I had to be good today I was so bad on fri and sunday night, got alot of making up to do b4 friday ive only got 2 more wi's to lose 3lbs to meet my mini target!
I wasn't that good over weekend, trying again this week though, want to get some weights to tone my arms up abit, I went for first walk yesterday with teddy in carrier and pushed Jesse in pram all up and down hill it was like a mega workout haha I could hardly stand when I got to my friends lol x
I know apple dont seem alot just mornings are a rush with getting 3 kids ready for school, feeding Hollie and just getting out of the door by 8.20, will try and eat more in the mornings I usually have cereal bar wiv cuppa once I get back from the school. Never been a big breakie person I tend to eat more in evenings. Im going take ur advice try and eat a proper breakfast for a wk just to see if it makes any difference x
I'm feeling knackered its been along day, my youngest had her 12 wks injections yesterday and she's really poorly today and on top of that my eldest had sports day so a very busy day xx