Aw yeh follow awayI've not recorded any recently because I've been busy eating lol seriously haha
Gosh! It's going quick isnt it, does it feel that quick for you? Aw bet your so excited
Thought of any names yet?
I'm alright, currently sat outside my old high school it's changed so much in the past 7 years it's so odd! Kinda feeling a bit sentimental, had the best years of my life in this building and now there's not much left of its originality, massive brand new sports centre, and a 6th form been built it's huge! Can't believe it's been 7 years, a lot has changed, and the people I were once so close to is no longer, kinda crap when you think about it! Lol life is going to quick
I need to get my diet under control I had my jest voluntary placement at another primary school today, and a 7 year old told me I had a 'bloody big bum' llittle cheeky beggar!! Thankfully I have thick skin lol
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I'm trying to get into the mind set of loosing weight, but finding it difficult because I guess, my fella doesn't have a problem with how I look and I'm comfortable? It's daft really because I'd be doing it for myself not him, Im just struggling at the mo,
He might be working away for 21 days at a time soon, and I reckon with him gone id be able to diet and do it on my own the way I did when I was at uni
Aw I hope I have a girl! I can't think of any boys names I like except; Buddy or Woody lol I like Harry too
Girls names, his sister's called poppy and I love that name, but my all time fave is Avamiddle name Grace, I like really old fashioned names lol
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Aw they're lovely names!
haha I love vintage 50's names,
I haven't had a TOTM for two months now, but I'm generally regular, I've taken a pregnancy test and nada, disheartening but reckon there could still be a possibility I could be pregnant?
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