♥ ~*~ Tanya's Diary No 3 ~*~ ♥

Cheers chick. If I drop 1lb I'll be happy this week :)

P.s 95 sleeps untill Xmas!!!! :D
Another Christmas countdown fan here! Love it!

Well done on your run, sounds so hard to me but keep at it, you're doing great. Bet you still love it on day 2!

Menu looking great too, looks like you're back in the zone already!
Yep i feel alot more in control. Just 4 days of tfr can do that! :giggle: mental isnt it! lol

I bet i wont love the run whilst doing it but afterwards i always feel great :)

Wednesday 22nd September

B- strawberry shake

L- grilled pork chop with a dairylea triangle, 2 small grilled toms, steamed broccoli & lf salad cream.

*low calorie sugarfree mango & passionfruit jelly (less than 10cals a pot)

D- apple, banana & ww yog.

*tin of tuna, drained with 1tsp elf mayo

*2.5 litre water
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Well done with the new run!! Sounds like you are doing fab and so pleased that you are in a good place in your mind-set too! Good on ya. Menu sounds good aswell. Yay all in all eh!! :)
Tanya sounds like you are in top gear right now. Very focussed and determined as usual. Good for you. Hope tomorrow is another good one. Just think of the scales slipping back another pound or two!!
I am feeling very hungry right now. I think I've not had enough water. I've still got 7 hours to get through this evening too.

Edit: I've just had a tin of tuna with a tsp of elf Mayo. I shall be alright in work now :)

It's absolutly hammering it down with rain here! :fingerscrossed: its not like this tomorrow - i want to run dammit! :giggle:
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Hope the rain stays away for your run Tanya. It was really belting it down, down here last night too. We haven't had rain that heavy for a while! Enjoy your run, sure you will afterwards! I'm a bit like that when I go to the gym. Before I go I'm not that keen but once there and afterwards I'm always so glad I went and feel so much better for it. If only we could bottle that "after" feeling!
Oh if only! We'd make a mint if we bottled it and sold it! :rotflmao:

So i've not long got up, sat here munching my brekkie and it chucks it down!!! Has stopped now but it'll probably be showers during my run. Which i dont mind aslong as it aint heavy rain all the way!

Got to bake some chocolate sponges tonight in prep for the chocolate cake i'm taking to work tomorrow for a charity day - Triple layered chocolate cake filled with fresh whipped cream covered with soft chocolate icing :drool: - but i won't be having any its being cut up and sold! lol

Thursday 23rd September

*B210k w1d2

B- 2 egg & 1 egg white omelette with 4 slices wafer thin ham and 20g cheddar cheese. Small squirt of hp sauce.

*handfull unsalted, uncooked natural nuts & a bite of cheese after my run.

*:doh: one tiny crumb of sponge - it fell off what was i to do?!!! :giggle:

L- baked chicken & steamed veg. ww yog.


D- strawberry shake

*2.5litre water

Run today was a little harder - my thighs hurt a little and i had to stop twice. Once cuz there was a car crash right in front of me on the crossing that i was waiting at - i stopped made sure they were all ok then carried on then again once on my way back for about 30seconds as my thighs were caining! I stopped for about 2mins in total - if that.

But again, feel fab now i've done it :)
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Well done Tan, you are doing so well and putting me to proper shame here. I shall regain my halo next week I promise. I may even hit the gym (not too hard tho). Your menu today sounds excellent, and did you not know that it is actually the law to eat any cake that "breaks" off? You'll learn that soon anyway!! Good woman for helping the car crash "victims" whenever I see something like that the only thing I can think of is "oh god more paperwork"! How cynical eh? xx
Well done on getting out for the run despite the weather. It's been horribly wet here too.
The cake sounds so so delish. If it were mine it might never make it to the charity do. Hope you make some money for the charity. Good luck for tomorrow.
did you not know that it is actually the law to eat any cake that "breaks" off? You'll learn that soon anyway!!

Whoohoo!!!!! I LOVE this law! Anymore like this i should know about?! hehe :giggle:

Tomorrow the charity day in work is for the Pakistan Flood Appeal. Our shift has quite alot of people from there and a fair few in the surrounding areas so we've got people baking cakes etc annnnnnnnd people cooking and bringing in traditional dishes - a couple of deserts and things like bajhis & curries too! Although, i will be good and wont have any. Might buy a cake though and bring it home for saturday after my weigh in ;) :eek:
Your day at work today sounds as though it's going to be great! I bet your office will be smelling good all day.

Well done on the running, shame about the accident right in front of you. Good for you for getting through the run, keep at it and you know you will be able to run further for longer. You're doing so good at this running lark. I'm off to the gym tomorrow and will be back on the treadmill for my second running session, I can't wait either. Not like me at all!!

The cake you're baking sounds lovely, I might try a chocolate sponge this weekend, just got to find the right recipe and away I go.

Mum and dad were in your neck of the woods yesterday for a bit of retail therapy, they wanted to get out of the house as they feel the house is so empty without their little doggie.
Ah yeah - when we had our last dog put down the house was sooooo lonely! Can totally understand how they feel.

You're getting into running! whoooohoooo!!! First mary got converted, now you ..... who next?!!!! :p

Chocolate sponge recipe Bev i used my victoria sponge recipe but took out 3tbsps of flour and put in 3tbsps of cocoa powder ;) Then just fill it with what ya like :)

Friday 24th September

*B210k w1d3 - Week 1 complete!! :)

B- 2 egg, 1 egg white omelette with wafer thin ham and small amount of mature cheddar. Squirt of tomato ketchup.

*mouthfull of unsalted uncooked natural nuts after my run
*4 squares of chocolate

L- baked chicken & steamed broccoli

D- apple & ww yog. (no shake today as i cant find my brothers shaker and i'm in work tonight from 10:15 so for convienence im taking this).

