Total Solution DeterminedLady's TS Diary

Wakey Wakey DL, we're getting impatient here! :D Fingers still crossed for you, wishing for a good one hun :hug99: xx
Morning ladies, sorry for keeping you waiting. Sadly I've only got a 2lb loss to report :( I don't know what's going on with my body, nothing has passed my lips other than exante and tons of water but for some reason it's coming off at a snails pace. I was SO hoping for a better number :(
I lost at this speed with WW so that shows something's not right. I couldn't be more naffed off right now!
sorry to disappoint you all! Xxxx

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Awwww sorry hun, big hugs sent :hug99: xx

Personally I'm prepared to see the scales show a bit of a drop for me at any time. I think once you reach a certain age it does get harder to lose. But then again if you can lose this much with WW and not deny yourself proper food is a VLCD worth it for you? Only you can decide that for yourself hun.

But whatever you decide we're all here 100% for you :hug99:

I'm of the mindset that hey you've lost another bag of sugar, be proud woman! Go get a bag of sugar out of the pantry and feel how bloody heavy it is!! You've done fantastic. Now get back on that stallion right this minute!!! :chores016: :hug99: xXx
Look at everyone elses stats and week 3 can seems to be a bit of a bummer. A lot of people have 1 or 2lbs only that week so I think it's fairly normal that is slows down week 3, and don't think we're disappointed in you, our bodies just don't comply at times.

Same as you my friend, at this stage looking back at some of my records, I would actually be losing more counting calories, however that said, I think stopping the bars might have something to do with it. I will give it to the end of the challenge and see how it goes.

But congrats are in order 2lbs lost is 2lbs you didn't gain and I see you have arrived in the 12's as well, so plenty to celebrate. :)

I have a sneaking suspicion that Exante is actually quite high in carbs for a lo carb diet and I certainly got better results on LT, even though it tastes awful and is a bit more extreme. I am now mixing it up with a S & S day, then a LT day, then an Exante day until the bits are finished, need to do a bit of a stock take there and see how many days I have left.

Chin up, you know you've lost 10lbs in 21 days, that really quite an achievement xxxxxxxxxxxx
Aww Giggle, thank you. I'm saddling him up right now :) I'm sticking with it because i've still got a weeks worth of Exante and a week of S&S left. I might just carry on regardless and see if adding in more exercise helps. I do have Fibromyalgia and i'm seeing the doc to see if I have polycystic ovaries too so maybe it's that, because i'm only 40 (I don't think thats old?)
It's quite depressing seeing people who are considerably lighter than me losing loads every week :confused: There must be something wrong, unless next week it's all going to go 'whoosh' and drop off :fingerscrossed:
I am 39 and still feel 17, you are not old.......

Why not try a S & S week this week then and see if that gets the show moving?
Look at everyone elses stats and week 3 can seems to be a bit of a bummer. A lot of people have 1 or 2lbs only that week so I think it's fairly normal that is slows down week 3, and don't think we're disappointed in you, our bodies just don't comply at times.

Same as you my friend, at this stage looking back at some of my records, I would actually be losing more counting calories, however that said, I think stopping the bars might have something to do with it. I will give it to the end of the challenge and see how it goes.

But congrats are in order 2lbs lost is 2lbs you didn't gain and I see you have arrived in the 12's as well, so plenty to celebrate. :)

I have a sneaking suspicion that Exante is actually quite high in carbs for a lo carb diet and I certainly got better results on LT, even though it tastes awful and is a bit more extreme. I am now mixing it up with a S & S day, then a LT day, then an Exante day until the bits are finished, need to do a bit of a stock take there and see how many days I have left.

Chin up, you know you've lost 10lbs in 21 days, that really quite an achievement xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks LW, I think it's quite high carbs too- MFP shows it as the highest proportion on the pie chart. I'm hoping S&S will be more successful, but Exante is obviously not doing what I'd hoped, and it's quite an extreme diet to say the least!!
BUT saying that, I shouldn't lose perspective- 3 wks ago I was 10 lb heavier and couldn't fit certain clothes! :)

Thanks for Geeing me up girls :hug99:xxx
Aww Giggle, thank you. I'm saddling him up right now :) I'm sticking with it because i've still got a weeks worth of Exante and a week of S&S left. I might just carry on regardless and see if adding in more exercise helps. I do have Fibromyalgia and i'm seeing the doc to see if I have polycystic ovaries too so maybe it's that, because i'm only 40 (I don't think thats old?)
It's quite depressing seeing people who are considerably lighter than me losing loads every week :confused: There must be something wrong, unless next week it's all going to go 'whoosh' and drop off :fingerscrossed:

