Morning Emm,
Hope the sun is shining where you are?
Sunny here but a bit chilly.It was chilly at 5am this morning when I went to work.Luckily it's only an 8 min walk.![]()
Just popping in to give you a ((( Big Hug ))).
As someone said to me on my fred "Life can be a reet beetch at times"
Keep talking to us Emm - we're all here for you.
And Mel - your posts were fantastic as Mo said.
Evening Emm,
It wasn't too bad when I drove the twins (my teenage house guests) to school at 8:00 - but by the time I walked the dog at 10:30 the temperature had dropped a lot ... and it SNOWED here! It didn't do much but flutter down, but SERIOUSLY!?
It is still pretty cold. I didn't start going to aqua fit during the winter because cold air and wet hair don't work for me . . . However, I made myself go this evening.
Is the heart scan thing to check how well your pacemaker is functioning? You'd think they'd want to know how it word under "normal" circumstances - so, you should do as you usually do. Can you tell I didn't go to medical school?.
I'm glad your home help is back. Did her vacation go well? I wonder if she'd be interests in doing the garden?
I'm being a nosy Parker here . . . But what does your duster do that earns her £200 per hour? Is she an auto mechanic?![]()
Morning Emm - just rushing out the door
Good morning Emm. How are you today? I hope you had a good sleep and feel refreshed. Im just waiting for a builder to turn up. Hope the day goes well. Mo
Morning Emm,
Hope the sun is shining where you are?
Sunny here but a bit chilly.It was chilly at 5am this morning when I went to work.Luckily it's only an 8 min walk.![]()
It's been sunny here all day.![]()
Morning Emm,
Weather not so nice here this morning.Drizzling and chilly.Last 5am getting out of bed for 11 days.
How are you feeling this morning?
Morning Emm - hope you had a good night and are feeling OK this morning. Shame about the garden - maybe you could try posting a wee ad - our village shop is a good place to find gardeners etc, so maybe an ad will work the other way and find you someone. There must be some retired gentlemen around who want to potter for a little bit of cash. I need to get into ours this weekend and get the spring plants which have been sitting on the deck for a fortnight planted - and we have a guy coming to quote for clearing the new bit of land, so all systems hopefully will be GO before the growing season gets too well under way ! all I need to do is win the lottery. Incidentally, J's friend (in the US) wife won $7000 on a scratch card this week. Lucky thing.
Have a good Friday
Good morning Emm. Hope you slept well. Weather miserable here today. Mo
Morning Emm!
Super foggy out. I almost got rear ended when j stopped waiting to turn onto road because the person behind me couldn't see my car (it's light blue -- fog colored).
Cold and windy here too - Mr Sun is hiding behind the clouds today.
Evening Emm,
Just dropping in before bed.
I think moving into sheltered accommodation is the right move.You have someone on call 24/7 and you will meet others.Take your time over choosing the right one that suits you.
I am going top see my MIL in April so hoping to get her to move asap.
Hey Emm - I haven't been about for a few days. Sorry you have been low. I hope that you feel better, I wonder if having made a decision about your move will help your frame of mind? I know it must be hard trying to let us know how you are feeling when the only people who can truly understand depression are those who have gone/are going through it. I guess even then everyone goes through it in their own way. Keep talking to us though as I am sure that's better than keeping it all inside. At least you know we all care about you even if we can't fully understand all that you are going through. Take care xx
Hello Emm. How are you? How was your day? I hope to go swimming tomorrow. fingers crossed. Mo x
Morning Emm Well done on making your decision - I am sure you can find somewhere nice that fits your criteria and it will be nice to have somewhere different.
Incidentally, that woman did NOT win $7000 on a scratch card - I was informed last night by a friend that she posted it on Facebook as part of a "joke". Can't see the point myself though I guess she must have one.
Evening Emm,
Glad your feeling better and got a little sewing job to do for someone.![]()
It's good you are feeling better. I'm sure you'll get to grips with those few extra lb now.
Evening Emm - Glad you are feeling a bit more chipper today.
Just a final thought re: sheltered housing.
As you know my mum moved to one 18 months ago. I'd been trying to persuade her to move for 5 years.
No longer was she on her own - there's was loads going on but even so, when she felt a bit lonely she would just go and sit round the table in the entrance hall and speak to everyone coming in and out. There were always 3 or 4 people sat there.
She made loads of new friends and started doing things that she hadn't done in years.
She finally apologised to me when she'd been there 6 months and said she wished she'd moved years ago.
Now she's had to move into a care home the things that really upsets her is having to leave her friends in Homebeck.
Hope Monday goes ok - I'll be awol a lot (again) as I'm heading back to blighty on Monday and won't have much internet access.
Speak soon