
Congrats! One pound is a pound... you go girl!


Congrats! One pound is a pound... you go girl!



i feel like i deserve more though. like 3lb a week not 1lb.

just back from walking the dog. having chicken with cajun spices on it with salad for dinner but i'm totally starving today really really hungry! don't know why i'm so hungry today. i'm trying to think if i've done anything to knock me out of ketosis.
i feel like i deserve more though. like 3lb a week not 1lb.

You do DESERVE to loss more than a pound, but your body just does not seem to work that way. :(

just back from walking the dog.

That's good for both of you.

having chicken with cajun spices on it with salad for dinner but i'm totally starving today really really hungry!

Sounds yum!

don't know why i'm so hungry today. i'm trying to think if i've done anything to knock me out of ketosis.

It is colder and grayer today... that always makes me hungry.

Hi Nikki,

I think I am going to clean the ensuite bathroom and run myself a hot bath and read a book. I have tons to do -- but resent doing it with the houseful.

I just cleaned the bathroom from top to bottom, popping to the shops in a minute for some chicken and more coke zero.
chicken was.....
my nose is still running like a tap.
You both make me feel like a slug... I better get something accomplished today.
I think this is a really good idea...set some mini non-food orientated goals to keep us focused on something outside of "ourselves" as I always find when I go into "myself" (I mean in my head, stress city) I start obsessing with food and get hungry - even though I'm not.

So, cleaning the bathroom, tidying the toy room, scrubbing the kitchen floor, takling mount washmore....these are all tedious tasks that I hate, but are necessary and I use food, or snacking in particular to divert my attention from...

I think I need to join that get your head inside and your body will follow forum..

Anyhoo - I just had a pound off this week too, dont worry - keep on focusing on that christmas day frock :) You look fabulous anyway.
well weigh day tomorrow. thinking 1lb. anymore than that will be fabby.

only had 1 shake and 1 bar (had the bar at the cinema). after my chicken i was stuffed to where i felt sick.
day 1




weigh day today. i'm thinking just 1lb again. so sick. this is my 7th week on the diet i think and it will be 10.5lbs. i just want to know what am i doing wrong? yep i'm picking but i am exercising too.

i'm going to start 4 shakes today. loads of water. i'm cutting my coffee intake to around 3 cups a day. i think i need to slash it big time. i've read that too much coffee when you have insulin resistant pcos and it can make the insulin not function start properly. i'm thinking of popping back to the docs, see a female doc and ask them to put me back on metformin for a month and see if i see a difference in my diet. if i loose more etc. things like this make you want to deviate from the diet. i have to keep plodding on until december. i need to loose even another 7 to 10lbs. i really need to fit into my dress. i really need to loose the 21lbs. even then i would be needing to go lower.
I am not a physician with an experteese in insulin resistance BUT I am a former fellow sufferer (well probably still) of the old insulin resistance and PCOS...Going on CD last time cured me of the PCOS and I got knocked up without the need for clomid which everyone said would not be possible. Since then I have had regular periods and although I gained weight the other symptoms just went away.

What I am telling you is, I can "do" protein all day long BUT I really cant "do" any - and I mean ANY sugars, also caffine in the form of coffee (which I love) doesnt do me too well either. The long and short of it is. WE have to be very careful and the weight loss on ordinary diets is so hard because of the carbs (even small amounts affect us IR types adversely and we store glycogen much easier and quicker than your average types)


I think the answer is this....Your body needs to up it's calorific intake before training (so before the gym) so I would go for an over the counter protein shake just before your classes and stay on CD the rest of the time. Also excercising you need at least a litre and a half more water than the 2.5 Lts that the diet suggests, this is for sedentary people and is essentially the daily water we all use just breathing, sleeping and metabolising. So thats 4ltrs a day - are you doing that?
Switch your coffee for green tea - it's still got caffine in it, but its also a super antioxident, so it will flush you out.

Dont loose heart - I know my loss is really slow, but this week I am trying to sort that out.

I am not a physician with an experteese in insulin resistance BUT I am a former fellow sufferer (well probably still) of the old insulin resistance and PCOS...Going on CD last time cured me of the PCOS and I got knocked up without the need for clomid which everyone said would not be possible. Since then I have had regular periods and although I gained weight the other symptoms just went away.

What I am telling you is, I can "do" protein all day long BUT I really cant "do" any - and I mean ANY sugars, also caffine in the form of coffee (which I love) doesnt do me too well either. The long and short of it is. WE have to be very careful and the weight loss on ordinary diets is so hard because of the carbs (even small amounts affect us IR types adversely and we store glycogen much easier and quicker than your average types)


I think the answer is this....Your body needs to up it's calorific intake before training (so before the gym) so I would go for an over the counter protein shake just before your classes and stay on CD the rest of the time. Also excercising you need at least a litre and a half more water than the 2.5 Lts that the diet suggests, this is for sedentary people and is essentially the daily water we all use just breathing, sleeping and metabolising. So thats 4ltrs a day - are you doing that?
Switch your coffee for green tea - it's still got caffine in it, but its also a super antioxident, so it will flush you out.

Dont loose heart - I know my loss is really slow, but this week I am trying to sort that out.



Great advice and I am going to try and switch to Green tea (after my first few cuppas) and push the water, as well.

I tried to "rep" you, but I need to spead it arounda bit.

Happy Monday Nikki --

You already over 10 pounds off! I am impressed -- I know you've been good for so long, but that is nearly a dress size isn't it?

1.5lb lost. Down to 12st 9lb. Started at 13st 7lb back in September.
1.5lb lost. Down to 12st 9lb. Started at 13st 7lb back in September.

Hi Nikki --

That is awesome, esp. since your body fat is so low that losing any weight is going to be much more difficult for you.

How has your week started?

Well done Nikki!! Mel is right with lower body fat it will make losing slower, frustrating as it is :(
Well done Nikki!! Mel is right with lower body fat it will make losing slower, frustrating as it is :(

You made my day, Sal. I so like being right! ;)

How is your day off going? Getting anything done?

Hi Nikki --

That is awesome, esp. since your body fat is so low that losing any weight is going to be much more difficult for you.

How has your week started?


week has started well, really well. i'm going to do a ss+ week as i really need to get as much off as possible this week to give me a bonus loss but..... i'm on the verge, like 1lb away, from not being able to do ss+. so if i just can't cope then it's back to 810.

i had a talk with my cdc. i've been drinking 4 pints a day of the fizzy stuff and she's had someone else who like fizzy stuff and her losses were not good until she dropped it. so i have a plan! read on....
day 1

4 pints of plain water
2 coffees with milk
1 decaf coffee with milk
coke zero
peppermint tea

cd choc mint shake
cd banana shake
cottage cheese salad



  • drop my coffee intake as low as i can and replace it with peppermint tea
  • drop the fizzy stuff to 1 glass a day
  • keep busy so no chomping on stuff i shouldn't be chomping on
  • ss+ week, 4 shakes and milk unless i really can't cope with it (and i will know straight away)
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Another thing Julie told me to look out for was the amount of sodium in the water, it's not something I have much thought to, but it varies massively, and can affect losses too.