Bluegirls journey to overweight
So where do I start, I got back from London at 10pm Thursday night, didn't venture out the front door again until lunchtime, and noticed the boot on my car was open, checked and sure enough someone had broken in. There was no evidence of damage although they have stollen a Ralph Lauren coat and some money (car park change) so I fessed up to my other half and to work that I must have left it unlocked. Doh!
I called the police, just to report it really, was feeling very stupid at this point, getting told about how careful I should be and need to take more care blah blah blah, only to be told by the police that the local car thieves now have a device to get in most cars that they have got via a lock smith. So back I go re reporting it to work, boyfriend and lease company and try to explain to them that it wasn't stupid me but clever thieves.
Friday pm, we needed some legal advice about child benefit and a residency order for my step son so we went to CAB locally as a first point of call. We were given number 51 ans 28 had just been seen. So 4 hours later we were seen. Given advice that I know must be correct (although I don't believe it myself) and told that they can't help us with the residence order (as our income is above the threshold for free legal advice) so we have to go to a family lawyer - which is great but time really is difficult while I am working away and I just wish we'd have gone straight to them, rather than sitting in a room full of people who obviously needed the help far more than us.
Friday night waited in for the police to come and take fingerprints. They didn't come
Woke to the police ringing on Saturday morning to apologise and that now there was little point coming as it had been frosty over night.
Had a row with step sons birth mother and grandmother.
Father in law admitted to hospital with a suspected TIA as his Parkinson's had deteriorated quickly. We end up ferrying mother in law and disabled brother in law to hospital afternoon and evening.
Sunday am - caught 13 year old looking at web sites that taught me a thing or two about the positions woman can get in.
Sunday afternoon escaped to Newcastle for a rest.
In diet related news all is well. I did eat some peanuts but jeeze in a previous life I would have eaten anything that wasn't nailed down.
Hope life is much calmer this week.