Advice for the PrawnchopSuey

Hiya hun!

Well looks like we had similar self sabotaging but it doesn't look like yours was as bad as mine (hangover munchies - double whammy!!:eek:)

So, it's a new week - time to dust ourselves down and hop back on ;)

I hope you had a lovely week off and are suitable refreshed for your week ahead!

We all have downs - it's the getting back up that's the important part. We can do this - we know we can!! :D :D
I had episodes of self sabotage last monday and tuesday (the day before and day of weigh in)...... its so hard to put a finger on why it happens! But it does happen and its the getting up again that counts. You can do it, I know you can :)

I'm saying its hard to put a finger on why it happens but the last binge of mine started with eating a pack of fibre plus bars (mmmm tummy ache!) and then it all went down hill. I must not buy multipacks.

Hope you've had a lovely week off and a good day back ?
Thanks my lovelies! I think I get to the point where I am once again at my lowest ever weight and then get all smug and ruin it all.....
I had a very off plan weekend...there was vodka, and garlic bread, and ice cream....also SW lasagne so I WAS trying, honest!
Forgot to WI this morning so will face the damage tomorrow. Back on plan today though so onwards and downwards!

:) Monday - green

Breakfast - banana

Lunch - tomato mug shot, salad (lettuce, rocket, cherry toms, cucumber, sweetcorn), pear

Snack - apple

Dinner - jacket potato with baked beans and cheese (Hex A + B)
fibre plus bar (HexB)

Not a syn in sight!
Have also ordered 30 day shred as I want to feel the minimins pain!! :)
Oh. My. Goodness. Sounds like I'm letting myself in for some serious pain! I might stick to level 1....

Well, weighed in and 2lb on. Grrr. Going to get rid of them this week though :)
Welcome back!

Sounds like you had a lovely week off and weekend, and just think how much worse it could have been...

Don't worry - it's still a 3lb loss overall in 3 weeks which is good. And I'm sure you'll have no probs shifting those pesky lbs this week if you're determined.

Good luck with the shred... I was tempted to get it pre-pregnancy but am quite scared of the pain!
I have had the dreaded shred sitting in my living room for nearly a week now and haven't dared open it!! ;) :D

I have even bought the weights - I took them out of the box and they feel heavy!! so I put them back in and put the box away!!! :)

My OH says he will do it with me tonight though so I am definitely starting tonight!! Good luck! :D

PS I also had a 2lb gain due to a mixture of dodgy scales at home and a bad weekend! :( A good week coming up......
Yep, this week's going to be fab. Mine has to be as I'm off to Milan in a couple of weeks and THAT week's not going to be a loss....

I am quite scared at being shouted at while I exercise. I think that might put me off rather than motivate me but we'll see... All the amazon reviews are so good it's got to be worth a shot!

Anyway, going to the gym this evening so getting back on the wagon :)
:) Tuesday - green

Breakfast - banana and apple

Lunch - cup-a-pasta, pear

Snack - ryvita, philidelphia (HexB x 2)

Dinner - pasta, quorn bolognese and grated cheese (HexA)
raspberries with 'cream' made from fat free fromage frais, quark, creme fraiche and white chocolate options (4 syns - i made a big bowl of it on Saturday for my pavlova and it was 17 syns for the whole bowl)

340kcal burned at the gym :)
Hey, as Sarah says you've still lost 3lb in 3 weeks which is fab! A pound a week is the way to go and it all evens out :) Good luck for this week (and for the DVD!!) :)
And we will Meli!! My scales were showing the 2lbs gone this morning so let's hope I can keep them off until Monday... and maybe shake off another one for good measure.
Gym for me tonight ;)

And I know you can do it - your body seems to be really sensitive to a change in diet, you have some big old gains but nice big losses too when you hop back on the wagon :)
:) Wednesday - green

Breakfast - banana and apple

Lunch - leftover quorn bolognese with pasta, pear

Snack - ryvita and philidelphia (HexB x 2)

Dinner - spicy vegetable couscous with goat's cheese (HexA)
Raspberries and 'cream' (4 syns)

330kcal burned at the gym :)
OMG - UPDATE - not sure if you've seen the 1 syn lager thread on here - about the Crown Lager from Sainsbury's? Well, turns out after lots of people digging around it's not 1 syn afterall - it's 6!!!! :eek: I'm so sorry for telling you about it but I honestly thought that it was 1 syn! I hope you haven't been drinking loads of it!! Sorry again!!! :eek: :(
Don't worry, I saw the thread and saw that it wasn't as magic as hoped!!!
I only even had 1 can of it to be honest, there's 3 more sitting lonely at home, but I'm such a piggy I can't bear the thought of spending 6 syns on one drink.
It really did sounds too good to be true - and it was. Dammit :)
I'm not a massive drinker nowadays so I just tend to leave the lager alone most of the time. Things get trickier on a night out, but I don't get out much!!

Last night I had a blip - grrr. Was expecting the shred DVD to have arrived so was going to do day 1 and treat myself to a yummy SW dinner of quorn burger, eggs, chips and beans.
But - I got home and there was no DVD and for some reason I plonked myself down on the sofa and starting eating twixes. Grr, why do I do it? So, after 2 (28 syns!) and a ripple (9 syns), a kit kat (5.5 syns) and 2 bags of velvet crunch (9 syns) I pulled myself together and made some pasta quick sharp to stuff down me instead. Can't believe I just admitted that, what a piggy :(

I'm so silly, it's like some switch goes and I forget all about the bikini and my goals and dreams and just start cramming it in without even tasting it really. Grr.
Anyhow, line is drawn, I know that in terms of weekly syns I am still just about within limits (as that makes 59.5 syns eaten over 4 days), so am going to behave over the weekend and am still hoping for a loss come Monday...

:) Thursday - green

Breakfast - banana and apple

Lunch - leftover spicy veg couscous, 2 pears, apple, ryvita and philidelphia (HexB)

Snacks - binge as above :(

Dinner - pasta with SW carbonara sauce and cheese (HexA)

I am definitely going to the gym tonight!! :)