Burger pasties!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drool: Basically; burger in pastry with tomato sauce, mushrooms and onions! Absolutly gorgeous!!! :drool:
And the date - 9th of november thats when i had my final weigh after tfr, refeed and losing 8st and started maintainence. So its my year on!

Its come around so fast!
Yesterday and last night was brill. I stuck to my plan of one of everything we bake. Also had a couple of jelly sweets too. No licking the bowl or anything
Today and from now on trying to stick to the no carbs like breads etc. Yesterday the pastry was a one off

and a very tasty one off! :giggle:
Sunday 19th September
B- 1 whole egg, 2 egg whites scrambled with some ham and a tiny tiny nob of butter in the pan. Mixed fruit - couple slices each of apple, melon, pineapple, kiwi & 3 red grapes.
L- baked chicken breast with spoonfull white cabbage, spoonfull carrot & swede, spoonfull of garden peas, small scoop of cauliflower cheese.
D- 1 grilled burger, 1 grilled sausage some cheese & pineapple.
*1 cinnamon & chocolate biccie
*1 cupcake
*1litre peach sug free dilutable juice
*1 glass of pure orange juice
*vodka & diet cokes