So I'm writing today off food wise
Written off,
Food was ok and I had my in take after I'd finished my tea,
Until I decided to eat a full bar of 200g cadburys chocolate *vom* I actually feel sick now, I even went on to eat 5 cracker breads, cheese and flora ! Fatty
Tomorrow I'm back on track,
I cried all the way home from the hospital :-( felt rubbish, and all that went through my head was 'what if I can't have babies'
What made is worse was being in that ultrasound bit, and all these pregnant ladies coming out happy with their scan pictures of their babies :-/
I don't want to go back on any kinda medication, but I guess if it will help then I'll have to, also google is the devil's work! I should not google things it came up with all sorts from diabetes to cancer, I scared myself !!
Anyhow, I'll take things as they come, I've told other half I wanna get this weight off now, it will help with my condition a hell of a lot,
I have to concentrate on my future and my next step is qts maths, I've also said to other half I wanna start trying for a baby start of next year, I guess now my chances are probably limited, I gotta get in all the practise I can
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