♥ ~*~ Tanya's Diary No 3 ~*~ ♥

Well done on the long run Tanya, sounds as though you're well on track for that half marathon.
Its my last night at work tonight then i've 4 days off! Off to Birmingham on saturday, stay overnight then going to Cadbury world on sunday!!! :D Anyone else heard its chocoalte week this week?!! Surely that has to mean all chocolate is calorie free!!!! :rotflmao: :rolleyes: and on sunday when i visit cadbury world i'm guessing all chocolate is actually negative calories, yes?!!!!!! :hmm: ahahhaha!!!

Guna make low calorie, low fat banana muffins tonight! Only 58cals each ... i'll give it a whirl!

Wednesday 13th October

*B210k w3d2

B- oatsosimple cinnamon porridge.

*banana after run

L- 2 grilled pork loins (taken all the fat off) with steamed cauliflower & carrots. ww yog.

*1 lowcal lowfat banana muffin (58cals) rank!
*handful grapes, 2 strawberries, chunk of melon, slice of pineapple

D- meal replacement bar.

*2.5litre water
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Tanya, WTF is Cadbury World????? I like your sentiments about chocolate.....if only:17729:
Sandra!!!!!!!! :eek: Cadbury world is the factory in Bournville where they make cadbury chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, didn't you know this place existed?! :giggle: You can go on a tour around the place, i think they give out a few free samples too ;)
Lovin' the chocolate philosophy ...... Bring us some of that negative calorie choccie back wontcha ;) :D
I will do .... but can't promise it wont get munched on the train journey back home!!! :whistle: hehe x
Just had a low fat, low cal banana 'muffin'. Rank. Made with no butter & no sugar, no wonder they are only 58calories each. Won't be making them again!!!!

Would've rather had a biscuit!!!! :rotflmao:
:8855: ... they were never going to be very nice were they?? What decent self respecting muffin only comes in at 58cals??!!;) xx
Hahaha too true jan!!!! :rotflmao: pure fail on my behalf!!!! Lol
Lucky you off to Cadbury World! Have a great time. Shame about the muffins but when things are that low in calories and fat, they seem to lose all taste too don't they! Shame though!
Up a bit earlier today to try and get into the day routine for my 4 days off :D

Got my brother coming over tonight for tea whilst his gf is at work so will be cooking chicken & sweetcorn pasta bake - using a mediterian veg pasta bake sauce - lowest calorie one i could find with a salad. Also boiling up some eggs for him as he wanted it high in protein as he's back 'smashing the phys' as he says lol

Had a sneaky peek on the scales this morning :( up 1.5lbs .. :( Still, maybe i can lose that by saturday :fingerscrossed:

Thursday 14th October

B- 2egg 1 egg white omlette with 2 slices ham. Squirt of hp sauce.

*apple & ww yog
*boiled egg

L/D- chicken & sweetcorn pasta bake. Salad leaves, cucumber & little light garlic & herb sauce.

*1.5litre water
*500ml cherryade
*1 milky sweet cup of tea with 2 rich tea fingers
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Eee 1.5lbs isn't bad now is it! Food looks good today Tan :) - Enjoy your time with the bro :D xx
It bloody is bad :( Especially when i am off to a chocolate factory this weekend!!!! :rotflmao:

Although, i am officially off the alcohol - for 3 weeks atleast so see how that fairs up with my weigh ins. Guna try not to drink after the 3 weeks but that is my year anniversary of losing weight so we shall see :hmm:

Edit: Just been to the shop and bought myself a bottle of cherryade - everyone is drinking but i'm staying strong! It's in the fridge cooling as we speak ;) Only 4cals for the glass - i though it'd be a lot more than that! x
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Good for you!!! Alcohol is a big downfall for me as you know. I'm seriously impressed that you can take yourself off it for a few weeks ;):) xx Good girl!! :D:D:D
Ooooh i'm coping so far tonight! I really hope i manage the 3 weeks! I'm defo not drinking on my training weekends - even if the rest of the people decide to go out i told myself months ago i wouldnt ... does that make me a loser?! lol x

Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Has my signature dissapeared for you guys to?!!!! :(
Not at all - I think it's admirable!!!! ... I can see your signature hon! xx
I can't see your's either Jan. Have tried to get onto the site but no luck. Maybe its just a glitch somewhere - maybe back later on! :)

Just saw the pg tips advert and decided i really wanted a nice milky, very sweet cup of tea & 2 rich tea fingers! delish :drool:
The signatures are back! :p

Really not in the mood for my run today but i shall do it :rolleyes:

Friday 15th October

*B210 w3d3 - Week 3 complete :)

B- oatsosimple cinnamon porridge

*1 boiled egg & 1 boiled egg white after my run

L- meal replacement bar

*1 rich rea finger
*1 pink lady apple & cheese triangle
*1 roses sweet

D- chicken tikka masala (made with lf masala sauce) & brocolli. 4 of the bf's chips. ww yog.

*1.5litre water
*250ml cherryade
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I really admire your determination over the running Tan :) xx
So do I Jan! Few months ago I would have never done it - i'd have thought nah woke up not in the mood so i wont bother. Now i feel very guilty if i don't do it!! :giggle:

Todays run was fab. I stopped for like 10seconds to take a big gulp of water but other than that this week i've done all 3 runs without extra walking or stops!! :D Today in particular was amazing! I really picked up my speed on my way back. My mum said the other day she saw me running along as she was on the bus on her way home from work and it looked like i was almost walking (it was the last part of my run and i was dieing! lol) so today i thought nah ... i'm guna run this last 0.8 of a mile and i bloody well did!!!

So week 3 of B210k complete!!! :D Next week it's 18minute runs! :eek: Only 3 weeks left then its onto 1/2 marathon training!!!