2015 and It's Now or Never!

Evening Em,

Checking in. I thought about you at aqua fit this evening. There's we're quite a few of us mature ladies making a splash.
I want to find an old fashioned Esther Williams type swim cap. I'll be so glam.
Morning Emm

I am so sorry you are feeling so down and I am sure that Mel is right about your daughters and that they are just caught up in their lives and own family issues which sometimes keep people so busy they miss out on some of the important things in life.

Maybe a change is a good idea, though right now is possibly not the best time to make such a big decision, however you could always have a look and see what sort of sheltered / assisted accommodation is out there and also check to find out if any help is available that wasn't there last time you looked.

Hope you have a better day.

Nelli X
Morning Em,

Thinking of you.
Afternoon Emm,

Your post made me feel very sad -- I'm sure your daughters do love you. Even if you don't always get along - there is love.

My oldest sister and I are "on the outs". It doesn't mean that we don't love each other . . . she just doesn't like me very much (or, possibly, at all). Never has - I am so used to being on her "Sh!t List" . . . that I just let it wash over me. I cannot control how she treats me, I can only control how I feel about it. No one understands entirely why she does this (I'm not the only person she "shuns" -- but I am the most frequent target of her ire). I know I deserve better treatment from her -- but that is how it is. I love her very much -- don't like the way she behaves much of time -- but you can't choose your family.

Email, text or write your daughters on a regular basis. Maybe every Sunday? Try to be as positive as possible -- focus on the good (sun shining, new blossoms, etc.). Perhaps, tell them you're thinking about moving and have made a pro-con list and would like to run it by them? (Be sure to make a pro/con list.) They might enjoy helping you think it through.

We care about you. (((((HUGS)))))

Thanks Mel... My brother and one of my sisters live in this area but have made it quite clear to me that they have no intentions of ever visiting me ... no actual explanation given but I suspect it is because they own their houses whereas I am in a council flat. My other sister lives up North and is so full of her own self importance that talking to her is a very one sided event which I can well do without!
As for my Ds they are both very busy and have ailments of their own to deal with but when they do phone I always keep as cheerful as possible and ask after the families but it always seems to be at arms length.

Emm I was nearly crying with you when I reached the end of your post. I hope you are feeling a little better now. I think at present you seem completely overwhelmed with events and exhausted. I hope you investigate the possibility of a move as it may be just what you need. Thinking of you 'Mo x

Thanks Mo...I think you are so right that I have had a trail of things to contend with.
I took some strong painkillers yesterday so I have been able to have a fairly good sleep and things are looking a wee bit better today.

Emm I don't know what to say but reading your post makes me feel sad.

When my mum died 1985 my dad gave me her sewing machine and knitting needles.An older sister didn't like it that I had it but as I use to sit and sew or knit with mum he said it was only right I had them.There was friction.
Then when my dad died 1987 I found out another sister borrowed money off of him to buy a car.Not that she was on her own with kids she had a husband.This really upset me as dad didn't have a lot so why couldn't they of taken out a loan.We had a falling out over it and I haven't really spoken to her since.And that was 27 years ago.The same year as me and the youngest sister got married.

I know it's different as it's my siblings not my daughters but it still hurts that we went through that.Especially when it was such a sad time losing our parents.

Can you not talk to you daughters and tell them how you feel?

Sending hugs to you Emm.:grouphugg:

Thanks Mary, It is sad that things happen after parents have died as they are not able to have any referee on the matter. My oldest sister I discount from any subject or dealings as she was absolutely wicked to me over the years even up to when I worked with her in my 30s. (I have written about that in the early days of my blog)

As for talking to my D's I don't feel that I could achieve anything by that .. I don't get cards or presents or anything else come to that so I feel it would all be rather a sham.

I am still rather below par and it's far better for me not to go on about things too much. I hope to get back here at the end of the week.
Good morning Em' gladyou had a good sleep. Take it easy today. M
Morning Em,

I'm glad you had some rest. I hope you have a good day. I hate to admit it . . . But reading that your older sister is a cow made me feel a bit better about mine.

