Finished off yesterday at 1150 cals, felt a bit hungry in evening so had a banana, much better than choc or cookies.
This morning Maisie woke up early being very sick, so going stay at home today.
B- Nu choc cereal bar and banana.
L-Pitta bread and slice of turkey.
D-BBQ chicken, jacket potato and low fat coleslaw.
S- Apple, choc cereal bar.
Total -1046 cals.
Lovely food! Poor little Maisie (this is what Meg was like yesterday but much brighter today)Finished off yesterday at 1150 cals, felt a bit hungry in evening so had a banana, much better than choc or cookies.
This morning Maisie woke up early being very sick, so going stay at home today.
B- Nu choc cereal bar and banana.
L-Pitta bread and slice of turkey.
D-BBQ chicken, jacket potato and low fat coleslaw.
S- Apple, choc cereal bar.
Total -1046 cals.
Enjoy duvet day - just hope you don't catch the bug!She's really bad with it, can't even keep water down at the moment! so we having a duvet day. Its so cold here, just ran out of gassilly me changed to prepay last year!
yum yum (I did last night)Just updating cals 1226 just had a yummy creme egg!
Thanks hun,
Its really not nice for lo's I'd rather have it than her, at least I might lose a few pounds!
I think I'm addicted to crème eggs! could do with another lol