Cas's weightloss diary x

Needed the cookies to make me feel better, still feel a bit rough today but its not a bug :) hope your feeling ok Donna.

B- plain choc and cuppa. 6pps

L- Turkey bacon sandwich with 50/50 bread. 6pps

D- Chicken, veg a few dry roast potatoes. 10pps

S- rice crispy bar, 2 alpen lights. 6pps

Total cals 1100 - 45 mns walking- 189 cals burnt.
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Evening all,

Been good today stayed under 1200 cals and still got snacks for later. Going try and stick under 1200 cals still Friday (wi). Meeting my friend on Wed not seen her in ages we actually exchanging late xmas presents!! so will try and be good we're probably go for coffee, what's the lowest coffee?

My head's better I just feel a bit dizzy on and off, oh is having fun upstairs trying to put a flat pack wardrobe together xx
Feel much worse today my head is killing me, been sick as well sorry tmi!

Oh is off work today so won't be able to rest as his got a bad toothache and you know what men are like when their ill! his gone to the dentist to try and get emergency appointment- I'm guessing his teeth are going cost a bit.

Not having any Breakfast but I'll probably eat normally later, don't feel sick anymore.

L- Pitta bread

D- Pasta bolognaise

S- 2 finger kitkat, choc cereal bar.

Total -1000 cals xx
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ugh hate migraines, so awful. Hope you get better soon. Food all looks really tasty.

A small skinny cappuccino is usually 60 ish or less cals, or a tea will be even less- however if you want something more exciting starbucks/costa list all their cals on the websites and both do sugar free syrups now I think :)
I almost went out to the chippy, then I was thinking ordering dominos but oh wouldn't be able to eat cos of his teeth ended doing spag bowl and yuck gone off that only ate a few bites and a slice of garlic bread.

Oh and the dentist bill is going be 450!! what bloody con!

I think going wait till next Saturday for takeaway as we got friends coming over for drinks and oh would like an Indian xx
Dentistry is sooo expensive :( but I guess teeth are so important.

Definitely a good idea to wait for the curry- best takeaway in my opinion! You can get nice pizzas from the supermarket or even make them ! I can't handle dominoes anymore its soooooo high calorie for what it is and it makes my stomach hurt! Prefer the pizza express at home ones from Sainsburys YUM:)
I was thinking it was going cost 160ish so it was a nasty shock!

Well he needed a tooth cleaning, a temporary filling then another 2 deep fillings next week and antibiotics etc, really not happy about to be honest, personally if it was me I'd rather suffer I told my oh to train to be a dentist then be rolling in it haha!

I actually do enjoy a nice goodfellas pizza with wedges/jacket potato- much cheaper. I think Chinese is my fav takeaway!


L-KFC fillet burger a couple of fries.

D-Chicken sandwich and a few wedges.

S - 2 cookies, choc cereal bar

Total cals 1297! Exercise 70 mins walking.
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Ooo cals are great and managed a KFC in that that is brilliant, Chinese is my Fav but oh likes Indian so we mainly get that
I was thinking it was going cost 160ish so it was a nasty shock!

Well he needed a tooth cleaning, a temporary filling then another 2 deep fillings next week and antibiotics etc, really not happy about to be honest, personally if it was me I'd rather suffer I told my oh to train to be a dentist then be rolling in it haha!

I actually do enjoy a nice goodfellas pizza with wedges/jacket potato- much cheaper. I think Chinese is my fav takeaway!


L-KFC fillet burger a couple of fries.

D-Chicken sandwich and a few wedges.

S - 2 cookies, choc cereal bar

Total cals 1297! Exercise 70 mins walking.
Can't believe your dentist is so expensive - is it a private practice? we have an nhs dentist and there are 3 costs £14.50 (check up) £45 (filings) £95 (extractions, root canal etc)

I could really fancy a pizza but stinky paul used the warburtons squares as wraps .... miserable sod that he is at the mo

I love take away Indian but cals are so high in chicken tikka masala and keema naan

Ooo cals are great and managed a KFC in that that is brilliant, Chinese is my Fav but oh likes Indian so we mainly get that
Chinese is good for dieters - love mushroom chowmein and extra hot singapore noodles
I usually have chicken chow mein, few chips, chicken balls, I do enjoy a Indian but its more of an occasional treat as its a lot more expensive than Chinese or pizza as if we have pizza the kids will have some too.

I think it is a nhs dentist! forget to add he needed xrays as well.

As you can see on my food, other half forced me into having the kfc!

off diet - sweet n sour prawn balls and deep fried crispy beef!!! same with us too - Indian costs about 3x pizza and twice the cost of chinese

How's Hollies birthday party plans coming along?