Cas's weightloss diary x

Yeah my meals don't include any syns today, just trying to work out what I'll use them on. I still can't get my head round sw properly because I notice the cals! I think it's psychological, but next week I'm cooking chilli and spaghetti bolognaise for 2 meals so they'll be syn free and I won't need to count the cals. I'm going to try and make a weeks plan in advance x
Ive never tried chilli so I have no idea if i like it my oh and the girls love spaghetti, thinking of making some sw burgers really fancy a nice juicy burger! want to try and make more family meals that are sw friendly, this wk going to do big shop online order some fresh meat and freeze it and stock up on baby stuff too.

Hollie be 5 mths next wk, haven't started weaning her yet she takes 5 bottles of 5 oz a day, how's Naomi with feeding? I probably start in a couple wks x
Cas3 said:
Ive never tried chilli so I have no idea if i like it my oh and the girls love spaghetti, thinking of making some sw burgers really fancy a nice juicy burger! want to try and make more family meals that are sw friendly, this wk going to do big shop online order some fresh meat and freeze it and stock up on baby stuff too.

Hollie be 5 mths next wk, haven't started weaning her yet she takes 5 bottles of 5 oz a day, how's Naomi with feeding? I probably start in a couple wks x

Ah I love sw chilli with baked beans and I don't use kidney beans cos. I just use 100ml beef stock, lean mince, 2 tins beans, 2 tins tomato's, chili powder, garlic, ground cumin, paprika (not compulsory) its so easy to make hubby loves it too, oh and onions and peppers.
Naomi has about 8 bottles a day at least, 3 or 4 of them 5 oz, and 2x6 oz's. She's ready for weaning, tryin to wait til 12 weeks like Jack was. Can't believe Hollie is 5 months already! X
I might make up a small chill for myself next time I do spaghetti for family as it sounds nice.

Can't believe she's 5 mths either its gone so fast! she's a nice weight for her age, I make up 6-7oz and she only takes 5 oz, she seems to get full quite quickly so she's not underfed, her colic and wind is better since changing her formula.

Naomi's got a good appiete for her age, so we cud be weaning together! with my other 2 I weaned Emily at 4mths as that was weaning age then and Maisie was nearly 6 mths. Will you make ur own food for Naomi I usually do abit of both X
Cas3 said:
I might make up a small chill for myself next time I do spaghetti for family as it sounds nice.

Can't believe she's 5 mths either its gone so fast! she's a nice weight for her age, I make up 6-7oz and she only takes 5 oz, she seems to get full quite quickly so she's not underfed, her colic and wind is better since changing her formula.

Naomi's got a good appiete for her age, so we cud be weaning together! with my other 2 I weaned Emily at 4mths as that was weaning age then and Maisie was nearly 6 mths. Will you make ur own food for Naomi I usually do abit of both X

Yeah Naomi gets very hungry, she seems to get full physically but its not satisfying her. I'll be giving her jars, and some of my own foods mashed up. She's ready for rice now but I'm not sure how I feel about it at 10 weeks even though it'd just be 1-2 spoons. If I wait another 2 weeks then she'll be 12 weeks so its better, I just don't want her to always be hungry, but I thought try her with rice for first few weeks and won't start her on jars until 4 months x
Hv doesn't want her on hungry baby, thinks it will very likely upset her routine, especially sleeping at night and also says it usually give babies constipation. I used it with Jack when he was getting really hungry but he got constipated, and seemed to get quite grouchy, as soon as I changed back he was fine but I started him on rice. She seems alright in herself at the min though x
Cas3 said:
If she is hungry you can always offer her more formula till you start the rice.Hungry baby milk is more thicker and can be harder to digest so Hollie wudnt be able to have it either x

Yeah Naomi gets a bottle whenever she wants one, but when she's full she won't take any more bottle but she's still searching and sucking for food if you know what I mean. I've tried giving her water incase she's thirsty not hungry but she won't take it x
Cas3 said:
30th Aug 2012

2 choc fingers and tea 3 syns




I bit annoyed with myself asbout breakfast ate them without thinking im just really tired.

Today I need to do some exercise x

The night before Naomi's christening I ate a whole box of fabulous fingers, I really can't control myself around them they are amazing. Just be good the rest of the day, I don't think they'll make any difference. Wi tomorrow, good luck x
Thanks, I only had 2 cadburys fingers, usually I can't stop myself their so yummy!

Im going paralympics on sat and the coast on sunday so its going be tough wkend to follow sw, I think for those 2 days I'll just calorie count.

Im not sure about wi I was ok friday, sat was a takeaway nite, sun I was really good, mon another takeaway, tues, wed, thurs been 100 percent on plan x
Cas3 said:
Thanks, I only had 2 cadburys fingers, usually I can't stop myself their so yummy!

Im going paralympics on sat and the coast on sunday so its going be tough wkend to follow sw, I think for those 2 days I'll just calorie count.

Im not sure about wi I was ok friday, sat was a takeaway nite, sun I was really good, mon another takeaway, tues, wed, thurs been 100 percent on plan x

What sport will you be watching at the paralympics? Good luck with WI x

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