♥ ~*~ Tanya's Diary No 3 ~*~ ♥

We went into the patissierie and i had a crab pasty and lemon cupcake, needless to say they were delish! The bf had a normal pasty and he said it was the best he had tasted. I had a bite but thought it was quite peppery.

We then went and saw his cafe and bistro, didnt venture in and then went and found his deli. A little expensive but he also sells lots of local stuff in there too not just his stuff. We then got some chips to share from his fish and chip place and they were delish!!! bf said best chips he had tasted but to me chips are chips and most chips are delish!!!! :rotflmao:

I have a couple of pics so will upload them when i am home as i have forgotten to bring my camera lead with me! Utter fail! :giggle:

:) xxx
Didn't surprise me either! I think us types (;)) are ALWAYS thinking about them in one way or another!!

GI/GL will be good Tan - Irish is the expert on that! I know a little bit but not as much as her! It's good to have a plan!! :)

Enjoy your last evening there.

Can't wait to hear about your sky dive on Friday ... that's something I'd like to do :D xxx
Home sweet home! :)

Brill time. Far too much food. Far too much vodka. Even had a couple of beers yesterday! :eek:

Not even going near the scales untill next monday!!!! :eek:

Got my birthday and sky dive tomorrow - im soooooooooooooooo excited!!!!!!! :party0049: Then saturday got a wedding. Sunday evening in with my friend so will pull back from monday :)

Here's a few pics ... the rest are on fb. The first one is me and my friend, we've been mates since the age of about 2 or 3 and we both turn 23 this month so a long time :)

The second one is Rick Steins Patisserie where i had the delish crab pasty and a lemon cupcake :drool:

Third one is fistral beach where we spent the sunday having a few bevvies catching a few rays! ;)

The 4th one ... look at his wetsuit!!! We found it hilarious when he walked passed. I said when he walks back i'll pretend to take a picture of the sea but really get one of him ... the blighter spotted me with the camera and posed! :rotflmao:


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Lovely pics, glad you had a nice time. Have a nice birthday and good luck with skydiving. Did that last year, you'll love it! x
I didn't realise it was your birthday tomorrow Tan!! Ahhhh! Hope you have a SUPER day. I'm sure you will with your skydive!! I'd love to do that - not sure if I've got the bottle ;)

That beach looks lovely, glad you had some good weather.

As for the wetsuit - that's hysterical!! I bet you were well embarrassed .... but good for him, posing like that!! :8855:

I saw the pic of your pizza on fb - really funny! Proper car crash :giggle:

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow - can't wait to hear all about it :D xxx
Happy Birthday Tanya! Hope you have a fantastic day. Sure you will what with your skydive and all.

Have a good one!
O. M. G!

What a fantastic experience! I absolutly LOVED it! :heartpump:

It was such a rush. The freefall is completly out of this world! Free falling 10,000 ft (2miles) in 60seconds - the quickest 60seconds of my life but the most thrilling. Then from 5,000 ft the parachute got opened, i was able to steer it and we spiraled pretty fast through a very thick cloud. That is just pure amazing. I have breathed in cloud :rotflmao: It's just amazing. I'd defo tell anyone who wanted or is thinking about doing it to just go for it.

I didn't feel nervous one bit, well actually as i stepped on the plane my thought was omg im guna do this then i was completly relaxed. I was first out!!!!!!!!!!!! I got told as it was my birthday it was standard procedure that i had to be first! LOL My instructor was amazing. I can't even remember his name it all seems like such a blur. All i know is that my day has been fantastic. Can't wait to book another one and now guna figure out how to top this for next year! ;) :giggle:

So, as per usual food isnt that great today. Had 2 hot rolls with butter before setting off this morning as it was an early one. A packet of hula hoops then we went to frankie and bennies for lunch. garlic cheesey mushrooms to start, 1/2 cheeseburger and some chips for main and 1/2 a waffle with 2 scoops vanilla ice cream and toffee sauce.

Me and the bf have a 40piece indian selection thingy for a little nibble tonight, just stuff like onion bahjis, spring rolls, samosa's ... can't think of what else is in it with some mango chutney and some lime pickle. Twas reduced in sainsburys to £4 so that is more than enough for us 2. We will probably still be eating bits tomorrow and sunday! :giggle:

Naturally i had to open the box of chocolates the bf got me! He also got me a beautiful pandora bracelet with 2 charms. I have definatly been spoilt this year!

Right guys, not sure if i'll be on much this weekend. Got a wedding to go to tomorrow :)sigh:) and sunday is a cosy chill out day.

