
yep, she mentioned this today.
i've got such a sore tummy. it's churning and gurgling. :( don't feel so good. :(:(
p.s my body fat was 24.7% this am.

B^tch! (Just kidding!)

Your plan sound fab! I am trying to cut down on my coffee intake and substitute Green Tea.

I need to work on my food -- I keep saying I should go SS or SS+, but I haven't been able to commit.

And, exercise? What's that?

You are inspriational, Nikki.

I hope your tummy improves, peppermint tea is supposed to be good for that.

Week 3
Day 2

1.5 litres of water at gym
Pint of water x 4

Cd shake
Cd soup

4 miles running (inc of interval training) 550 cals
15 mins bike 109 cals
Zumba gold (will be around) 200 cals

Body fat 24% this am! Wow!
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i'm shattered. it's almost 3pm. so far i've resisted....

eating my bar or another cd product now!

but... i have had a glass of fizzy water to ease the pain.

just finished my gold class.... only 1 lady turned up :( think i'm going to have to do a mail shot to them to get some of them back. booooooo!
Week 3
Day 2 continued....

1.5 litres of water at gym
Pint of water x 4
coffee x 3

Cd shake
Cd soup
tuna salad (it was just so necessary i was starving)
cd shake (yep i decided not to have a bar today)

4 miles running (inc of interval training) 550 cals
15 mins bike 109 cals
Zumba gold (will be around) 200 cals

total cals burnt today...... aprox 859

Body fat 24% this am! Wow!
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now do i have a bar or do i have a shake/porridge? which will fill me more? shall i leave the bars and try to have a week without them? shall i have a bar cause i've exercised loads today? decisions....

emily has started wetting herself a lot this past 4 days. started saturday. she's lost loads of toys and now has to be dry to 'earn' them back again.
i want a bar......
i really want a bar......


i'm chewing gum and i'm off to bed soon. :(
week 3
day 3

scales have dropped a bit and my body fat is now at 22.3% :eek: crazy! i was totally 100% yesterday and it was hard! very hard! i decided not to have a bar to eat and just have a shake. i will try to continue this along the week.

coffee x 3
cup of tea
pint of water x 3

cd shake
cd porridge

don't know if i'll get chance to do anything at all unless hubby will let me go to the gym tonight! just feel that i really need to go and exercise!
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emily has started wetting herself a lot this past 4 days. started saturday. she's lost loads of toys and now has to be dry to 'earn' them back again.

Hi Nikki --

Any chance she has a bladder infection?

WOW on the 22.3% -- jealous -- but you have earned it with all of your working out.

Tried to rep you for the helpful link -- but I have to spread it around!
MinnieMel said:
Hi Nikki --

Any chance she has a bladder infection?

WOW on the 22.3% -- jealous -- but you have earned it with all of your working out.


I don't think she has and I've told her she'll be going to the docs if it continues. She then says no, she's not going to the docs.

I can't believe the low body fat! It just keeps going down and down! I think this time last week it was 32%! I have massively increased my exercise this week already though. So far since Saturday.......

Zumba, Waterbabies, running, bike, Zumba on top of everything I do at home already.

Got the gym tomorrow for running and Zumba then I'm teaching Zumba Thursday pm. Friday I think I'll pop out for a run and sat I might run again, Sunday there's a zumbathon to go to. 2 hrs of exercise!

Weigh day Monday, followed by an hours gym time (more running I think)! I believe exercise stops me from eating!
Good luck Nikki you can do it!

Start Weight: 17 st 9 lbs
Goal Weight: 11st 6 lbs
Start Date: 05/10/2011
Target Date: 30/03/2012
Lose Weight for my Wedding Day!

WK 1 - Lost 9lbs
Wk 2 - Lost 5.5 lbs
Wk 3 - Lost 9lbs
Wk 4 - Lost 3.8 lbs
Wk 5 - Lost 4.8 lbs
Current Weight 15st 7lbs
Total Loss so far 2st 2lbs
week 3
day 3

scales have dropped a bit and my body fat is now at 22.3% :eek: crazy! i was totally 100% yesterday and it was hard! very hard! i decided not to have a bar to eat and just have a shake. i will try to continue this along the week.

coffee x 3
cup of tea
pint of water x 6
cup of peppermint tea and it is officially 'lush' :)

cd shake
cd porridge
tuna salad
cd choc mint shake

i had a lump of cheese when i was making the kids tea. i couldn't resist it. i was so hungry, too hungry! :(
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it's gone 8.30 and i've still 1 product to go! yikes.... better go get it down me gob 'ole :)
well, i've had a choc mint shake as my last product of the day. i've left the bars again. 3 days in a row now. no bars. i still have my 5 bars i got this week. i just really want a decent loss this week and with xmas being so close i need the next 6 weeks to give me a decent loss each time so i can get off as close to 21lbs as i can.

2 weeks and i could possibly be in the 11st range... by the skin of my teeth but still 11st 13lbs and 3/4. would just do it. just in 2 weeks time. 2 little weeks. this week and next. this week and next. this week and next.... this is what i've got to tell myself. when i see the 11st range life would be better as i know i'm almost there again! it will just be 10 more pounds to get into my dress. i know if i hit the mid 11st range i would get my dress on etc but to make it look amazing i need more.

today has been a strange day. i've been constantly on the go. got up at 6am, got ems and dude up. by 8am we were out the door to school. at 9am i was at the hair dressers getting my hair done, 9.45 i was at my mum's sorting out her stuff having my first shake. at 10.40am i was at soft play with dude. i managed to drag him out of there at 1pm. i went to teesside park to get emily some new shoes as hers as wrecked, she's trashed them. at 2pm i finally made home and my 2nd shake. i left at 3pm to go and get emily from school. then it was swimming and i was home for 5.30pm cooking tea, then my little cheese accident happened :( boooooo! at 6pm we were eating tea and at 7pm the kids went to bed. 8.45pm last shake. going to bed soon.