So, what if you're in a council flat . . . You're not homeless looking for them to take you in (but if you were they should: Genesis 4:9). I love that Chelle and her sister have reconnected and now spend Wednesdays together. Do you think if you invited your local sister around for a cuppa or asked to meet her for lunch somewhere, she might want to reconnect.

I miss my three sisters (even the eldest) -- my younger sister is in Sweden at the moment on business. She'll be there until April 20th. If DD's passport gets back and we can find a reasonable airfare -- we might fly over for a weekend. She was just here at Christmas, but that seems ages ago. I could go without DD, but she got pretty upset the last time I visited this sister without her. (I named DD after this sister.)

I need to call my other older sister -- the one with mental health issues (she is bi-polar). I haven't talked to her in awhile.

I think I'll send them all an Easter Card.
Good Evening Em hope you are feeling a bit brighter. How was your day? Thinking of you Mo :)
Morning Emm,

I'm glad you had some rest. I hope you have a good day. I hate to admit it . . . But reading that your older sister is a cow made me feel a bit better about mine.

So, what if you're in a council flat . . . You're not homeless looking for them to take you in (but if you were they should: Genesis 4:9). I love that Chelle and her sister have reconnected and now spend Wednesdays together. Do you think if you invited your local sister around for a cuppa or asked to meet her for lunch somewhere, she might want to reconnect.

I miss my three sisters (even the eldest) -- my younger sister is in Sweden at the moment on business. She'll be there until April 20th. If DD's passport gets back and we can find a reasonable airfare -- we might fly over for a weekend. She was just here at Christmas, but that seems ages ago. I could go without DD, but she got pretty upset the last time I visited this sister without her. (I named DD after this sister.)

I need to call my other older sister -- the one with mental health issues (she is bi-polar). I haven't talked to her in awhile.

I think I'll send them all an Easter Card.

Thanks Mel... I don't know anyone called Chelle...:confused:
As for my local sister she would never ever come into my house when then children were young... think it was because she was jealous as we were the first in our family to have a car and a fridge-freezer! ...and as for now she won't speak to me on the phone so it's a forgone conclusion she wouldn't want to meet up.

Evening Emm,

Hope your ok.:)

Good Evening Emm hope you are feeling a bit brighter. How was your day? Thinking of you Mo :)

Thanks Mary and Mo. Things are looking a bit brighter but I am still very tired. Pain in my back and leg has eased up a bit.
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Glad the pain has eased up a bit Emm and hope you had some sleep. After the nice sunny morning we had yesterday it looks like winter again here though I've been watching the birds building their nests for the past twenty minutes so Spring must be on it's way :)

Did you book your tickets for the Tattoo?
Morning Em,

Chelle is GothicGoddess (formerly Sadie something or other) on Minis. She is very lovely and has been very open about her family dissension and reconnecting. I think she and her sister reconnected after about 20 years. Lovely story that gives me hope with regard to my oldest sister.

Speaking of that sister - the youngest has once again extended an olive branch to her. She asked me if I would -- and I replied, "Of she does I'll accepted it, but I'm not opening myself up to be rejected." So, I do understand why you aren't trying to connect with your sister. Once burned . . .

IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) it's her loss.

It's cold here. Brrrrr. I wish it'd warm up.
Glad the pain has eased up a bit Emm and hope you had some sleep. After the nice sunny morning we had yesterday it looks like winter again here though I've been watching the birds building their nests for the past twenty minutes so Spring must be on it's way :)

Did you book your tickets for the Tattoo?

Thanks Carol, Very mixed weather here..sunny then pouring with rain but still very cold.
I bought some bins about a couple of years ago with the intention of watching the birds but have as yet even to "tune" them in!
Ticket for Tattoo booked last year and already received as is my hotel.. The Missoni! Luxury one methinks at £260 per night!! :eek: Just hope I'm up to it when the time comes!

