♥ ~*~ Tanya's Diary No 3 ~*~ ♥

hahaha!! :rotflmao:

The route i run i wouldnt dare run at night. Its a busy main road and i dont have any reflective clothing and there are bushes all the way along. Not that i'm scared or anything :hmm: hahahah!!!

The podcasts are great. The music in the background isnt for everyone but is cleverly thought out to pace you :) x

Just thought i'd edit and add i've just purchased "Bridge to 10k". The follow on programme for c25k grads. Will probably do one more run this week then i'm starting bridge to 10k next week!

:party0049: another training programme! :) I will run that half marathon next year ;) x
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I'm sure you'll run that half marathon next year too Tanya!! Will you be doing it with your dad? I'm sure that's what you said ages ago.

Badminton is going great! Had my first club night last week and played better than before, cos of the weight loss. I can move so much better now. I have club tonight and my first match on Tuesday night, really looking forward to it too.

Glad you're enjoying your few days on the shakes, if it all helps with getting you focused, good for you.
Hi gorgeous girl!

Thought I'd swing by and say a big hiya!

I'm lurking about the cd forums now but it's full of cheaters and I can't b doing with it!

Anyways, thought you'd give me some inspiration and you hve a always!!

Well done for the couch to 5k u superstar! There's no stopping u now sweet!

End of week 2 for me - whoopee ha got 6 months while peters away to loose another 7 stone so lookin at u helps cos you were half a stone lighter than me when you started so I know it's possible!

Keepin goin sweet

Loads of love from me an Lissy xxxxx
hahaha!! :rotflmao:

The route i run i wouldnt dare run at night. Its a busy main road and i dont have any reflective clothing and there are bushes all the way along. Not that i'm scared or anything :hmm: hahahah!!!

The podcasts are great. The music in the background isnt for everyone but is cleverly thought out to pace you :) x

Just thought i'd edit and add i've just purchased "Bridge to 10k". The follow on programme for c25k grads. Will probably do one more run this week then i'm starting bridge to 10k next week!

:party0049: another training programme! :) I will run that half marathon next year ;) x

It's the dog poo I worry about, you can't see it in the dark!

You WILL get to do a marathon at some point, why ever not? It's not uncommon for people to go from 'no exercise or any running in their life' to running a marathon. Most stories I've read usually they've started exactly the same way as you and I know it's possible to start running in October and be able to run the London marathon in April.....what about that as a challenge!
Of course you'll get to do that marathon lovey!! How is today going? xx
I'm sure you'll run that half marathon next year too Tanya!! Will you be doing it with your dad? I'm sure that's what you said ages ago.

Badminton is going great! Had my first club night last week and played better than before, cos of the weight loss. I can move so much better now. I have club tonight and my first match on Tuesday night, really looking forward to it too.

Glad you're enjoying your few days on the shakes, if it all helps with getting you focused, good for you.

Yep, going to run it with my dad - if he gets his butt in gear and starts doing atleast some training! :giggle:

Brill that you feel much better playing badminton now, i know you love it.

I'm defo eating next week but guna follow the refeed plan as i'm aiming to start my new running programme next week! :D I think these 4 or 5 days will do me good just to take a step back and really think about what the hell i was eating and snacking on before! I have 7 weeks to get down to where i was when i finished a year ago so :fingerscrossed:

Hi gorgeous girl!

Thought I'd swing by and say a big hiya!

I'm lurking about the cd forums now but it's full of cheaters and I can't b doing with it!

Anyways, thought you'd give me some inspiration and you hve a always!!

Well done for the couch to 5k u superstar! There's no stopping u now sweet!

End of week 2 for me - whoopee ha got 6 months while peters away to loose another 7 stone so lookin at u helps cos you were half a stone lighter than me when you started so I know it's possible!

Keepin goin sweet

Loads of love from me an Lissy xxxxx

Awwww so nice to hear from you on here!
The LT forum is full of cheats now too! Which is why there is a 100% sub forum. It was nothing like that when we were on it last year was it! :eek: :giggle:

Glad to hear you are doing grand. Has Peter gone now? :( When he gets back he won't recognise you!!!! hehe

It's the dog poo I worry about, you can't see it in the dark!