Nooo sorry, was referring to my age :ashamed0005: and expecting to lose less as time went on. I turned the big five oh last year! I didn't know your age :D

Maybe worth mentioning to your doc see what he says?
Well done DL Uve reached another milestone..... Don't b disheartened Some wks scales don't show d numbers dat we wud like to see but I bet if u took out Ur measuring tape Ud b highly surprised!!! Don't u dare go sellin those sachets.... Come on.... U paid gud money for dem Gotta b patient..... Try a tbsp of psyllium husks in water each day..... Dat works for me!!! Plus I'm a divil for d coke zero Ru fittin in 20-30 mins physical activity each day???? Don't use weights til Uve reached goal as I found in d past that they stalled my WI Here's to another super low cal wk ahead! I know dat u will b pleasantly surprised next Mday... Come on me girl... Dats only 7 days away Yes u can do it We r all here with ya!! No throwing d towel in yet!!! We have all spent gud money.... So plan Ur sachets for today... And stay on d wagon... Or horse... Hee hee
Ps weigh some large containers of water and carry how much Uve lost so far!!! Ur heart is thanking u for easing its job!!?

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Why thank you :) yes, its fab digging out all the old friends to try on again! I feel I'm losing more inches than lbs too, it suits me just fine :) I'm still waiting for someone to notice, nobody has yet... boo hoo (how rude, lol ;))

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Well done girls, the excercise is paying off see x
shoebedoo said:
Well done DL Uve reached another milestone..... Don't b disheartened Some wks scales don't show d numbers dat we wud like to see but I bet if u took out Ur measuring tape Ud b highly surprised!!! Don't u dare go sellin those sachets.... Come on.... U paid gud money for dem Gotta b patient..... Try a tbsp of psyllium husks in water each day..... Dat works for me!!! Plus I'm a divil for d coke zero Ru fittin in 20-30 mins physical activity each day???? Don't use weights til Uve reached goal as I found in d past that they stalled my WI Here's to another super low cal wk ahead! I know dat u will b pleasantly surprised next Mday... Come on me girl... Dats only 7 days away Yes u can do it We r all here with ya!! No throwing d towel in yet!!! We have all spent gud money.... So plan Ur sachets for today... And stay on d wagon... Or horse... Hee hee
Ps weigh some large containers of water and carry how much Uve lost so far!!! Ur heart is thanking u for easing its job!!?

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Hi Shoobs, thanks for that kick up the bum :) love ya!!
I'm not exercising every day~ but every other day at the mo. Because of fibromyalgia I have really tight muscles + prone to tearing so I have to ease exercise in or I end up injured. I plan to start walking more though + cycling with hubby.
I only have a week of Exante and will be selling it- sorry but it doesn't seem to be working for me :( i'm starting s&s from today so will see if there's any difference in losses. If not then I may as well join a club for a 2lb a wk loss!
You guys are doing amazing though and i'm so pleased it seems to be working for you xxxx
Aww Giggle, thank you. I'm saddling him up right now :) I'm sticking with it because i've still got a weeks worth of Exante and a week of S&S left. I might just carry on regardless and see if adding in more exercise helps. I do have Fibromyalgia and i'm seeing the doc to see if I have polycystic ovaries too so maybe it's that, because i'm only 40 (I don't think thats old?)
It's quite depressing seeing people who are considerably lighter than me losing loads every week :confused: There must be something wrong, unless next week it's all going to go 'whoosh' and drop off :fingerscrossed:

I second LW, week three it does slow right down. Regards being unsure of wether to carry on I must think that at least few times a day. It's not an easy thing to do and understandably it's gutting when you know you've lost more just cutting back. Only you can decide if it's for you.

Furthermore you are NOT old!! My mum at the age of 46 lost 4stones and has kept of for 3years. Believe me if she can anyone can, she couldnt even walk when she started the gym.

It's not good when you been TS and dont see big drops, I know how you feel but you gotta keep your chin up babe x
You pick yourself right up girly and go and do a workout x.
DD22 has just texted, we're going shopping :) bit of retail therapy will cheer me up :D
Thanks LW, Giggle, Shoobs & Busy, love you all xxxx
Ps I'm having an S&S week this week, but will stay over here with my lovely amigos xxx

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