*1/2 slice of chocolate cake
*1/2 pakora

*1.5litre water so far
*500ml pepsi max
WOW!!! Today was hard. My thighs absolutly killed today. I felt like i was running at a slower pace but then again i did run a tiny bit further today.

I have noticed the difference in my calfs though as ive been stretching out after every run this week so no pain there its just my thighs! :(

Im off from thursday next week, going to Bristol friday morning for my Grandads wedding on saturday, back sunday and my cousins have roped me into baking cupcakes so guess what i'll be doing all evening thursday!!! :giggle:

So enless i decide to run on sunday i think i will repeat two days of week 1 next week and then crack on with week 2 the following week. All depends how i feel sunday :)
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So, picked at 4 squares of the chocolate whilst making the chocolate icing for the cake :eek: Lets hope it doesnt affect my weigh in too much tomorrow! :innocent0001:

Here's a picture. It's not my best work :) Its a triple layered chocolate sponge filled with fresh whipped cream covered in chocolate icing.


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OH, MY, ACTUAL, GOD. That looks GORGEOUS. I have forgotten what else you mentioned in your post, can only focus on the cake mmmmmmmmmhhhhhhh xx
Gosh Tanya, do you do the cakes professionally for sale like weddings etc. ?? You have such a talent for it and it is such a fab skill. You seem to get such genuine pleasure from doing it too.
You are so focussed on the running now as you are making time for it no matter what else you have on. I'm more the type that looks for any excuse to avoid effort!!!
haha Jayne!!!

Molly i do make cakes for people who ask and who know i do them. Infact i have one to make for the 5th october, a chocolate one covered in flakes for my mums friends boy who is guna be 12. I really really enjoy making them and infact any baking. There's just something theraputic about it! Im thinking of making a coffee madeira cake tomorrow as been hanging out for that all week.

You are right with the runs - i hate myself if i dont do the 3 a week i always try to get them in but next week im just not sure if i can.

Anyways last night at work gals i failed - i had 1/2 a slice of my chocolate cake (it was a very thin slice though) and 1/2 a pakora. I have bought home some more pakoras and 4 cupcakes and 2 chocolate brownies ..... not all for me though although i will have 1 cupcake tomorrow ;)

The charity night went really well, my cake sold like hot cakes and im pretty sure we've raised a fair bit of money :) I also won a bottle of wine and a bottle of bulmers. Might indulge and have the cider sunday night with xfactor ;)


Weigh in and again its a weird one. One scales say -1lb the wii says a sts! Think i'll class it as a stay the same :sigh: :( Think i'm guna have to invest in some decent digital scales - infact i've just bought some! :giggle:

OMG!!!!! I have just opened my post and I have finally got my final conformation through to start my special constable training!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its all so real now!!!!!!!! I'm super excited but also super nervous!!!! OMG! 1 month to go!!! :eek:

Saturday 25th September

B- banana

*raspberry cupcake
*packet walkers crisp
*3 biscuits - two chocolate vienesse & 1 chocolate digestive

L/D- 4tbsps diced aberdeen angus beef (was reduced at the shop, £1.75 bargain!;)) in a lf rogan josh sauce and 1 pakora that i brang home last night made by a girl in my team - it was delish!!!!! and 1 tbsp mexican spiced rice :drool:

*500ml pepsi max
*vodka & pepsi max's :)
*200ml bulmers cider (gave the rest to bf!)

Edit: what a picky day today. Mixed emotions. Im a little :( due to my weigh in - really wanted atleast 1lb off but on the other hand i do feel and think im looking a lot leaner and defo more toned leg wise from the running. And then i'm super excited and HAPPY that i start my training in a months time. I can't stop thinking about it!!! :D :D :D
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I am so pleased at your news on the special constable confirmation. You have worked so hard to get in there. I hope the experience will be everything you expected as you have made such a fab effort to get it.
Don't be so hard on the weigh in. A STS negates any potential gain you might have had. Also remember that the running is building muscle which weighs more. As you say yourself, you are looking better, both toned and shapewise. It's the full picture you always need to keep in mind. The difital scales is a good idea. I got one some weeks after starting TFR and always take it as the gospel reading. lol!!
Hi Tanya, I had to ditch the TFR last week on day 3 cos I came down with a bug, I was gutted and I weighed myself this morning and it's getting worse, I'm up 9 lbs now and I can't get my jeans on:eek:. Getting straight back on it tomorrow but gonna have to mix my Lipotrim shakes with Exante I've bought online (no Lipotrim on Ebay!). Will I have a similar weight loss with Exante? Given myself 2 weeks to shift the weight.

Is Jayne still on TFR?
Yep digi scales will be here tuesday :D They weigh in 1/4lbs too so even if i lose 1/4lb one week it'll be ideal to see it. As with the wii it tells me by bmi has gone down but yet i've sts! Confusing!

Taylor, when i did my 4 days tfr last week i used lt and exante shakes. Yep, similar weight loss. Both are tfr diets so both same principles etc :) Jaynes not on it no, she had a weekend away this weekend with lotsa booze! ;) hehe

Sunday 26th September

Oh god! Today I have actually had bread!!! :rolleyes: and it has been a chocolate binge today!

B- 2 grilled sausages, 1 boiled egg, 3tbsp beans 1 slice wholemeal toast with butter.

L- crisp sandwich (1 slice of bread, 1 pack of crisp & a little lf salad cream). Flake bar

:eek: few mouthfulls of ben & jerrys
:eek: 3 biccies
:eek: 3 squares of mint areo
:eek: some white chocolate with brazil nuts

D- coco pops with s.s milk

*lots of sugar free orange squash

The bottle wine in my cupboard is calling my name but i'm resisting!!!!