Fat birds can't fly

Yeah, mine will be ready 8th June, I'll take some more pictures later for you :)

Isn't it exciting! Lol
It's my mother in laws pugs so I can see them more or less everyday x

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Winston is on the left, he's he fattest! Lol
And the fawn one is the mammy, Maureen lol

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Protein bar 300
Milk 247

Crackerbread 97
Ham 95
Philly 29

Chicken 93
Mash 544
Carrots 25
Apple pie 223 custard 103

Chocolate sponge 113

1867 cals
367 cals over

See I think I've over counted on some things, tea was made by my mum in law, and the spoon was bigger than the slice of apple pie that I had haha

Chocolate sponge I made, for an order and had a few mouthfuls of off cuts so maybe I have over eaten, I ended up having to bin all the off cuts of cake because I was just too tempted! Made some of it into a trifle for the fella lol used black current jelly so I don't eat it haha x

Back on it tomorrow, choices haven't been too bad today but could of been better

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Winston is on the left, he's he fattest! Lol
And the fawn one is the mammy, Maureen lol

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They are too cute!! The mum looks all sad :-( bless.

Aw I know lol bless her, she's still getting the hang of it, it's her first litter,

Day 7 on diet today, and I've jumped on the scales and I'm officially 5lbs lighter, not bad not bad! I'm on track so far :)


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Aw I know lol bless her, she's still getting the hang of it, it's her first litter,

Day 7 on diet today, and I've jumped on the scales and I'm officially 5lbs lighter, not bad not bad! I'm on track so far :)


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Wow well done hun!! Keep going and youll be a slinky minky by holiday! Xxx
aww they are so cute!!
how funny that she had black babies rather than fawn!
youre really lucky that u get to see them everyday! xxxxx
Aw the daddy is a black pug, so his genes must be dominant :-D

This is him being naughty on the kitchen table! Lol Mr Keith haha

He's ace, I hope ours turns out like him,

Today food wise I didn't do toooo bad

Ww thick 142
Philly cheese 29

Ww thick 142
Fish fingers 183
Ketchup 20

Chicken 162
Stuffed pepper with brown rice, onions, pepper, sesame seeds, paprika and soy sauce


Ham 190
Banana 61

Chocolate home made trifle, oops! I had two helpings oops oops!! 404?

1674 cals

174 over

100 cals burnt dog walking :)

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Turns out we're going Florida now, in June ahhh, i have set myself the target of 12 stone, which will be a total weight loss of 2 stone 10lbs, well now its 2stone5lbs, I reckon it's doable,

Hopefully booking it tonight, all being well my boss can give me the time off, if not ill hand in my notice lol I just hope to of passed my qts maths before June


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Eeekk!! Pressure is on! How come you changed your mind hun?
It's only 700 for two weeks in June, soo cheap! Whereas Vegas is like £1300 per person, so we'd be crazy not to really x

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It's all booked!! Ahhh 7th June I'll be on that plane to sunny humid hot Florida :-D hello Popeyes chicken! Lol

Today's food has been good

Ww thick 142
Philly cheese 29

Ww thick 142
Eggs 104
Beans 182

Canelloni pasta 156
Ham 190
Onions 25
Mince meat 200
Tomato purée 6
Tomatoes 17
Cheese 124

Trifle 202

1519 cals
19 over

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I love the name of this post and the food diary is great!

Will be pinching some ideas if thats ok!
I love the name of this post and the food diary is great!

Will be pinching some ideas if thats ok!

Yeah no problem! :)

Aw thank you lol

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I had an odd day today, I didn't have any breakfast

Mince meat 200
Tomato purée 6
Tomatoes 22
Onions 25
Canelloni pasta 156
Cheese 124

Lean beef 237
Quinoa 187
Onions 24
Sweetcorn 60
Small potato 65
Trifle 202 I swear this trifle has finally gone now! Lol

Yogurt 144
Baby bel 73
Tsp Nutella 35

1563 cals
63 over

Not a bad day, not the best lol we have literally no food in the house, I'm using up the last of literally everything lol


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Ambrosia tapioca is actually amazing :) lol

Low fat too! Ahh I'm well enjoying this diet, didn't think I could fall back into routine as quickly, I've spent ages off the wagon, my body doesn't feel bloated or icky I feel great! :)

America is June! Ahhhh 49 days 14 hours 6 minutes 30 seconds lol

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I saw Winston tonight, he's a fat little bugger lol curled up on my hand :) sooo cute, they're a week old on Saturday x

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I am really racking my brain with this QTS maths test, ***** ****** it is hard! The pass mark is 18/28 and I'm averaging at 16-17 so I'm not far off, but I think I need an average of 20 to determine the pass,

I'm revising like a nutter, I have yet to book it, I'm scared of booking it until I feel completely confident that I can ace the questions online :-/ I struggle with doing things quickly, and understanding what the question is actually asking lol

Anyhow today food;
Ww brown bread 142
Philly lightest 29
Muller Greek 73

Tangerine 30
Cereal bar 88
Baby bel 73

Dinner was wishy washy, I had to leave for work at a stupid time so it was grab and go!

Chicken 162
Basmati brown rice 216
Sharwoods tikka sauce 208
Ambrosia tapioca 144

Semi skimmed milk 37
Go ahead crisp bar 147
A bite of rock lol (my mum lives in Blackpool, I have a cupboard full its bonkers hah) 110?

1461 cals
39 under

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Sooo next week, I have more blood tests :-/ and then on the Thursday I'm going for my scan, or more to be probed, I am NOT looking forward to that I must say,

Anyhow it's my birthday on the 30 April :) I'm looking forward to cake! Lol chocolate cake to be exact, and a nice meal out somewhere I reckon, then maybe sit like a slob with pic n mix in front of the tv watching films all day :) that's the only day I plan on breaking my diet, come next month I'm gonna lower my cals to 1200 per day, the only time I'm getting a bit zapped of energy is on a long shift at work when it's busy, so hopefully starting at 1500 has given my body a chance to get used to lack of food


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