Thanks Sarah, yes I'm sure an hour wandering round the shops counts as a body magic session!
Thanks Meli, yes do get yourself down there, ours had in all the things from the Sale section on the Monsoon website as well as other things. Some real bargains to be had. I remember going in the Summer and all men's clothing was £5!! OH got over £200 worth of clothes for £15!
Glad you enjoyed France Lou

Thursday - green
Breakfast - banana and apple mid-morning
Lunch - leftover pasta and veg
2 pears
Snack - fibre plus bar (HexB)
11 Mikados (5.5 syns)
Dinner - quorn sausages, BNS mash and peas
Mini jelly babies (3.5 syns)
Solero (5 syns)
Total syns: 14
I plan to do some aerobics now, followed by cleaning the bathroom. That'll just leave me downstairs to clean tomorrow, so I hopefully won't wake OH