Of course you'll get to do that marathon lovey!! How is today going? xx

Last night wasnt too good - my belly would not stop rumbling. On the plus i did drink an extra bottle of water! ;)

Today is ok. I said last night i wasnt going to do my run today as im not sure how i'd feel as i felt quite 'lazy' last night and my legs just did not want to move anywhere. But i'm up today, first shake down and i think im about ready to go for my run! :eek: I'm not going to push myself as i dont feel 100% but i'll go as far as i can. Hopefully i can do the 2mile route.

How are you finding it today chick?
Have ya had a sneaky weigh in? ;)

Thursday 16th September

*17min 16sec run. Prob just over 1mile.

B- vanilla shake
L- thai chicken soup
D- vanilla shake

*2.5 litre water
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Well done for not giving in last night :)
Yes I'm 11st2 today :( but hoping to get below 11st for Tuesday. I need to start a refeed cos I'm set to consume prob quite a lot of booze on 25th and I know I need to be eating by then. Is it strictly a week of eating before taking booze?x
Yep - well, to be on the safe side it is :)
Im being very naughty and having some wine saturday - but i will eat something first. Obv not reccomended at all!!!! :S

Run today - only managed 17min 16sec. Was probably just over a mile. I was absolutly knackered. Was so slow. Did a different route that included a killer hill. My legs just didnt want to move - even on the flat :(

Heres to next week though and start of bridge to 10k :) x
That's still far better than nothing tho mrs!! Well done xx
I suppose! I feel a little guilty though like i should have pushed myself to that 2miler but i was finding it hard to breathe today. Nevermind.

Next week is guna be a killer! First week of b210k is 4x 10 minute runs with a 1min walk inbetween each! :eek: This will be the longest i will have run for! Is it weird im looking forward to it?!!! :giggle:
Well done on going for the half marathon. Yourself and the Dad will have great fun training.
haha! Thats if he actually ever does any!!!!!! :giggle:
Lol you'll be just fine!!! Just a steady pace and you'll surprise yourself I'm sure! Xx
Well I have looked at running programme for half marathons and they're only 13 weeks long but I need to work on my speed before I attempt one of them! Xxx
No bother to you to do the half marathon as you have great determination. Once you set a target, you go fo for it.
I can run pretty steadily for a while, but it's the speed that gets me too tan. I did quite a lot of interval training to get my fitness levels up, so ran at 8 on treadmil for 1 min, then at 12 for one min (kilometers per hour not miles lol) and then at the end it was 8 for 30 seconds then 14 for 30 seconds. You did each thing four times. It did help to improve my fitness quite a lot, but I did nearly die running at 14 for 30 seconds lol.
It'll be the Saturday that the alcohol is consumed - it's my good friend's 30th birthday. Im going over to England to see her and I've not seen her in 2 years so I know it'll be a major session (I'm not gonna pretend that I'll behave). I wonder if I refeed on the Wednesday if I'll be OK to drink on the Saturday??? Mmmmh. xx
If ya know it's guna be a major sesh I'd refers from the Tuesday to be safe atleast then you will have done day 4 and introduced 2 lots of carbs :)

Thanks for the training info I might try that when my gym membership gets sorted! X
So actually start to eat on tues then??

There will be loads of stuff on t'interweb about interval training. It's a great fat burner and fitness level increaser lol. U can do it on the bike and cross trainer too - doesn't just have to be running, in case u wanna use different muscle groups xx
Yer start eating from the Tuesday and you should be well out of ketosis by the Saturday :)

I can't use a cross trainer! Seriously :giggle: I just can't coordinate on it! Lol xx
I think it's great you're looking forward to starting your new running programme. Can you imagine thinking that when you started LT last year? Never!!

I saw someone at the gym doing that interval training on the running machine last week. He had to run so fast for 30 sec intervals, it's amazing to watch though. This bloke does have the biggest calf muscles I have ever seen though!! My daughter's boyfriend also does it with the army and he said it is so good for fitness, he really noticed a difference quite quickly.

I would love to get into the running but I have never, ever been any good at it, even when I was 14 and at my super fittest! Just couldn't do it, my doctor said it was because of my hay fever that made my chest just too tight and I couldn't ever get my breath!

Oh, and get your dad in running mode too, I want to see snaps of you two crossing the finishing line of that half marathon next year!