
This is strange! Got on the scales and they're moving down (good), but what is strange is that my body fat % has dramatically reduced just this week alone!

Last week it was 38-39% today it is 26.5% Been on the scales 3 times. I've checked that it was my setting and not my 5'11" hubby Setting (which can affect the bf%. still reads the same 26.5% all 3 times. Crazy!!!! Am I that low now? Surely I can't be!!!

Week 2
Day 3

Had a headache all day long yesterday and it seems to have come back again for today. I don't take pills but I might have to if it hasn't gone soon


Pint of water x 8
Coffee x 4


cd strawberry shake x 2
Cd mint bar


ran 3 miles - 300 cals
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Hi Nikki,

WOW... that is fab on the body and fat and scales shifting. Please keep posting your food, water and fitness -- I am going to try and follow your lead. I am back up by 2 pounds according to my CDC's scales (that is after the all-inclusive break in Corfu and week of nothing in Yarmouth and here). But, I was wearing a heavy skirt and reweighed at home with and without skirt, so I think if I was in lighter clothes it would have been a STS. So, no where near as bad as it could have been... but I have not been making any progress.

Soooo, no NUTs, Snacks, etc. and I am sticking to plan and going to get in my water (first time in over a week, if I do), Steps, and so some fitness.

think i've found a problem with last week. my salad had shredded carrot in it. not allowed. which is why my 'did pick a bit but not much' 95% week didn't go well.... carrot.

can't get off the 'LOO' today. haven't 'BEEN' since sunday and now 'I AM'! :eek: would love it to mean that i was 2lbs down tomorrow. i'd love to loose 4 to 5lbs this week.

i'm upping my exercise. i feel i need more.

so it's going to look like this.

thursday (today) - run 3 miles, zumba.
friday - zumba masterclass
saturday - 3 mile run
sunday - 3 mile run
monday - waterbabies but this isn't real exercise.
Tuesday - body combat, zumba, zumba gold, zumba (lol)
Wednesday - nowt
Thursday - zumba, body pump (or gym work), Zumba
Friday - run
Saturday - nowt
Sunday - 3 mile run
Monday - 1 hr in the gym.
poorly tummy :( just keep going to the loo. got tummy pains and can't stop going. teaching zumba soon and i just hope nothing happens in class. :eek: :(
hi nicki, havent been on for ages but just came on for quick catch up. you are doing great! I'm doing ok too, dietwise and love being at home. finally started enjoying being a full time mum although do sometimes feel bad for not working. hell, i've done it for 14 years so figure i need a year or two off if i can afford it. managed to lose my gain on cd last month and just back from a fab AI holiday so just spending this week losing the gain from being a glutton last week. really in the cd zone and hoping to get to goal. anyway, hope all is well and the babies are ok. take care!
nice to hear from you leeds :) glad you're buzzing with cd again. think i've found my mojo too.
Week 2
Day 3


Pint of water x 10
Coffee x 5


cd strawberry shake x 2
Cd mint bar
soup (couldn't be bothered going to tesco for cottage cheese or tuna, had nothing in so i'm having 4 today instead)


ran 3 miles - 300 cals
zumba 400 cals aprox

feeling buzzing on cd now. it must have been the carrot that was pulling me down. i managed to get through my zumba class without diving off to the loo. i was beginning to wonder.
MinnieMel said:
Good think I set the SKY+ to record SeeHear. I caught a glimpse of DD twice. She was in the audience at the conference.


Was it Cambridge Phoenix part she was on?
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Week 2
day 4


pint of water x 6
coffee x 6


Cd shake
Cd bar x 2
cottage cheese salad

weight sts.
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W-hay nicki - you are back on it with gusto.

Have to say - just how fit are you with all that excercise???? I think you should post a picture, you must look fab.
Well done Nikki you're going great guns!! Keep with it!!
i'm upping my exercise. i feel i need more.

so it's going to look like this.

thursday (today) - run 3 miles, zumba.
friday - zumba masterclass
saturday - 3 mile run
sunday - 3 mile run
monday - waterbabies but this isn't real exercise.
Tuesday - body combat, zumba, zumba gold, zumba (lol)
Wednesday - nowt
Thursday - zumba, body pump (or gym work), Zumba
Friday - run
Saturday - nowt
Sunday - 3 mile run
Monday - 1 hr in the gym.

As ever I am impressed.

DD was on See Hear and it was just a glimpse of her in the audience. She had two long braids that day.

How did the weigh in go?

It's Monday mel. Will post in here as ever.
It's Monday mel. Will post in here as ever.


Are you trying to tell me that you've not "scale hopped"? ;)

Do post on Monday... and I know you've done well... no matter what the scales say.

I'm back on it properly tomorrow, fully committed. Wish I didn't stress so easily then let stress drive me to pick on at things. But all sorted now so I'll be able to focus again. Taking my inspiration from you! I'm off next week so no outside distractions from work.
still haven't had any 'food' yet. been really busy. took dude to nursery, ems to school, went to a supply agency to register and it took ages so much so that i got a parking ticket as my ticket ran out and there was no way of adding more time as i was still in the interview. :( £25 it's cost me for being 1hr over time. should have parked elsewhere, where they give you a coin so you pay when you leave. just taken my dad to his hospital appointment. so now it's almost 2pm and i need to have my first shake and loads more water. only had 1 pint so far but over indulged in the coffees. had 6 coffees. :eek:
Oooh, I got heartburn just hearing about those coffees.

So sorry about the parking ticket. Let's hope that you get some calls and it is an "investment".

Your daddy is lucky you are so near. I hope he is okay.

I still haven't been to tesco's for food! Just can't be bothered to go. Been so busy that when I have half an hour to spare the last thing I want to do is go to tesco. So 4 shakes again but.... I have had some naughty nuts at my parents house :(