That's amazing!! Massive welldone! What would you say you done different this week? Xxx
Excited to see what number you get on the scales in the morning! Well done on the spinning class. I shy away from group exercise ...(well, all exercise if I'm honest!)...think it's a confidence thing. Always imagine myself as the fattest, unfittest one...all red in the face and struggling to keep up! Maybe if I lose some more lard I'll give it a go. x
Thanks ladies you know i couldn't do it without you x
Been out for an early birthday treat today, friend took me for lunch, had mushroom bruschetta for starter, was a small piece of bread with garlic mushrooms on followed by a small piece of gammon with probably 15 smallish chips & a fried egg. Difficult to be exact but I've guessed as best I can on mfp. Tea will only be something smallish as I'm stuffed still. She also marched me down our steep hill (which is very steep) & back up, I could hardly breathe which shocked me as I thought I was quite fit.... Clearly not when talking ten to the dozen lol
Lunch sounds lovely x x
I thought it was snickers lol? X Sent from my GT-I8190 using mobile app
Ooh, looks yummy! Stick some in the post for me will you, it's my birthday on 8th July!xx