Morning Emm,

Chelle is GothicGoddess (formerly Sadie something or other) on Minis. She is very lovely and has been very open about her family dissension and reconnecting. I think she and her sister reconnected after about 20 years. Lovely story that gives me hope with regard to my oldest sister.

Speaking of that sister - the youngest has once again extended an olive branch to her. She asked me if I would -- and I replied, "If she does I'll accept it, but I'm not opening myself up to be rejected." So, I do understand why you aren't trying to connect with your sister. Once burned . . .

IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) it's her loss.

It's cold here. Brrrrr. I wish it'd warm up.

Morning Mel.. I see about the mention of Chelle... I think there are quite a few people who's family relationships leave a lot to be desired so I'm not alone in that.
As for my sister she has always been a VERY jealous type of person and whilst I do sympathise with her to some degree as her husband is the sort who would always say.."my mum did without a fridge so why can't you?!" and that has been his attitude thro' all their life together.. but he soon got himself a driving licence when she eventually managed to buy herself a car!
I don't want to sound like some sort of saint but I can never ever remember being jealous about anything... I just don't see the point! I went for years without a car after my OH left home and would loved to have had one but to go to the lengths of getting into ridiculous amounts of debt to get one never would enter my mind.
My younger sister stopped speaking to me because I have a better printer than her.. would you believe! The fact that she still gets work that pays about £200 an hour even tho' she's now retired and she could easily afford a top model one herself.

I'm generally feeling much better today altho' the possibility of going back down the slippery slope is still ongoing...I'm visiting little at a time.
Hello Em. glad you are feeling a bit brighter today. hope you have a good day. mo x
Hello Emm. glad you are feeling a bit brighter today. hope you have a good day. mo x

Thanks for the visit Mo.

My home help came today and we had a really good laugh and chat which was great.

Now going to have a couple of hours in bed and I may well be back later this evening..
Sorry I'm not posting to anyone's diary at the mo'.
Hello Em. thats brilliant! a good chat and a laugh is just what you needed brilliant!!! hope you had a good nap. m
Hello Emm. thats brilliant! a good chat and a laugh is just what you needed brilliant!!! hope you had a good nap. m

Good to know you have had a good laugh and chat today.:)

Don't worry about not posting on others diaries.:)

Not to want to be too dismal but anyone who suffers from depression can be up and laughing like a clown one minute and then back in the doldrums the next... but I do thank you both for your kind words.
Must give my doctor a ring tomorrow and see if I should go back on the iron tablets.

Phone call from the hospital re my heart scan next Monday and to remind me of certain things that I mustn't eat or drink for 48hrs prior... anything with caffeine which includes any type of chocolate... that should be a help in stopping my weight from continuing to rise!
Just popping in to give you a ((( Big Hug ))).
As someone said to me on my fred "Life can be a reet beetch at times"
Keep talking to us Emm - we're all here for you.

And Mel - your posts were fantastic as Mo said.
Evening Em,

It wasn't too bad when I drove the twins (my teenage house guests) to school at 8:00 - but by the time I walked the dog at 10:30 the temperature had dropped a lot ... and it SNOWED here! It didn't do much but flutter down, but SERIOUSLY!?

It is still pretty cold. I didn't start going to aqua fit during the winter because cold air and wet hair don't work for me . . . However, I made myself go this evening.

Is the heart scan thing to check how well your pacemaker is functioning? You'd think they'd want to know how it works under "normal" circumstances - so, you should do as you usually do. Can you tell I didn't go to medical school? ;).

I'm glad your home help is back. Did her vacation go well? I wonder if she'd be interested in doing the garden?

I'm being a nosy Parker here . . . But what does your sister do that earns her £200 per hour? Is she an auto mechanic? ;)

Just popping in to give you a ((( Big Hug ))).
As someone said to me on my fred "Life can be a reet beetch at times"
Keep talking to us Emm - we're all here for you.

And Mel - your posts were fantastic as Mo said.

Thanks, Bev.
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