Highly recommend you avoid the bars except emergencies (once a month not a day)
They stall majority of people. Shakes dont seem to stall folk - i dont like them as im hungry so soon afterwards but many find them useful
Very interesting to read about the bars stalling people, as I've just looked up atkins online suggested vegetarian induction menu for 7 days and it includes 1 shake and 2 bars each day, in fact theres very little actual food on it!
Hahahaha never been compared to a giraffe before, being less than 5ft tall lol - but I got the "laugh" bit - our Susie is a foreigner ya see.
I usually have one of the choc and crispy bits bars in the cupboard in case of emergencies but try not to use them too much as they definitely do stall, but sometimes better than the alternative of course xx
Hello Busyooh it's nice over here on the Atkins forum, smells like FOOD
Hope your enjoying it my amigo xxxx
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Basically the bars were introduced by Atkins the company, after the death of Atkins the man. If you read the things he said about fake treats you can see he'd never have approved them himself.
But it makes a lot of money for the company for them to say you can do the diet and still eat 2 choc bars and a shake every day, so the stuffs all over the website. I can't imagine anyone losing successfully following their menus.
The shakes use different sweeteners to the bas and so they don't seem to stall people in the same way. Basically the bars are full of sugar alcohol which, just like regular alcohol, gets burnt off before any fat does. So they're find now and again but regularly they'll probably stall you.
Hey busy gorgeous lady, hope you're enjoying your yummmmy diet today:hug99: xx
Just popped in to say hi! Your dinner sounds scummy!
the dinner does sound tasty. I need to get more adventurous! xxx