I've had mine every shade of auburn and brown over the years, but I'd love to go for purple some time, as it's my favourute colour. I jst wouldn't be brave enough to turn up at work with it, lol.xx
Well I did it, my first open water swim! Only did 400m think I could have done more but fear of knowing there was nowhere to put my feet down stopped me risking it.... Next week maybe. Conal loved it though bless him x
Here.... It's a lake near where we live & they kayak & jet ski & all sorts but Saturday & Sunday mornings & Wednesday nights it's just open to swim. Hubby been going since last summer but I normally just walk round the lake - well not anymore! Just realised my 1000th day on mfp will also be my birthday, double celebration!!
Are you Lincoln way? X
Yeah I'm in Lincoln honey why? Xx
Was just trying to work out how far it is lol x
From you? No idea but you ought to come for a day & meet me & Kat (she lives about 5 miles from me)
Bratford if you're local though isn't it the way they say it?