven't gone into any details tho cos I don't want to worry them! x

Good hopefully will help x
Where is everyone!!!!
I'm here! Had a very odd sort of mini panic attack in asda went all starry eyed and thought I was gonna faint! Been into the Chinese herb shop and she gave me two sets of tablets for anxiety and sleep deprivation fingers crossed. Dad thinks its a rip off but I havent told him much about what's been happening - gladly give these a go! x
lil_legs said:
I'm here! Had a very odd sort of mini panic attack in asda went all starry eyed and thought I was gonna faint! Been into the Chinese herb shop and she gave me two sets of tablets for anxiety and sleep deprivation fingers crossed. Dad thinks its a rip off but I havent told him much about what's been happening - gladly give these a go! x

Maybe u should go docs Hun!!! Must say since this cd been really stressed out bout getting ready and going out always think I'm huge and get para
Sorry i keep diving in and out of things today! But just to say, Legs give the stuff u have bought a go for maybe a week, but if im honest if ur not feeling any better by then I really think u need to go get some professional help from le doc. Ur 'symptoms' sound so like me after i got stalked, i just used to spaz out in busy places randomly, and also had screaming nightmares amongst other things. U cant help what ur brain does to u, and no harm or shame in seeking extra help for it. As someone explained to me once about depression/ anxiety, its a chemical imbalance-and what do we do about that?! Hope the chinese stuff works but if not dont ignore it, u can get it sorted in no time xxx
lil_legs said:
Thanks angel, gonna give it a go and remove myself from things that may kick it off (ie alcohol so no post alcohol paranoia!) x

Good plan pickle :) And i know it sounds like a crock but give the hypnotherapy apps a go. I stuff my earphones in at night when i cant sleep and its nice. And at the end I'm apparently 'full of the light of *****!' Why not eh, cant be a bad thing! Xxx


Thought i'd give u gals a laugh! I will never pull at the gym lol!
Look at you go!! :)

I am really gonna make an effort to get back into the gym this week!

But if I don't, I don't but I will make a huge effort to go at least once!!! Tomorrow I hope :) then I need to hunt for my paper driving licence cos my new car should arrive next week yay! Beep beep!!

Feeling odd tonight, not stressed or panicy but not really feeling "here" if that makes sense but hey that's better than the alternative!!

Hope u two lovelies are havin a nice night x
Good attitude. Just go if u feel like it, dnt put too much pressure on yourself. Must be honest i have been doing cal counting but not stuck to 1200 at all. But no bingeing and havnt gone over 2000 so i dnt care really. Just getting used to this eating normally business and i expect it to become easier over next few days. Im more interested and motivated in my training again which is a step in the right direction :)

R u with ur buddies? Cant remember what u decided. U sound a bit better hun though. Im at home, in bed watching telly- happy girl! Gonna go sleep soon, so old fogey but i SO dont care! Xx