Yesterday went really well apart from a surprise glühwein because all the christmas markets here have just opened!
Breakfast: roll, jam and marg 7
Lunch: apple and squash soup 3
Dinner: squash chips and burgers 9
Snacks: glühwein and a mince pie 11
Total: 30pp
That leaves me a grand total of 19pp for today and I am determined to stick to these 19pp. The scales were flickering between 11st10 and 11st9 this morning and I want a proper 11st9 tomorrow!
Breakfast: muesli, yogurt and fruit 7
Lunch: apple and squash soup 3
Dinner: mascarpone and tomato pasta 9
Snacks: all the fruit I can get my hands on! I might even treat myself to some pineapple from the fancy supermarket!
Total: 19pp
Plus gym this evening for weights and intervals. I did my longest all-at-once, no-walking-breaks run at the weekend, 7km and I'm so proud!