Thank you! I'm definitely going to get at least another 2lb off this week as well, I am determined

After that, 1lb a week will be more likely I reckon!!
plan for today:
breakfast - banana and mandarin
lunch - leftover pasta bake
snacks - muller light, apple, plums
dinner - chicken and spring veg risotto
Trying a new risotto recipe tonight, so saving Hexs for chicken and parmesan. I will let you know how I get on
I got a new cook book from the book club at work and am very impressed with it so far:
Healthy Eats Quick and Easy, Proven Recipes Quick and Easy, Proven Recipes Series: Gina Steer: Books
It's a smallish (but thick) paperback but it has a nice big photo opposite each recipe (which I think is a must in a cookbook) and most of the recipes are really easy to adapt to SW, if they're not already SW-friendly. I made tuna chowder from it at the weekend and chicken and sweet potato curry, and fish and rice roulades, all of which were lovely.
So I'm hoping today's risotto, tomorrow's frittata and Fridays turkey tagine are going to be just as nice!
I just find that sometimes the SW recipes (and I have 4 of the big hardback books as well as the green day and saucy secrets little books) can be a bit samey and you see the same ingredients popping up again and again. This book has been really refreshing and is inspiring me to try out some new SW meals!