Back to normality monday - actually quietly looking forward to it! :rolleyes:

Here's a couple of pics from today. Sadly none in the sky as i couldnt afford an extra £130 just for some photos :( Maybe next year ;)

(1st one, harnessed up ready! 2nd one, sitting down on the plane, 3rd one just got back as you can probably tell from our smiles!!)


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What an experience for you!! Well done. This time last year, you would not have thought you would have been in shape for something like this!!
You go girl! Enjoy your birthday weekend and back on track come monday!
WOW!!! Well done Tan :D:D

RIGHT!! I've GOT to do that!! :):D

I'm so glad you're having such a lovely time - you deserve it. xxx

BTW - I'd never heard of Pandora bracelets but I've just had a google and they're lovely aren't they?! Lucky you - what charms did you get? xx
Jan - GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!! Honestly its the best feeling in the world. Just the free fall and the going up in the plane, the instructor said to me how you feeling looking down? I was like ah fine he said were only at 1,000ft ... got another 14,000ft to climb yet! :rotflmao: I think he was trying to scare me the little bugger! hahahaha Its brilliant - Jan just do it! :D :giggle:

Yeah my bracelet is soooo pretty. He got me the silver bracelet, a purple glass bead and a silver heart bead. I have just been into town and spent the rest of my birthday money - £95 - on 2 silver clips and a pretty pink flower silver bead. I shall post a pic :)

Really not looking forward to this wedding today. But saying that, it will probably be a good day considering im not looking forward to it - they always work out like that :giggle:

I suppose i best start getting ready :sigh:

My little pretty :)


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OMG! Well done Tanya, you are much braver than me that's for sure.

Sounds as though you had an absolutely amazing day and you totally deserve it and all the spoiling too! Can't believe that you've actually done the jump. Last year I remember you saying about it and that you wanted to do it but would probably not. Look at you now!! Absolutely fantastic you are. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Love the bracelet ... hope you're having a great time at the wedding.

I really would love to do a sky dive, I've been saying it for ages but they're soooo expensive! I sometimes think I could do one for charity but I hate asking for sponsorship too so I guess I'll save up ;) xx
Snap Jan! Thats why i just decided to pay for it myself - well actually all my family etc paid for it for my birthday as they all sent me money in my cards! It was £200 so quite expensive for a 6minute fall but defo worth it :) Get saving mrs! :D

Happy to report that Mrs Zinfandel, Mr Moet & Mr Smirnoff all got on fine last night ;)

Actually had a really good time even though i wasnt really looking forward to it. Thats always the case aint it! :giggle:

Be back to usual tomorrow, reporting food etc Got to go shopping aswell :sigh: Got no stuff in and if im planning on low gi i think i'll need alot of stuff that isnt already in the cupboards.

Enjoy your sunday's guys :cool: :wavey:
You're right it's always the way when you're not looking forward to something. It's a good job really isn't it? :giggle:

Good luck for getting back on the wagon tomorrow - not that you need it.

The thing about it is when you've had a bit of 'time off' you're usually glad to get back 'to it' so to speak.

Enjoy your sunday too! xx
Oh yesh defo!! I can't wait for a bit of routine tbh! :eek: Not looking forward to going back to work though! :rotflmao:

Still, not long untill another few days off!!! ;)
Well well well Tanya Jane.........first of all, Happy Belated Birthday wishes to you chick, and a huge WELL DONE on your parachute jump.........I bet its a feeling you will remember for the rest of your life.

PS, love the Pandora Bracelet, I was actually looking at them in Icmeler the other day, obviously they are copies, but they are really good copies, they even had pics comparing them to the originals.
Tanya, hope you get back on track now that all your festivities are over. A bit of a detox required now!!
For your GL shopping, get berries for snacking like blueberries, strawbs. You can have a whole 150g punnet as a snack on GL.
Stock up on tins of borlotti beans, chick peas, canneloni beans, blackeyed beans etc.
Some puy lentils are good for curries etc.
Oat cakes and oat biscuits are good to have too.
If you must have bread only get wholemeal or rye, if you like it. No white bread as refined carbs are a no no on GL.
Basically, the fresher and rawer the better and anything that grows above the ground as opposed to what grows in it. So leafy veg only.
Good luck for the week ahead.
What a fantastic GI summary!! I'm going to copy that out myself :D Thanks xx
Thanks Molly.
Im going shopping in a bit so will stock up and start from tomorrow.

The GI book i have is The GI Diet by Rick Gallop.

In the back it has a couple pages of things to buy when shopping and im about to sit down and try and plan some menus!

Not looking forward to my first run wednesday morning but it has to be done!!!!!! :cool:
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